WHO Call for the Compendium of innovative health technologies

WHO has issued a call for the Second Compendium of innovative health technologies: medical devices and eHealth solutions 2013. An important and unique feature of this publication is that the health technologies included are particularly suitable for use in low-resource settings.

Medical devices and eHealth solutions have the potential to improve lives. However, too many people worldwide suffer because they don’t have access to the appropriate health technologies. This call highlights the importance of these innovative technologies towards improved health outcomes and the quality of life.

WHO aims to raise awareness of the pressing need for appropriate design solutions. The Compendium series was initiated to encourage a dialogue between stakeholders and stimulate further development and technology dissemination.

The deadline for submission is 15 March 2013

Link : http://www.searo.who.int/entity/health_situation_trends/en/index.html

1 Comment

  1. Too many people worldwide suffer because they don’t have access to the appropriate health technologies.
    Major technology needed for better health is FAMILY PHYSCIAN, at present more than 90% of the physcian and especially the SPECIALIST are good in creating FEAR with the help of their subordinates … and new disease emerging gradually is DEPRESSION.
    HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSCIAN could be best answer to this problem as he is the only physcian who understand human being gives weight to the narration of a patient

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