2,24,279 registered homoeopathy doctors are in India with  7856 Govt. homoeopathy dispensaries and 207 of Govt. homoeopathy hospitals providing homoeopathy treatment.
A Total of 3598 Hospitals and 25723 Dispensaries offer Ayush Treatment in the Country: Shripad Yesso Naik Minster for AYUSH stated in Parliament.
As per the information reported by the State/UT Governments, as on 01-04-2015 the total number of AYUSH hospitals providing AYUSH medical treatment in the country is 3598 out of which 2818 hospitals are of Ayurveda, 257 of Unani, 274 of Siddha, 7 of Yoga, 35 of Naturopathy and 207 of homoeopathy. Similarly, as on 01-04-2015, the total number of AYUSH dispensaries were 25723. Out of this 15291 are of Ayurveda, 1461 of Unani, 803 of Siddha, 185 of Yoga, 94 of Naturopathy, 7856 of Homoeopathy and 33 of Sowa Rigpa.
Government of India has approved and notified the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) on 29.09.2014, which inter-alia includes the component of AYUSH Services, where there is provision for co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs) & District Hospitals (DHs) and setting up of 50 bedded integrated AYUSH Hospitals in the States/UTs. The State/UT Governments are eligible for submitting the proposals through State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) as per the guidelines of NAM.
AYUSH dept.must be wellequiped in all states with equal staus with Allopathy by which the slogan HEALTH FOR ALL can be achieved easily.