Sarcodes in Homoeopathy

homeo17Dr  Vivek  N Patil 

In Greek the term ‘sarcode’ means fleshy. Sarcodes imply protoplasm of animals as distinguished from vegetable protoplasm. In homeopathy, some of the sarcodes are proved medicines. They are obtained from healthy endocrine glands in normal secretions of living human organs and lower animals.

In fact, sarcodes belongs to animal kingdom. Sarcodes include products of animal glands and endocrine glands as a whole and their secretions. Endocrine or ductless glands are those, which produce hormones in body.

Hormones are specific substances produced by the endocrine glands of higher animals, which are secreted into the blood and thus carried to all the parts of the body where they regulate many metabolic functions of the organism. They are quick acting and only a minute amount may have a profound effect on metabolism. Hormones are proteins (insulin), steroids (cortisone^ or relatively simple organic compounds (adrenalin).

Important remedies:

  • Adrenal inum
  • Cholesterinum
  • Fel tauri
  • Insulinum
  • Pancreatinum
  • Pepsinum
  • Pituitarinum
  • Thyroidinum
  • Vulpis


  • Ductless glands as a whole
  • Healthy secretions from ductless glands.
  • Normal secretions of animals.
  • Product of animal glands and tissues.
  • Healthy organs of animals.

Sarcodes from whole endocrine glands:

Thyroidinum (of sheep or calf).

Pituitarinum posterium (posterior portion of pituitary gland of sheep).

Sarcodes from healthy secretions (hormones, etc.)

  • Adrenaline (epinephrine), a hormone produced by adrenal gland and may also be prepared synthetically. Cortisone (cortisone acetate), cortisone monocetate, a crystalline steroid hormone secreted by cortex of adrenal gland in man.
  • Adrenocorticotropinum: A polypeptide hormone secreted by pituitary gland, which controls the adrenal glands.
  • Insulinum: A pancreatic hormone that controls sugar metabolism.
  • Pepsinum: An enzyme produced in the stomach, which converts prote ins into peptones produced from the stomach of pig.

Sarcodes from extracts

  • Orchitinum (testes).
  • Oophorinum (ovaries of cow or sheep).
  • Pancreatinum (from pancreas of beef containing digestive enzymes).

Other sarcodes

Cholesterinum – Principle steroid in higher animals, main constituent of gallstones and bile.

Fe/tauri (fresh ox gall). Vulpis fel(fresh box gall), etc.

Sarcodes are mainly stated to be the organopathic drugs, which act on the particular organ. This is true because sarcodes are the remedies prepared from healthy secretions of those’particular organs. Thus their action generally remains limited up to the functions of that organ.

Doctrine of signature:
The doctrine of Signature can be found in sarcodes such as Pepsinum which is extracted from the stomach of hog to pig is useful in digestive disorders. Extract from pancreas of beef i.e. Pancreatinum is useful in pancreatic disorders. The same is with the specific action of ovaries oophorinum, testis—orchitinum, urea—Cholesterinum etc.If we see seriously and deeply we will find that the sarcodes stimulate and activate those organs effectively, from which parallel animal organs they have been extracted or prepared.

It does not mean that sarcodes do not have other therapeutic action. Infact, besides other actions on human body, the specific action of sarcodes can be underlined in this regard. Organotherapies also have the same similarity. We know that Insulinum and Pancreatinum are useful in diabetes; prostate disorders are corrected by prostate gland and sexual hormones can be reshaped from testes.

Patho-Physiological changes:

  • It poisons the blood. The poison decomposes the blood. It has paralyzing action on nerves and irritates the peripheral nerves.
  • The important symptoms are:
  • Severe pain and burning sensation.
  • Intense pain in extremities, lumbar region and severe backache.
  • There is increased arterial pressure.
  • Cutaneous and mucosal findings: Roseola (Rose spots),vesicular papules. Pustular rashes on body with intense itching.
  • Gastro-intestinal findings: Acute abdominal pain with rigidity of abdominal muscles.
  • Urinary findings: Moderate albuminuria and hematuria.
  • C.N.S. findings: Frequent psychomotor excitation, occasional delirium, rarely meningeal symptoms with contraction of
    extremities, paralysis of facial muscles and widening of pupils.
  • Blood findings: Moderate leucocytosis with raised E.S.R, increased neutrophil count.

