Guidelines for Submission

Do you have a burning desire to share your insight and clinical expertise with Homoeopathy community across the globe? – Join with us for a better future in Homoeopathy

If so, submit your article for publication. HOMEOBOOK – the most popular Homoeopathy website – is looking for quality articles with content that is informational and well thought out.

Please send your articles, PowerPoint presentations, thesis, cases, news, placement or anything related to Homoeopathy and medicine to

When writing an article, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the reader- focus on adding value for the reader.

This website is primarily meant for discussion, dissemination of information and academic resources, exchanging ideas, views, opinions and so on Homoeopathy.

Please note

  • The attention span of online readers is comparatively less. So be relevant, informative, useful, and engaging.
  • Your unique knowledge, experience, and passion should be evident in every piece of content you create. Try your best efforts to provide articles that contain up-to-date, relevant accurate information
  • Your articles especially cases should serve to educate and inform rather than just serve as a promotional piece.
  • We also request you to submit content you have already published elsewhere, as long as the byline matches your name and you own the copyright
  • Case studies & Research articles should be supported with adequate diagnostic evidence. In the electronic form, the text should be in ‘MS word’ format and the pictures/photos should be in JPG format.
  • Don’t forget to put your name, email ID and qualification at the top/bottom of the article or ppts.

Abstract: This should be brief and reflects the significance, scope and relevance of the topic and should highlight the principal findings or conclusions.

Key words: A set of suitable keywords should be provided on the significance of the text

Introduction: A brief introduction that links the subject with readers which should be brief and state precisely the scope of the paper or topic.

References / Bibliography : It has to be written in a particular format, alphabetical order of the author’s last name who has been referred, followed by the publication, publisher, and edition etc. Internet reference should be stated along with the complete URL address and the date, and time of surfing for referencing. Journals have to be referred to authors’ last name in alphabetical order, the article referred, journal name and volume details.

Abbreviations: Please use internationally accepted standard abbreviations only.

Time frame: Usually published within 15 to 30 days once approved by the editorial board

Be a part of this prestigious website. Your work will become popular in no time!

1 Comment

  1. People are prevented from eating their favorite dishes due to the fear of suffering from gastritis resulting from having it. If the person is denied the enjoyment of eating his favorite dish, such a situation is pathetic. A feeling of fullness and distension in the abdomen after eating food, annoying nausea, constantly irritating and eating anything even in a small quantity causes burning pain in the chest. Afterall, the act of eating will become the worst task in their life. Patients suffering from gastritis are increasing day by day. A hectic lifestyle and stressful mindset are leading many to gastritis nowadays.

    Simple treatment of symptoms of gastritis will not liberate you from the gastritis. It will only give temporary relief for a moment. Later the symptoms will return as before. By thinking of the side effects of medicines it is not possible to take medicines for a long time. Here comes homeopathy to help you to cure your gastritis complaint completely and permanently. Homeopathy medicines for gastritis are prepared from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals. Homeopathy not only treats the disease but also the whole person will be corrected to normalcy as a whole, on both mental and physical levels.

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