12th Five Year Plan – Health Sector and AYUSH

Please read the Social Sector chapter of 12th Five Year plan (including health) which was placed before the National Development Council (NDC) on 27th December 2012.

The NDC meeting approved the 12th Five year plan document.

Govt. of India offers wide perspective for the growth and development of AYUSH including Homoeopathy in 12th five year plan. We have to utilize it effectively


  • Budget Support for Departments of MoHFW in   Twelfth Plan (2012–17) :  268551Cr –  322% increase
  • Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) : 10044 Cr   – 335% increase

Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (Ayush)
20.17. Against the Eleventh Plan objective of ‘mainstreaming AYUSH systems to actively supplement the efforts of the allopathic system’, 40 per cent PHCs, 65 per cent CHCs and 69 per cent District hospitals have co-located AYUSH facilities.

Though considerable progress has been made in documenting identity and quality standards of herbal medicines, scientific validation of AYUSH principles, remedies and therapies has not progressed. Similarly, though the National Medicinal Plants Board has supported many projects for conservation, cultivation and storage of medicinal plants, only 20 per cent of the 178 major medicinal plant species traded as raw drugs are largely sourced from cultivation. Nine AYUSH industry clusters through Special Purpose Vehicle having common facility centres for manufacture and testing of AYUSH medicines are being set up in eight States. While AYUSH sector has considerable infrastructure, it remains under-utilised. 

National Health Mission (NHM)
20.101. The Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech, 2012 had declared: ‘After the success of the National Rural health Mission, we now want to expand the scope of health services in our towns also.

The National Rural Health Mission will be converted into a National Health Mission (NHM) which would cover all villages and towns in the country.’

20.169. Practice and promotion of AYUSH in the States would be carried out under the broad umbrella of the National Health Mission. A revamped National Programme Coordination Committee of the National Health Mission with Secretaries of all the departments under the MoHFW as members would provide the funding and programme guidance for convergence and main-streaming of AYUSH in the health care system.

20.170. States would be encouraged to integrate AYUSH facilities, and provide AYUSH services in all facilities offering treatment in modern systems of medicine. The goal is to ensure that all Government health care facilities offer suitable AYUSH services as per laid down standards.

20.171. In addition, the concept of AYUSH Gram will be promoted, wherein one village per block will be selected for implementation of integrated primary care protocols of AYUSH and modern system of medicine. In these villages, herbal medicinal gardens will be supported, regular Yoga camps will be organised, preferably through PRI institutions and youth clubs, and the community provided basic knowledge on hygiene, promotion of health and prevention of diseases.

Strengthening Ayush
20.172. The strengths of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy, if suitably used, can help advance the goals of the Twelfth Plan. AYUSH systems would be main-streamed using their areas of strengths namely in preventive and promotive health care, diseases and health conditions relating to women and children, older persons, NCDs, mental ailments, stress management, palliative care, rehabilitation and health promotion.

20.173. Every element of health system strengthening and development, particularly use of IT, is equally applicable to AYUSH systems and would be pursued. What follows are additional measures tailored to unique opportunities and requirements of AYUSH systems.

20.174. The National Health Policy of 2002 set an objective, which involved a re-orientation and prioritisation of research to validate AYUSH therapies and drugs that address chronic and life style-related emerging diseases. Cross-disciplinary research and practice requires standardisation of terminologies of classical therapies, and development of Standard and Integrated Treatment Protocols. These would be developed based on core competencies and inherent strengths of each system, and comparative efficacy studies. National Health Programmes shall use such composite protocols.

20.175. To take this ambitious research agenda forward, all five Research Councils of AYUSH will pool resources, particularly human resource, clinical facilities and information, to avoid duplication. For this to happen on an institutionalised basis, a common governance structure for the five Research Councils would be put in place.

20.176. The documentation of traditional knowledge associated with medicinal plants is very important not only to preserve it for posterity but also to contest bio-piracy and bio-prospecting. This will be continued.

Human Resources Development
20.177. Cross-disciplinary learning between modern and AYUSH systems at the post-graduate level would be encouraged. Details of modification in syllabi that would be required at the undergraduate level, in order to make such cross-disciplinary learning possible, would be worked out by a team of experts from the different Professional Councils. Collaboration between AYUSH teaching colleges and with medical colleges for mutual learning would be encouraged.

AYUSH Chairs in Medical Colleges of the country would be encouraged to provide the necessary technical expertise to jointly take up research, teaching and patient care. Orientation of medical students and doctors about basic concepts, applications and scientific developments of AYUSH in order to dispel

ignorance and foster cross-system referral would be encouraged. Relevant AYUSH modules would therefore be incorporated into medical, nursing and pharmacy course curricula and in the CME programme for medical practitioners.

Practice and Promotion Of Ayush
20.178. The Department of AYUSH would develop standards for facilities at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels as a part of IPHS; Standard Treatment Guidelines and a Model Drugs List of AYUSH drugs for community health workers will be developed.

All primary, secondary and tertiary care institutions under the MoHFW, State Health Departments and other Ministries like Railways, Labour, Home Affairs and so on, would create facilities to provide AYUSH services of appropriate standards.

20.179. As longevity increases, geriatrics as a discipline would need greater attention. AYUSH therapies have strengths in restoration and rejuvenation. To bring together the best of care for the elderly that AYUSH systems have to offer, and to develop it further using modern scientific methods, a National Institute on Geriatrics (through AYUSH) will be set up. 

20.180. In view of the growing incidence of metabolic and lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension and considering the strengths of AYUSH systems in their prevention and treatment, a National Institute on Metabolic and Lifestyle Diseases will be established.

20.181. In view of the growing problem of drug abuse, and increase in use of tobacco, and the potential of AYUSH therapies and practices, particularly of Yoga, for disease prevention and health promotion, a National Institute for Drug and Tobacco De-addiction will be established. Each of the three national institutes would be equipped with postgraduate education and research facilities and house advanced hospital facilities in all disciplines of medicine. These institutes would conduct and promote interdisciplinary research in their area, advance frontiers of knowledge on prevention and condition management, teach and promote evidence-based use of AYUSH systems, and are expected to emerge over time as global centres of research, care and education. 

Regulation and Quality Control 20.182. Systems for quality certification of raw materials, accreditation of educational programmes, health services and manufacturing units and products would be promoted in the Twelfth Plan. This would achieve both minimum standards through regulations and laws, as well as, excellence through a voluntary scheme of accreditation. The existing practice of a common legislation, and regulatory systems for AYUSH and modern medicines would be further strengthened, with mandated representation of AYUSH experts at all levels. Modernisation of pharmaceutical technology, in order to standardise the use of natural resources and production processes that are used by AYUSH, will be taken up as a priority in the Twelfth Plan period.

Source :   http://planningcommission.nic.in/plans/planrel/12thplan/welcome.html  (Download Social Sectors Volume 3)


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