Dr Sayeed Ahmad
Abdomen :-
Colicky pains after smoking :- Bufo.
Pain in bowels, better after smoking :- Coloc.
Heat in abdomen rises into chest, rest of body chilly, after smoking :- Spong.
Adiction :-
Nicotine :- Aven., Calad., Ign., Nicot., Nux-v. Tab.
Aggravation :- Acon., Act-sp., Agar., Alum., Ambr., Ang., Ant-c., Arg-n., ARS., Bell., Bry., Calc., Camph., Carb-an., Chin., Cic., Clem., Coc-c., Coloc., Cycl., Euphr., Ferr., Hell., Hep., IGN., Iod., Ip., Lach., Mag-c., Meny., Nat-m., NUX-V., Par., Petr., Phos., PLAN., PULS., Ran-b., Rhus-t., Ruta, Sabad., Sabin., Sars., Sel., Sep., Sil., SPIG., SPONG., STAPH., Sul-ac., Sulph., Tarax., Thuj., Ver.
Smoking, from :- Alumn., Chin., Dor., Gels., Lac-ac.
- From Tobacco:- Abies-n., Arg-n., Ars.,CALAD., China-a., Coca, Con., Ip., Lach., Lob-i., Lyc., Nicot.,NUX-V., Phos., Plan., Scut., Sep., Spig., Staph., Stroph., Thuj., Ver.
- Angina pectoris :- Nux-v.
- Anxiety from smoking tobacco:- Petr., Sep.
- Appetite, lost, diminished, wanting from tobacco:- Sep.
Asthma:- After smoking:- Asc-t., Calad., Lob-i.
- To smoke :- Ant-t., Arn., Brom., Calc., Carb-an., Casc., Cocc., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Puls., Spig., Tarax.
- Bitter taste :- Ang.
- Smell, cannot bear (gastric sick headache) :- Lob-i.
- Smoke, to, in evening :- Arg-n.
- Smoke does not taste well :- Hyper.
- Smoking without relish :- Ars-h.
Bad effects :-
- From Tobacco:- Ars., Carb-v., Coca, Ip., Lach., Lyc., NUX-V., Phos., Plan., Sep., Tab., Thuj., Ver.
- Chewing, from :- Ars. Cab-v., Lyc., Nux-V.,Plan. ,Sep., Tab., Ver.
- Better from :- Bor., Coloc., Hep., Merc., Nat-c., Sep., Spig.
- Better from tobacco:- Bor., Coloc., Hep., Merc., Nat-c., Sep., Spig.
- Smoking better :- Merc.
- Toothache better by smoking:– Aran., Merc., Nat-c., Nat-s.
- Bladder, strangury and retention of urine :- Op.
Belching:- After smoking, alternating with hiccough:- Agar.
Breathing :- Aggravation, after smoking :- Op.
Asthma, after smoking :- Asc-t., Calad., Lob-i.
Cancer, lips:- Acet-ac., Ars., Ars-i., Aur., Aur-m., Camp., Carb-an., Caust., Cic., Cist., Clem., Com., CON., CUND., Hydr., Kali-chl., Kali-s., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Phos., Phyt., Sep., Sil., Sul., Tab., Thuj.
Epithelioma:- Cic., Con., Hydr., Lap-a., Sep.
Lower:- Ars., Clem., Merc-I-f., Phos., Sep., Sil.
Pressure of pipe:- Con., Sep.
Ulcers:- Ars., Aur-m., Carb-an., Clem., CON., Kali-bi., Lyc., Phos., Phyt.
Cancer, Palate:- Aur., Hydr.
Hardness with:- Hydr.
Cancer, Throat :- Carb-an., Led., Tarent.
Cancer, Larynx:- Ars., Ars-i., Bell., Carb-an., Clem., Con., Hydr., Iod., Kreos., Lach., Morph., Nit-ac., Phos., Phyt., Sang., Thuj.
Cancer, lungs:- Ars., Calad., Cob., Con.,Phos.
Cancer, smoking from:- Ars., Calad., Con., Phos.
