International Training in Present Child Method Homeopathy

Are you a pioneer who will help to spread the successful PresentChild Method around the world?

PresentChild is a highly effective method for promoting family well-being based on homeopathic principles, whereby a child is the simillimum for parents, and the cured parent is in turn the remedy for the child.

The raw material PresentChild Translators work with is the story a parent tells about his/her child’s problem. This story is ‘translated’ to resonate perfectly with the parent’s life story. This is also the cure: feeding the story back to the parent gives rise to heartfelt insights; pennies drop, a chord is struck.
This enables healing to takes place, not only in the parent, but also in the child.

Using the method, you will:

  • uncover the essence of the problem immediately
  • help both parent and child simultaneously
  • begin a deep and lasting healing process; parents can never again not see the truth about their lives.

The method is now 18 years old. The  tried and tested training which has given for 10 years,  is now being offered to international students for the first time. The training will take place in the Netherlands in two 6 day blocks (1 to 6 June and 23 to 28 November 2013).

We are looking for people who wish to be trained in the use of this method and who, if deemed suitable to do so, can teach and spread the method in their native country or region. If this idea appeals to you, please read the below and visit the website: for more information or to apply.

 Being a PresentChild Translator

How you can help Parents and Children to be each other’s Simillimum

PRESENTCHILD TRANSLATORS work in the hearts of families helping parents and their children simultaneously. They are professional practitioners who apply the PRESENTCHILD METHOD to translate children’s behaviour, play, development or symptoms and relate them to the lives of their parents. The translation brings to light what needs attention, or where a next step or insight is needed in parents’ lives. The method is highly practical and extremely precise. The accuracy of the translations (simillimum) strikes an immediate chord of recognition in parents; getting right to the heart of the matter. This unique and successful method helps parents break through barriers of resistance and uncover blind spots to reach insights that have a deep and healing impact on their lives and on those of their children too. The effects are far-reaching and enduring, bringing about increased awareness in parents and wellbeing in families.

A case-study …
A little girl’s nose is constantly filled with mucous which causes high fevers, in addition she has nightmares about spectres which her mother has to chase away. When mother is asked whether her life is full, she confirms this without hesitation. In order to be the good mother she longs to be, she attends every available course on raising children and reads everything she can find on the subject. She says: ‘This always keeps me feverishly (!) busy’. This child’s message is: Mum you have to chase away your spectre of being an inadequate parent. This is your nightmare, but not reality. Simply be with me, here, now, that’s all I need. The mother senses the truth of this message deep down and scraps a number of activities immediately. Within two days her daughter’s congestion, fevers and nightmares disappear for good.

Translators’ references …

  • “The PRESENTCHILD METHOD is a valuable asset to my homeopathic practice; it combines seamlessly. Although I always knew that parents and children influenced each other, realizing how deep that influence goes and how precisely it works – like a simillimum – was a revelation to me.”
  • “This is the psychology of the future.”
  • “I am bowled over by the directness and speed with which the essence of a problem can be brought to light. My clients are too, by the way!”

About the training
The PRESENTCHILD TRANSLATOR TRAINING is a postgraduate course for qualified therapists and health care professionals (regular and complimentary). This intensive training comprises two 6-day lesson blocks, practical assignments between blocks and a final thesis case study. The training is both theory and practice based. The aim is to learn to translate with such accuracy that the resulting message story is heartfelt by parents. Through personal process assignments, students experience the theory first hand. This is a resident training with a maximum of fifteen participants. Course notes are provided throughout the training forming a complete workbook. On successful completion of the training students will be certified and entitled to join the community of licensed and registered PRESENTCHILD TRANSLATORS.

The PresentChild Method
How to work in the hearts of families, help children by helping their parents, and discover the magic and scope of language… That is what the PRESENTCHILD TRANSLATORS TRAINING offers you. You learn how to work homeopathically instead of or besides prescribing remedies. The method is solidly grounded in homeopathic laws and a tried and tested means of facilitating well-being in families and other areas of society where adults and children interact. JANITA VENEMA, the initiator of the method and author of the book ‘PresentChild’, gives the training in association with JEAN THOMPSON. The training will take place in The Netherlands, 2013 June 1-6 and November 23-28 (the two lesson blocks form a whole). If deemed suitable to do so you may become a trainer of this method in your region or country. For further information about the method, training, book and the trainers please visit the website, where you will also find the training application form.

More information
For more information on the method and the training visit:
The book PresentChild can be ordered at the above website, at

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