Characteristic features of sarcodes:

Sarcodes belong to the less proved group of remedies due to which the literature of materia media fails to dictate their details as of the other well-proved remedies.

Sarcodes are mainly stated to be the organopathic drugs, which act on the particular organs. This is true because the Sarcodes themselves are the remedies prepared from healthy secretions of those particular organs. Thus their action generally remains limited to the functions of that organ.

However, it is seen that:

  • All sarcodes are deep acting remedies.
  • They respond to sufferings due to deficient functioning as well
    as hyperfunctioning of that particular organ.
  • Sarcodes such as Lac-c, Lac-d., and Lac-v. i.e. whose source
    of preparation is milk are seen to act well in cases of sufferings
    due to bad effects of milk intake.
  • Headache is their common symptom, which becomes worse
    on waking up in morning.
  • There is intense throbbing with nausea and vomiting.
  • Obstinate constipation is a well-marked feature.
  • Symptoms are aggravated due to intake of milk. E.g.:
  • Rheumatism becomes worse by taking milk (in Lac-v.). Suppression of menses by taking glass of milk (in Lac-d.).
  • Nervousness.
  • Obesity.
  • Profuse urination with increased thirst, this makes the most
    important symptom for their indication in diabetes.
  • Tendency to overgrowth is also a marked feature.-
  • Sarcodes are well indicated for cases of malignant sufferings.
  • Mode of preparation is by triturations and dilutions.
  • Doses: Generally prescribed in lower potencies.

Mental symptoms:

  • Fearless, courageous: Spider personalities are courageous
    people. They are brave enough to face the challenges of life.
  • Mischievous, witty and cunning.
  • Cunning and destructive: A peculiar characteristic described
    as fox-like cunning and destructive. They draw their legs inward
    and are inclined to be mischievous and destructive to others.
    When spiders are frightened they feign death or go to a
    cataleptic reflex.
  • Insanity: Paroxysms of insanity with restlessness and
    threatening words. When questioned they do not answer. Their
    motions are ridiculous.
  • Excitement with singing, dancing and weeping. They not only imagine as sick but also pretend to be sick when they are not.
  • Restlessness: Spider personalities are extremely restless and excitable, both physically and mentally.
  • Nervousness: They are nervous and jerky. Restlessness with irritability. They have an inclination for tension; mind is always in tantrum and turmoil. It goes in a fit of rage. Sees monsters, animals, faces, insects and ghosts. Sees strangers in room.
  • Time passes too quickly: Aversion to work. Finds pleasure in nothing.
  • Sociability: Spider people are very sociable. They like
    company and conversation. People who are fashionable and
    aristocratic. Spider people want to possess power. They are
    very friendly and jovial.  .’
  • Emotional: They are emotionally unbalanced. Very easily gets affected by emotions. Consolation causes weeping. They are very expressive of emotions and highly susceptible. Fear and grief affects them seriously. Least contradiction affects her.
  • Brooding over her troubles until they prey upon her system. Thus she becomes more and more nervous and weakened.
  • Sadness: The moods change with wonderful rapidity. She laughs and jokes and quickly bursts into tears. Her manner becomes hurried and she does things hastily. There is marked grief, fright and disappointment.
  • Violence: Violence is a strong feature of spiders. There is violence with anger, tears clothings, etc.
  • Hysteria: Hysterical conduct. Joyous and singing. When there are no observers she has no attacks of hysteria. Feels as if head does not belong to her. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Becomes restless at the height of paroxysm.


