Kerala PSC Homoeopathy Medical Officer Exam Paper 2013

Question paper of Kerala PSC Homoeopathy Medical Officer Examinations Paper conducted on 4-10-2013  with answer key

Kerala PSC Homoeopathy Medical Officer 2013 Question paper

Maximum  100 marks

Version D

 Time : One hour and 15 minutes

1. Which is the highest peak in lndia?

(A) Mount Everest ,

(B) Nangaparbat

(C) Godwin Austin

(D) Guru Shikhar

2. Which is the only district in Kerala, where garlic is produced

(A) Kasaragod

(B) Pathanarnthitta

(C) Waynad


3. Madurai is located in the banks of which river?

(A) Yamuna

(B) Godavari

(C) Vaiga

(D) Manasa

4. Who is the author of the novel Asuravithu?

(A) M.T. Vasudhevan Nair

(B) Sugathakurnali

(C) T. Padmanabhan

(D) Kakkanadan

5. Edakkal cave is situated in which district?

(A) Waynad

(B) Palakkad

(C) Malappurarn

(D) Kollam

6.Which state stands first in the production of coal in India?

(A) Chattisgarh

(B) Karnataka

(C) Maharashtra

(D) Jharkhand

7. Forest research institute in Kerala :

(A) Thekkadi

(B) Peechi

(C) Neyyar

(D) Thattekkad

8.Who is the Chairman of planning commission?

(A) President

(B) Vice President

(C) Speaker

(D) Prime Minister

9. Casio fistula is the scientific name of :

(A) Neelakurinji    (B) Coconut

(C) Kanikonna   (D) Lotus

10. Who is the Attorney General of India?

(A) G.E. Vahanvadhi    (B) Harin P. Raval

(C) Mohan Parasaran  (D) K. Parasaran

11. Jim Corbet national park is situated in which state?

(A) Karnataka     (B) Uttarakhand

(C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Gujarat

12. ln which district Akshaya Computer Project was started?

(A) Kasaragod (B) Malappuram

(C) Thiruvananthapuram (D) Kottayam

13.Which year project tiger was started by India government?

(A) 1982 (B) 1992

(C) 1972 (D) 1971

14. Who is the author ofthe book ‘The Birds of Kerala’?

(A) Salim Ali (B) Induchoodan

(C) Sugathakumari (D) Bimal Mithra

15. Who wrote the book -‘freedom at midnight?

(A) Niradh C. Chaudhari (B) Anitha Desai

(C) Dominique Lapiere, Larry Collins (D) Dominique Lap

16. Which place in Kerala is known as three ‘C’s?

(A) Thalassery (B) Kottayam

(C) Kozhikode (D) Kollam

17. Which day is celebrated as Panchayath day? ‘

(A) July 15 (B) March 13

(C) February 19 (D) November 19

18. Pallivasal Project is built in which river?

(A) Kannadipuzha (B) Muthirapuzha

(C) N eyyar (D) Kavvayipuzha

19. Radcliff  line separates

(A) India and Pakistan

(B) India and China

(C) India and Bangladesh

(D) India and Myanmar

20. The only Malayalee who appeared in Indian postal stamp and coin?

(A) Ayyankali

(B) Sree Narayana Guru

(C) K. Kelappan .

(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

21.Transudative pleural effusion occurs in :


(B) Cirrhosis

(C) Peritoneal dialysis

(D) Pancreatic disease

22. A positive Romberg’s sign indicate :

(A) Cerebellar ataxia

(B) Sensory ataxia

(C) (A) and (B) above

(D) EPS lesion

23. In Kent’s repertory ‘bites of poisonous animals’ is given under :

(A) Extremities-bitten

(B) Skin-wounds

(C) Generalities-wounds

(D) Skin-bitten

24;) Microcytic hypocromic anaemia with high serum ferritine level seen in ;

(A) Iron deficiency anemia

(B) Thalasemia

(C) Sideroblastic anemia

(D) Megaloblastic anemia

25.National AIDS control programme was launched

(A) 1987

(B) 1985

(C) 1992

(D) 1999

26.Koplik spots are a feature of :

(A) Rubella

(B) Mumps

(C) Measles

(D) Typhoid

27.5th  edition of Organon of Medicine was translated to English by

(A) Dudgeon

(B) William Boericke

(C) J .T. Kent

(D) T.F. Allen

28. The weight of adult human heart 1

(A) 500 – 600 gms (B) 100 – 150 gms

(C) 600 – 700 gms (D) 250 – 350 gms

29.Which is the most frequent of all cancers occurring in Women Worldwide?

