Homeopathy Articles

Cheaper Medicine vs Cheap Homoeopathy

 Dr Ravi Singh Whenever I attend a scientific homoeopathic conference or Hahnemann’s Birthday celebration our chief guests, ministers and dignitaries on stage says that homoeopathy should be promoted because it is cheaper than allopathic medicine. […]

Events in Homeopathy

Homoeopathic Seminar @ Bijapur

Opening of Bijapur Unit of HMAI Organised by The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India Karnataka State Branch, Bijapur Unit  on Sunday 26th Feb 2012. 10-00 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Delegate fee – Rs. 200/-  Speakers and […]

Homeopathy Articles

Ramadan health message

Contributed by AbuSuad, UK. Emai : muslimmessage@hotmail.com “…What will convey unto you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein, […]

Nurse and Pharmacist

Diploma in Homoeopathy Pharmacy 2012 Karnataka

Regular/correspondence Dr.HRHMP Association , mahalingpur, Karnataka for Vishwakarma Open University for Self –Employment, India(Institute For Resource Development, Delhi.) Trade Diploma Courses Based on Curriculum of Related Departments/Ministries of Government of India Under Self-Placement Promotion Programme, […]

Homeopathy Articles

Dangers of pseudo-classical homoeopathy

Dangers of pseudo-classical homoeopathy Dr.Rajesh Shah and Dr.Rupal Shah Editorial: Homoeopathy Time  http://www.indiaspace.com/homoeopathy/index.html While introducing themselves, some teachers have introduced their partially tested ideas as a part of classical homoeopathy. This has amply confused the […]

Applied Psychology

Co Dependency

Dr. Samir Chaukkar What is codependency? What’s the definition? There are many definitions used to talk about codependency today. The original concept of codependency was developed to acknowledge the responses and behaviors people develop from […]