  • Adrenalin (Epinephrine): Internal secretion of supra renal glands. It is the active principle of the medulla of the suprarenal gland. Its presence is essential to the activities of the sympathetic nerve. It stimulate the sympathetic nerve, causing constriction of the peripheral nerves resulting in rise in blood pressure & showing down of pulses strengthening of heart beat. Therapeutically it is a powerful astringent & thermostatic & is invaluable in checking capillary hemorrhages from all parts, where the local or direct application is feasible. Hemorrhagic condition is not due to the defective coagulation
  • It is indicated in acute congestion of lungs, Asthma, Graves disease, Addison’s disease, chronic aortitis, angina, hemophilia, chlorosis, hay fever, serum sickness. It is effective in angina & aortitis when there is a sensation of thoracic constriction $ anguish.Ass with Vertigo, nausea & vomiting, Abdominal pain. Shock or heart failure during anesthesia as it cases rise in blood pressure by acting on nerve ending in vessel wall
  • Cholesterinum: Cholesterinum is a substance crystallising in bathels with a mother of pearl. Having a fatty feel. It occur in the blood & brain, yolk of eggs, seed & buds of plants, but most in the bile & biliary calculi. Therapeutically it is recommended as a remedy for cancer of the liver. They are pale, anaemic, complain of headaches, exhaustion, nervousness, acne vulgaris, constipation and menses may be absent or scanty. Again in climacterics period it isØ indicated when the flow ceases and there is tendency to obesity & increased blood pressure. Hot flushes, psychosis and visual irritation not only atØ the natural climateric, but in those that are the result of hysterectomy and oophorectomy it is also indicated.
  • The pruritus vulva that attends some ofØ those cases has been speedily relieved by it. It is to be recommended in the neurasthenic woman who complains of headache, neuromuscular weakness, Mental irritability insomnia and a group of indefinite symptoms that are dependant upon menstrual & ovarian disturbances. It is of service in certain cases of sterility, when bacterial infection, cervical stenosis & other local causes are eliminated. It can be given in case of nausea attends with the earlyØ months of pregnancy. It is very useful in relieving the pain in breast that disturb some women before & during menstruation. It should be remembered in increased blood pressure in women at the climateric period when the usual causes can be eliminated as arteriosclerosis, nephritis.
  • Lecithin: A phosphorus – containing complex organic body prepared from the yolk of egg & animal brain .Lecithin has a favorable influence upon the nutritive condition & especially upon the blood, hence its use in anemia & convalescence, neurasthenia and insomnia. It increases the number of red corpuscles and amount of hemoglobin. It is an excellent galactogog, renders milk more nourishing and increases quantity. Causes an immediate decrease in the excretion of the phosphate. It is indicated in faulty nutrition when there is an excessive exertion of phosphates, the patients is weak & exhausted. It should be thought of in the tuberculosis of the young, they are tired, weak and complain of loss of flesh, short breath and general exhaustion.
  • The mammary glands The extract is prepared from the glands of the cow & sheep.
    There is a relation b/w these glands & corpus luteum & also with uterus. By prolonging lactation women can prolong the period of amenorrhea. The administration of an extract of these gland is most useful in the profuse menstruation of all young girls. Also in the young girls when the period occurs every two o weeks. It has been employed in uterine fibroids with menorrhagia and metorrhagia. The associated mastodynia is much relieved. It should be used with care during pregnancy as exponents with animals showed it to have an abortifacient action.It have also been employed as a galactogogue.
  • Orchitidinum: Testicular extract. It can be used in case of senile decay and nervous breakdown according to brown – sequard. It can be also used in climacteric sufferings. Testicular extract contains much nucleoprotein, and like allØ nucleins has a tendency to lower blood pressure.
  • Oophorinum: Extract from the ovary of cow / sheep or pig.Can be given to these sufferings following the excision of ovaries (lower triturations)  Climacteric disturbances especially nervous sufferings. Cutaneous disorders, acne resource prurigo etc.,
    Ovarian cyst. Complaints> during menses (like zin lach)
  • Pancreatinum: Extract of pancreatic & salivary glands of OX or sheep. It is effective in conditions due to faulty action of the pancreas.According to Dr. Burnett it is very effective in gout. It is effective for intestinal digestion. Pain an hour or more after eating.Lienteric diarrhoea.
  • Parotid gland: An extract of the parotid glands of the OX has been used. It is effective in ovarian hyperemia and headache, reflex from ovarian disturbances. Dysmenorrhea & Menorhagia.
