Book review by Dr Mansoor AliÂ
Full name : 1001 Small Remedies
Extracted from Synthesis.5
Edited by : Dr.Frederik Schroyens
Published by : Homoeopathic book publishers London
Ist edition : 1995
Pages : 1504
Gradation . First grade : Normal font
Second grade : Italics
Third grade : Bold
Fourth grade : Bold & Underline
#. The remedy is present in the symptom until the sign”I”
#. The number following the symptom indicate the rubric size
means number of medicines in the rubric.
Some new & rare remedies
Adlumia fungosa
Agare tequilna
Agrostema githago
Amphisebina vermicularis
Aqua pactra
Brucea antidysentrica
Fel tauri
Paronychia illecebrum
Per hexilinum
Pulmo anaphylacticus
Rajania subrasamrata
Special Features
Extracted from the synthesis version 5
Have the same features as in synthesis presented in another form
This book contain most interesting and unknown information about the Homoeopathic remedies. So this will be found complimentary to any existing book.
This is a new form of presenting Homoeopathic information, presenting all information as concisely as possible. The greatest innovation of this book is the compactness of the symptoms.
Highly useful for reference purposes.
It is not a materia medica or a Key note.But information about rare & unknown remedies in crude form
All the symptoms are enumerated without special emphasis so it is merely a tool
Don’t contain all symptoms of every remedy in Synthesis
Remedies having one or few symptoms excluded, because their picture is not yet clearly profiled.
The author references are not mentioned, they can be found in synthesis.
Difficult to study and remember
Cost is too high
Source of preparation is not given.
About index
The remedies are sorted alphabetically in their official name.
Synonyms are also included
The index enumerate all the remedies presented in this book
Remedy abbreviations are as same as in Synthesis.
If the remedy name is followed on the next line by an arrow and another remedy name, we have to consult the later remedy to find the symptom.
The “(Old barr)” mark indicate the symptoms of different substances included under one heading.
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