Arnica Montana being used by Fashion world class models in New York

International models claim a relatively unknown homeopathic medicine as a beauty cure; Indian models clueless. While Indian models may be relying on expensive cosmetic products for skin problems, international models seem to have discovered a cheap homeopathy cure for beauty problems.

At the recently concluded New York Fashion Week, Arnica Montana, a homeopathic supplement, readily available in gels and oral supplements, was used by models as a gel to cure puffiness and get an instant glow.

Not just the models, designer Philip Lim too tried the medicine and said, “I felt my skin glow.“ And designer Diane Von Fursternburg tweeted: “Arnica gel is the best thing for bruises.“

The medicine may be a `quick fix’ to beauty problems, but homeopaths in the city warn against using it without medical advise.

“Though Arnica Montana cures acne, puffiness and skin injuries, one must still consult the doctor before using it,“ says Dr Bela Chaudhry.

“The medicine should not be consumed over a prolonged period of time without medical advice,“ says Dr AK Gupta of AKG’s OVIHAMS Homeopathic Clinic.

Indian models, however, are unaware of the medicine as a beauty fix. “I’ve never heard of this medicine, but I won’t mind trying it,“ says model Noyonika Chatterjee.

“I’m not aware of any such beauty cure,“ says model Sapna Kumar. “I’d rather stay away from such medicines and stick to natural ways,“ says model Diva Dhawan.

What is Arnica Montana?
Derived from a yellow mountain daisy that grows in Europe, Arnica has been used traditionally to treat bruises, inflammation and pain. It is said to give an instant glow.

A Germany-made 10ml bottle with 30 potency costs R50, while an India-made bottle costs between R25-R30
Source : HT City Paper 26.9.2011

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