  • Pepsinum: Prepared from pepsin a digestive enzyme produced in the stomach which converts protein into peptones, produced from the stomach of Pig. Indicated in when there is evidence of imperfect digestion, with pain in the region of the stomach, as observed in neurasthenia, diseases of nervous system, acute protracted diseases, surgical diseases, traumatism, gastric cancer & ulcer. It can be remembered in marasmus of children who have been fed on artificial foods. It is useful in diarrhea of children & adults, dependent upon indigestion of the food.
  • Placenta: When placental extract is administered to nursing mothers the amount of milk is increased, and the infant receiving this milk grows more rapidly. It acts as galactagogue.
  • Pituitary gland: Pituitary exercises a superior control over the growth and development of the sexual organs. Stimulates muscular activity and overcomes uterine inertia. Its influence over unstriped muscular fibre is marked. Cerebral hemorrhage. Will check hemorrhage and add absorption of clot. Utrerine inertia in second stage of labour where as it is fully dilated. High blood pressure, chronic nephritis, prostatitis. Vertigo, difficult mental concentration, confusion & fullness deep in frontal region. During pregnancy & before menses the gland is enlarged in certain cases the enlarged gland before & during menstrual period is attended with menstrual headache. This is usually relieved by the administration of the remedy. Pituitary headache have been cured by the whole gland. In stout women with amenorrhoea & this type of headache. It is usually relieved by this medicine (along thyroidinum). It is also effective in menorrhagia and metorrhagia. It is more servicible in heart failure and in shock when the blood pressure is very low. It should be thought of following parturition and laprotomy when the urinary bladder is semi – paralyzed. In continence of the urine both in adult and children, it has been of service, also in nocturnal enuresis. In the fatigue syndrome asthenia with weakness and neuromuscular pains, also after parturition when the mother remains weak, does not gain her strength and the uterus does not contract normally, an extract of the whole gland is useful. It should be thought of in epilepsy, especially in young children and in youth (when it should be studied in connection with thyroid & parathyroid) The whole gland should be used. Extract of the anterior lobe should be thought of in rickets. Extract of the posterior lobe should be used in diabetes insipid us.
  • Secretin: This is formed in the cells of the duodenum when they are acted upon by hydrochloric acid. It passes into the blood rather than along the alimentary canal. It activates the intestinal pancreatic secretions. It stimulates the peristalsis of the intestines and helps to relieve constipation. It is of benefit in gastro hepatic intestinal or digestive insufficiencies.  It assists in raising the low urea output. Through its action in assisting intestinal peristalsis it assist in overcoming constipation & relieving intestinal stasis, fermentation & putrefaction.
  • The spleen: It seems to produce leucocytes and lymphocytes during intra uterine life. It is a part in formation of red cells. Under certain conditions of the bone marrow this may continue after birth. It is believed that it act as an activator of the pancreas and stomach by furnishing an internal secretion which elaborates trypsin. An extract of the spleen has been employed in the malarial cachexia.It has been employed in enlargement of the spleen.
  • Thyroidinum: Dried thyroid gland of the sheep is used for the preparation.  It produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face & limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis etc. In myxoedema & cretinism it is very effective. It is effective in Rheumatoid arthritis, infantile wasting, Rickets & delayed union of fractures. It is very effective in undesended testis in boys. .Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amount of sweets. It is of use in psoriasis & pityriasis rubra . Arrested development of children. It improves the memory. It is very useful in goiter, excessive obesity, mammary tumour & uterine fibroid. Great weakness and hunger yet looses flesh. Noctural enuresis ,agalctea and vomiting of pregnancy. Patient is chilly. It is also effects in various type of oedema, because it is a powerful diuretic. A state of puffiness & obesity may be regarded as the keynote indication of thyroidinum. Among the pathogenetic effect of thyroidinum optic neuritis and accommodative asthenopia have been observed. It has been noted in the action of growth of hair. T is falling of hair from scalp and abnormal growth in other parts. According to Dr. Burnett brawny swelling is the key note of thyroidinum.

Clinical conditions:

Headache, constipation, amenorrhea, nervousness, obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cretinism, myxedema, cancer, neurosis.

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