Cancer, Tongue:- Alumn., Apis., Ars., Aur., Aur-m., Benz-ac., Calc., Carb-an., Caust., Con., Crot-h., Cund., Hydr., Kali-chl., KALI-CY., Kali-i., Lach., Mur-ac., Nit-ac., Phos., Phyt., Sep., Sil., Sul., Thuj.
Chest, Lungs:-
Ascending; respiration short, impeded, difficult in those engaged in athletic sports; ascending mountains, or in those using tobacco, alcohol, Opium or hashish to excess:- Coca
Chewing, bad effects:- Ars., Carb-v., Lyc., Nux-v., Plan., Sep., Tab., Ver.
Convulsions:- Tetanic, from swallowing:- Ip.
Cough:- Convulsive:- Lac-ac.
- Aggravation from tobacco smoke:- Brom., Coloc., Nux-v.
- Attack of cough after smoking:- Agar., Arg-n., Bry.
- Smoke excites cough:- Staph.
- Causes and aggravates:- Iod.
- Dry cough (Evening) from tobacco smoke:- Thuj.
Desire:- Wants to do nothing but smoke all day :- Eug.
- Smoking unpleasant first day, but after first week a crazy, insatiable desire to smoke does not allow pipe to cool:- Lyss.
- Desires snuff:- Bell.
- Diarrhoea:-
- After smoking:- Cham.
- As if it would set in after smoking:- Bor.
Disgust:- Disgust for tobacco, remedies to stimulate:- Arg-n., Ars., CALAD., Calc., Calc-p., Camph., Caust., Con., Ign., Lach., Nicot., Nux-v., Petr., Plan., STAPH., Stry., Sul., Tab.
Drunkenness:- Feeling of drunkenness after smoking:- Asc-t.
Dyspepsia from tobacco:- Acon., Ant-c., Arn., Ars., Bry., Cham., Chin., Clem., Cocc., Coloc., Cupr., Euph., Ign., Ip., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Plan., Puls., Sep., Spong., Staph., Ver.
Ear:- Pain in ear from tobacco:- Raph.
Eructation:- Eructations from tobacco:- Sel.
After smoking, alternating with hiccough:- Agar.
Eyes:- Loss of vision (Blindness) from tobacco:- Ars., Nux-v., Phos.
Weak sighted, after smoking:- Asc-t.
Pressure after smoking:- Calad.
Diplopia:- Plb-ac.
Extremities:- Trembling of hand from tobacco:- Nux-v.
Face:- Pain in face (Aching, Prosophalgia) from tobacco:- Ign., Sep.
Feet:- Smoking causes cramp in soles:- Calad.
- Fever from smoking tobacco:- Cic., Ign., Sep.
- Fever from abuse of tobacco:- Bell., Gels., Ign., Ip., Nux-v., Phos., Sec.
Fingers:- Itching after smoking when lying down:- Calad.
- Congestion; from tobacco smoking:- Ars., Ign., Mag-c.
- Heat; in head from tobacco smoking:- Mag-c.
- Occiput; pain in head, worse from cold, from smoking; snuffing or
- Smelling tobacco:- Ign.
Relieved; headache; by tobacco smoke:- Aran.
Headache from smoking:- Acet-ac., Acon., Alum., Ant-t., Bell., Brom., Calad., Calc., Caust., Clem., Cocc., Coc-c., Ferr., Ferr-i., Gels., Glon., IGN., Lob-i., Mag-c., NAT-A., Nat-m., NUX-V., Op., Petr., Plan., Puls., Sil., Spig., Thuj., Zinc.
Heart:-Irregular, tumultuous palpitation with irritable heart in tea and coffee drinkers and tobacco smokers:- Agar.
- Tobacco heart:- Stroph.
- Symptoms of circulation worse after smoking:- Spong.
- Palpitation:- Acon., Nux-v., Phos., Spong. Thuj.
- Slow soft pulse:- Apoc.
- Heart distress:- Spig.
Heartburn:- Heartburn from tobacco:- Chel., Staph., Tarax.
- After smoking:- Calen., Ign., Puls.
- During smoking:- Puls., Sang.
Impotence:- Impotence from tobacco:- Lyc.
Insomnia :- Nux-v.
Intoxicated:- Feeling intoxicated after smoking:- Asc-t.