(A) Breast cancer (B) Cervical cancer

(C) Ovarian cancer (D) Endometrial cancer

30. The medicine prepared from washing soda :

(A) Kali carb (B) Natrum sulph

(C) Natrum carb (D) Kali sulph

31. The common name of belladonna :

(A) Deadly night shade (B) Monkshood

(C) Fool’s Parsley (D) Wild Hops

32.The incubation period of chicken pox :

(A) 1 – 7 days (B) 1 – 3 days

(C) 1 – 2 weeks (D) 2 – 3 weeks

33.The BMI of an overweight person is 1

(A) >30 (B) 30 – 35

(C) >40 (D) 25 – 30

34. shilling’ s test, high level of labeled Vit. B12 in urine indicate :

(A) Failure of absorption of Vit. Biz (B) Deficiency of intrinsic factor

(C) (A) and (B) above (D) Normal absorption of Vit. B12

35. What  is trial sign?

(A) Prominence of sternocleido mastoid

(B) Downward movement of trachea during inspiration

(C) Tracheal deviation

(D) (A) and (C) above

36.Which of the following is not a viral infection?

(A) Rabies (B) Leptospirosis

(C) Yellow Fever (D) Japanese encephalitis

37. The concept of Tubercular miasm was put forwarded by C

(A) T.F. Allen (B) H.C. Allen

(C) Hahnemann (D) Stuart Clause

38.Epstein-Barr Virus causes all, except :

(A) Glandular fever  (B) Kaposi’s sarcoma

(C) Hairy leucoplakia (D) Burkit’s lymphoma

39. Which  of the following is due to monosomy?

(A) Down’s syndrome (B) Klinefelter’s syndrome

(C) Turner’s syndrome (D) None of the above

40. Which of the following is an autosomal recessive disorder?

(A) Wilson’s disease (B) Hirschsrung’s disease

(C) Marfaifs syndrome (D) Poly cystic Kidney disease

41 The only antibody that crosses the placenta in significant quantities.

(A) IgM (B) IgA

(C) ISE (D) IgG

42. Select the odd one :

(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B1

(C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin K

43.Deep ulcers that penetrate the bowel wall is a feature of :

(A) Crohn’s disease . (B) Ulcerative colitis

(C) Coeliac disease (D) (A) and (B) above

44.The daily synthesis of albumin in liver is about :

(A) 1-2gm (B) 10-12gm

(C) 30 – 40 gm (D) 30 – 40 ing

45. All liver function tests except Bilirubin level is normal in :

(A) Hepatitis A infection  (B) Hepatic carcinoma

(C) Cirrhosis liver (D) Gilbert’s syndrome

46. Normal range of HbA1C level :

(A) Less than 6

(B) More than 10

(C) Between 7 to 10

(D) Up to 0.6

47. Which is Wrong about Henoch-Schonlein pxirpura?

(A) Thrombocytopenia

(B) Bleeding time prolonged

(C) Vasculitis

(D) Type Ill hyper sensitivity

48. The energy content of Glucose is :

(A) 2870 J/mol (B) 287 kJ/mol

(C) 287 J/mol (D) 2870 kJ/mol

49. DNA  scanning is used to assess

(A) Glucose utilization

(B) Bone density

(C) Lung perfusion

(D) DNA abnormalities

50. Charcot’s joints are seen in :

(A) Tabes dorsalis

(B) Syringomyelia

(C) Diabetes mellitus

(D) All the above

51. Pathergy reaction is concerned with :

(A) Atopic dermatitis

(B) Hydatid disease

(C) Behcet’s disease

(D) Scleroderma

52. In ECG, P-R interval is the length of time between

(A) Beginning of the P and Beginning of QRS

(B) End of the P and Beginning of QRS

(C) Beginning of the P and Beginning R

(D) End of the P and Beginning of R

53.Normal area of mitral valve orifice is :

