Conference of the Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors

On 15–17 November 2013
Along with COPE Seminar
Publication Ethics in India: Inspiring excellence
On 15 November 2013
Workshop on Scientific Writing for Authors
On 15–16 November 2013
Workshop for Peer Reviewers
On 17 November 2013
Supported by World Association of Medical Editors
Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors (IAMJE; is an organization of editors of Indian peer-reviewed biomedical journals.
It seeks to provide a forum for discussion and cooperation among editors to improve editorial standards, to promote professionalism in medical editing through education, self-criticism and self-regulation, and to encourage research on the principles and practice of medical editing.
A meeting of the association is being held in New Delhi on November 16-17, 2013. In association with this meeting, a host of other related activities are also planned which should be of interest to journal editors and other stakeholders in the scientific publication process, such as authors of scientific papers and peer reviewers, etc.
These activities are listed in the enclosed program, and some of these will run concurrently. