Practice of Medicine

Common Viral Fever Epidemics in India

Dr.Suja Pillai, Dr.Aji Punnen, Dr.Rumsheed Necholi    PG Scholars, Govt. Homeopathic  Medical College. Calicut Moderator : Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali . Lecturer, GHMC Calicut Key words : Common Viral Fever Epidemics in India,Dengue fever, Dengue Haemorrhagic fever Japanese encephalitis,s Swine […]


Hidden Truth- SWINE FLU.

Dr Radhakrishnan nair Its seems true !!. Swine flue is propaganda by Multinational allopathic pharmaceutical companies to sell their products in India. 1) Swine flue is the disease originated in Mexico Latin America where large […]

Homeopathy Articles

Relevance of homoeopathy in modern times

Dr Neelima singh Mahatma Gandhi said-”homoeopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently”. With more and more patients developing resistance to the so called prescribed specific wonder treatment find themselves […]

Homeopathic Education

Homeopathy scholarships

The Indian Government has offered 10 scholarships to Sri Lankan students to follow Homeopathy Medical Degree at the National Homeopathic Institute in Calcutta, West Bengal. Prospective students should have passed the GCE (A/L) examination with […]