(A) 2.5 cm2 (B) 1cm2

(C) 1.5 cm2 (P) 5 cm2

54. TRH  is secreted by :

(A) Anterior pituitary

(B) Thy-roid gland

(C) Hypothalamus

(D) Posterior pituitary

55. A lesion over the cerebral cortex leads to :

(A) Contra lateral hemiplegia

(B) Defects limited to isolated areas the body

(C) Ipsilateral hemiplegia

(D) Crossed hemiplegia

56. What is wrong about Extra Pyramidal System Lesion?

(A) Rigidity of muscles

(B) Weakness of muscles

(C) Muscles may be flaccid

(D) Involuntary movements

57. Which of the following does not belong to deciduous teeth?

(A) Canines

(B) lncisors

(C) Premolars

(D) Molars

58. J receptors are seen in :

(A) Lungs

(B) Kidney

(C) Ear lobes

(D) Peripheral nerve endings

59.Indian childhood cirrhosis is caused by :

(A) Alcohol abuse of parents

(B) Lead poisoning

(C) Recurrent hepatitis

(D) Copper excess

60. Samuel Hahnemann died in the city :

(A) Paris

(B) California

(C) London

(D) None

61.Which drug has the symptom ‘time seems too long, seconds seem ages’?

(A) Cannabis sativa (B) Gelsemium

(C) Cannabis indica (D) Calc phos

62. ‘Fe ars that unless on move heart will cease beating’ in which drug :

(A) Gelsemium (B) Cactus

(C) Cannabis indica  (D) Ars alb

63. Normal serum iron :

(A) 450 – 700 ,u gm/dL (B) 250 – 400 ,u gm/dL

(C) 25 ~ 40 p gm/dL (D) 50 – 150 ,ugm/dL

64.Normal  Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin

(A) 27-32 pg (B) 68-78 mg

(C) 12-16 mg (D) 78-98 pg

65. Cullen’s sign is positive in

(A) Acute pancreatitis A (B) Rupture of ectopic pregnancy

(C) Massive upper GI hemorrhage (D) All the above

66. Branch of Pharmacy deals with the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of

drugs :

(A) Pharmacognosy (B) Pharmacology

(C) Pharmacodynamics (D) (A) and (B) above

67.0dd’s palsy is related to :

(A) Acute poisoning (B) Cerebro vascular accident

(C) Carpel tunnel syndrome (D) Epilepsy

68. What  is true about Acrodermatitis enteropathica?

(A) An inherited disease   (B) Due to deficiency of Zinc

(C) All the above (D) None of the above

69.Hand  book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic therapeutics is a work of :

(A) T.F. Allen (B) HC Allen

(C) E.A. Farrigton (D) JH Clarke

70. Whipple’s disease is caused by :

(A) Virus (B) Fungus

(C)V Helminths (D) Bacteria

71. Which of the following is not produced in liver?

(A) Ceruloplasmin (B) Albumin

(C) Gamma globulin (D) Cholestrol

72. Bléeding time is not prolonged in

(A) Henoch-schonlein purpura

(B) Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura

(C) Thrombotic thrornbocytopenic purpura

(D) Hemophilia

73. The  muscles which helps to open the eyes are innervated by :

(A) Trigeminal   (B) Facial nerve

(C) Occulomotor nerve (D) Optic nerve

74. Typhoid is diagnosed during the first week by

(A) Blood culture (B) Leucopenia

(C) Widal test (D) Relative bradycardia

75. Direct inoculation is the mode of transmission in :

(A) Dengue fever (B) Chicken pox

(C) ‘Weil’s disease (D) Plague

76. Natures law of cure is explained by Hahnemann in :

(A) Aphorism 26 (B) Aphorism 9

(C) Aphorism 29 ‘ (D) Aphorism 63

77. All are features of emphysema except

(A) Hyper resonance on percussion

(E) Mediastinal shift

(C) Hyper translucency in X-ray

(D) Barrel shaped chest

78. Night blindness is caused the deficiency of

(A) Vitamin C

(B) VitaminD

(C) Vitamin B12

(D) VitaminA

79. Causticum was introduced by :

(A) Dr. C. Hering

(B) Dr. Hahnemann

(C) Dr. J.T. Kent

(D) Dr. J.H. Clarke

80. IN  Kent Repertory, what is the cross-reference given for “LlVELY”?

(A) Liveliness


(C) Miirth

(D) Joyous

81. Alger mortis means :

(A) Cooling ofthe body after the death

(B) Relaxation of muscles after the death

(C) Stiffening of muscles after the death

(D) Staining in the body after death

82. Prothrombin time and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time are prolonged in :

(A) Haemophilia   (B) Von Willebrand’s disease

(C) Vitamin K deficiency (D) All they above

83.{Which of the following is a sulphur containing Amino Acid?

