The good teacher is more than a lecturer- the 12 roles of a medical teacher

Teachers3The good teacher is more than a lecturer- the 12 roles of a medical teacher

This AMEE Education Guide was first published in Medical Teacher: Harden R M and Crosby J R (2000).

R M Harden is Director of the Centre for Medical Education and Teaching Dean in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing at the University of Dundee. He is also Director of the Education Development Unit (Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical & Dental Education), Dundee, UK

Joy Crosby is Lecturer in Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, University of Dundee, UK

Medical education has seen major changes over the past decade. Medical Teaching is demanding and complex task. This guide looks at teaching and what it involves. Implicit in the widely accepted and far-reaching changes in medical education is a changing role for the medical teacher.

Twelve roles have been identified and these can be grouped in six areas in the model presented:

  1. The information provider in the lecture, and in the clinical context
  2. The role model on-the-job, and in more formal teaching settings
  3. The facilitator as a mentor and learning facilitator
  4. The student assessor and curriculum evaluator
  5. The curriculum and course planner, and
  6. The resource material creator, and study guide producer.

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