Lachrymation:- From tobacco:- Kali-bi., Raph.
Larynx and Trachea:-
- Pain in larynx from tobacco smoking:- Bry.
- Tickling in the air passages:- Acon.
Legs:- Weakness, from smoking:- Clem.
Smoking causes dryness:- Chlor.
Peeling inside of lips, after smoking:- Agar.
- After smoking:- Agar., Brom., Calad., Calc., Calc-p., Clem., Ign., Kali-bi., Lob-i., Nux-v., Spong., Tab.
- Nauseous taste, from smoking:- Puls.
- With aversion to smoking:- Carb-an.
- Nausea and aversion to tobacco smoking:- Ars., Carb-an., Ign.
- Sudden nausea after smoking:- Agar.
- Nausea in morning from tobacco:- Nux-v.
- Nausea goes off by smoking:- Eug.
- Nervous depression:- Ars., Coca, Gels., Nux-v., Sep.
- Nervous; after excessive use of tobacco:- Plan.
Neuralgia:- Neuralgia from tobacco:- Plan.
Nose:- Irritation; snuffing tobacco, from:- Spig.
Paralysis:- Paralysis from abuse of nicotine:- Nux-v.
Pregnancy:- During pregnancy cannot bear odour of tobacco:- Ign., Nux-v.
Prostatorrhoea:- Worse after smoking:- Daph.
Respiration:- Aggravation; tobacco: Aloe, Tarax.
Restless:- After smoking cannot control himself:- Calad.
- Sensitive to smell of tobacco:- Agar., Ars-h., Asc-t., Bell., Casc., Chin.,IGN.,Lob-i., Lyc., Lyss., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Sol-n., Tab.
- To smell, tastes snuff while box is one foot distant:- Lyss.
- Cannot bear the smell of tobacco:- Ign., Lob-i.
Skin:- Secretions, charged with odour of tobacco:- Tab.
- Sleepiness; if he smokes tobacco:- Bufo.
- Insomnia: Nux-v.
Smell:- Illusions of, tobacco:- Puls.
Smoke:- Aggravation from tobacco smoke: Acon., Cic., Cocc., Ign., Staph.
- Aversion to:- Spig.
- Desires:- Bell.
- Gastro-intestinal symptoms worse after chewing:- Ars.
- Stomach pain from tobacco:- Chel.
Stool:- Smoking causes urging to stool: Calad.
Sweat:- Sweat and trembling after smoking:- Nat-m.
- Bitter:- Cocc.
- Bitter after smoking:- Asar.
- Bitter when smoking:- Chin.
- Bitter, rough, after smoking:- Casc.
- Scratchy, bitter in mouth and fauces:- Spong.
- Sour:- Staph.
- Biting, on tongue:- Coccin.
- Tasteless:- Ant-t.
- Pasty:- Staph.
- Smoking, tasteless:- Ars-h.
- Offensive:- Camph.
- Sweetish:- Sel.
Thirst:- Violent, after smoking:- Spong.
- Particles of tobacco were stuck in throat:- Raph.
- Burning and acidity from cardia:- Chel.
- Smoking makes dry, and he does not enjoy it:- Ver.
- Chronic inflammation in smoker:- Nat-m.
- Granular sore-throat:- Calc-p.
- Scraping:- Osm.
Tobacco Habit:- To wean oneself from tobacco habit:- Plan.
- Stitches; tobacco, as from:- Agar.
- Back; biting; tobacco, as from:- Ol-an.
- Forepart; biting; tobacco smoke from:- Ign.
- Worse chewing or smoking:- Bry.
- From smoking:- Bry., Cham., Chin., Ign., Merc., Nux-v., Spig.
- Better by smoking:- Aran., Bor., Merc., Nat-c., Nat-s.
- Worse by smoking:- Bry., Caust., Clem., Ign.
- Better painful jerks in nerve of a hollow tooth:- Spig.
Urine:- Odour; tobacco like:- Nit-ac.
Vertigo:- As from tobacco:- Rhod.
- Vomiting from tobacco:- Ip.
- After smoking:- Agar., Calad.
Weakness:- From smoking:- Calad., Clem., Hep.
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