(A) Valine   (B) Glycine

(C) Cysteine (D) Alanine

84. The right Subclavian artery is a branch of

(A) Aorta (B) Brachiocephalic artery

(C) Right common carotid artery (D) Subclavian trunk

85. All are  ANCA positive vasculitis, except :

(A) Wegner’s granulomatosis (B) Churg-straussgranulomatosis

(C) Henoch-Schonlein purpura (D) Microscopic polyangitis

86.Typhoid affects which part of our body :

(A) Intestines W (B) Stomach

(C) Kidney (D) Lungs

87. Psoriatic Arthritis has al predilection for : ‘

(A) Proximal interphalangeal joint (B) Distal interphalangeal joint

(C) Metacarpo-phalangeal joint (D) Knee joint

88. The  function of platelets is in :

(A) Blood clotting (B) Antibody production

(C) Tissue repair (D) Primary haemostasis

89 . Permitted maximum limit of Arsenic in drinking water 1

(A) 0.001 mg/litre  (B) 0.0001 mg/litre

(C) 0.0 (D) 0.01 mg/litre

90. What is the topic of discussion in Aphorism 115?

(A) Idiosyncrasy (B) Alternating actions

(C) Drug proving (D) Two sided diseases

91. The drug strength of the 30 potency under centesimal scale :

(A) 1/103 (B) 1/106

(C) 1/1030 (D) 1/1060

92. Small pox was officially  declared eradicated by WHO in :

(A) 1989 (B) 1979

(C) 1975 (D) 1973

93. Primordial Prevention means

(A) Prevention prior to the onset of disease

(B) Prevention to avoid complications

(C) Prevention of emergence of risk factors

(D) Tertiary Prevention

94. Spot the odd one out

(A) Phosphorous

(B) Cal Carb

(C) Sulphur

(D) Lycopodium

95. Most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in human body is

(A) Glutamate

(B) Acetyl Choline

(C) Adrenaline

(D) Dopamine

96. Population of Kerala as per 2011 census in crores

(A) 4.23

(B) 3.34

(C) 2.37

(D) 2.83

97. Increased anterior curvature of lumbar spine is called

(A) Lordosis   (B) Kyphosis

(C) Scoliosis   (D) Spondylosis

98. 1ml is equivalent to

(A) 6.3 drops  (B) 13 drops

(C) 16.23 drops (D) 9 drops

99. Horizontally placed long bone in the body

(A) Clavicle  (B) Upper limbs

(C) Mandible  (D) Ilium

100. Length of human small intestine

(A) 10 m   (B) 6m

(C) 3 m     (D) 2.5 meters

Provisional Answer Key by KPSC 

Kerala PSC Homoeopathy MO Final answer key by KPSC

Answer Key (Prepared by PG Scholars GHMC Calicut)

1.C 11.B 21.B 31.A 41.D 51.C 61.C 71.C 81.A 91.D
2.D 12.B 22.B 32.D 42.B 52.A 62.A 72.D 82.C 92.1980
3.C 13.C 23.C 33.D 43.A 53.D 63.D 73.C 83.C 93.C
4.A 14.A 24.B 34.D 44.B 54.C 64.A 74.A 84.B 94.A
5.A 15.C 25.A 35.D 45.D 55.B 65.D 75.D 85.C 95.A
6.A/C 16.A 26.C 36.B 46.A 56.B 66. 76.A 86.A 96.B
7.B 17.C 27.A 37. 47.A 57.C 67.D 77.B 87.B 97.B
8.D 18.B 28.D 38.B 48.D 58.A 68.C 78.D 88.D 98.C
9.C 19.A 29.A 39.C 49.B 59.D 69.A 79.B 89.D 99.A
10.A 20.B 30.C 40.A 50.D 60.A 70.D 80.C 90.B 100.B

All rights reserved @ homeobook

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  1. Sir,No(6)state stands first in the production of coal in India-Jharkhnad was not given any chance here in the answer key! Chattisgar and Jharkhand are the top 2 states producing coal in India!

  2. Dear friends,
    kerala is presently the best state for homoeopathic growth and development. PSC seems to be very active in keeping the standards high. Some of my students tried to clarify their doudts regarding few questions and answer key given here. Eg: Hanemann died in the city of Paris. Key shows London.Please show reference for the key.
    regarding question 76 where answer is $ 29 and 77 answer is mediastinal shift.

    Dr Praveen Raj P
    Professor, fr mullers HMC

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