42 corona patients recovered after taking homeopathy treatment in Rajasthan

New Delhi: Coronavirus has caused an outcry across the world. All the countries of the world are trying to make the Corona vaccine. Meanwhile, there is relief news from Jaipur. Homeopathy medicine cured 42 corona, positive patients, there. The team of 5 doctors of Homeopathy University studied 55 patients admitted in SMS Women’s Hospital. Out of these, medicine was given to 42 corona infected of all ages and they recovered and reached home.

According to Dr. Girendra Pal, Chairperson of Homeopathy University, the medicine was effective and within 3 to 5 days, Corona infected patients recovered and reached home. The first two hospitals were communicated to 55 infected through telemedicine. Taking permission from the SMS Medical College, 42 of these were given homeopathy medicines. 

Homeopathy medicines were also given to the doctors concerned for rescue. The university formed a committee of 5 doctors for this research. A committee member, Dr. Sheena Pal said that the homeopathy drug was given to patients of all ages suffering from corona.


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