Certainty in Homoeopathy – 200 years after the Organon

Dr Rohrer

200 years after the Organon – what remains from Hahnemann´s heritage?
For us it is very difficult to value properly the enormous work Hahnemann did as a pioneer. From about 1790 onwards Hahnemann detached himself from the medical establishment, detached himself from the guidelines of the consensus conferences of his medical world. He went his own way, 1796 onward. He was alone, without any partner or disciple. No colleague with whom he could exchange his new ideas.

It is astonishing although Hahnemann established new in medicine:

1. Treatment according the law of similarity

2. Remedy proving in healthy people

3. Step by step dilution and shaking of the remedies

He found and recognized all these new principles within a short time and described it in the Organon 1st edition in 1810. Even the famous § 153, with its demand to keep in view the more striking, exceptional and characteristic symptoms we find it already in the first edition in § 129. Equally Hahnemann speaks in the first edition in § 3 about the recovery that must result if the conditions of healing are fulfilled.

These conditions are:

1. the correct knowledge of the disease

2. the exact knowledge of the power of the remedies

3. to adapt both according the law of similarity

According to Hahnemann the law of similarity refers only to symptoms of the remedy proving and not to symptoms obtained clinically. A proving symptom always consist of two parts, one is the influence of the remedy, the other part is from the weak point of the prover. Therefore the similarity also refers only to parts of the symptoms and not to whole symptoms. Therefore the searching of the remedy and repertorisation should also refer to parts and not whole symptoms. For this kind of repertorisation the Pocket Book of Boenninghausen works the best and as Boenninghausen wrote for this way of looking upon homoeopathy he had the consent of the master, of Hahnemann.

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