Case taking & Repertory

Materia Medica

Homeopathic Materia Medica

The Pulsatilla lady’s statements

Dr Divya K P ABSTRACT: Pulsatilla nigricans, a Homeopathic remedy, is characterized by a personality that seeks Emotional fulfillment and thrives on gentle, nurturing interactions. Individuals embodying the Pulsatilla character are often tender, affectionate, and […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Heading towards the tales of sepia

Shivani Shivaputra Ghodekar Sepia officinalis is also referred to as Cuttlefish. Typically found in the Mediterranean Sea. The ink was made using pure pigments. Cuttlefish ink has long been used as a pigment in painters’ […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

The intriguing world of insects in Homoeopathy

Dr Pavankumar R Kollurkar Dr  Srinath Rao C ABSTRACT Insects are always described under the sub-heading’s Restlessness, competitiveness, complex, teasing, industrious, ambitious, over sensitiveness, fragile which are quite characteristic to it. This article is an […]


Study Materials

Triads and Pentads in Medicine

Practice of Medicine

Compiled by Dr Nupur Triad of Alports Syndrome Sensorineural deafness Progressive renal failure Ocular anomalies Triad of Behcet’s Syndrome Recurrent oral ulcers Genital ulcers Iridocyclitis Beck’s Triad Muffled heart sound Distended neck veins Hypotension Charcot’s Triad […]

MCQs in Cardiology

Practice of Medicine

MCQs in Cardiology  1. Following is the largest protein molecule. a. titin  b. actin  c. myosin  d. troponin  e. tropomyosin ans…a.titin titin (connectin)—— myofibrillar protein longest gene is for cardiac  dystrophin. 2.The following finding differentiates […]

Practice of Medicine final preparation

Practice of Medicine

Practice of Medicine final preparation Dr Anil BHMS Senior Medical Officer Br Sur Hmoeopathy Medical College. Delhi E.C.G. P wave (represents atrial depolarization): Duration: < 2.5mm (0.10 sec.). PR interval: 0.12-0.20 sec (3-5 squ.). Q […]



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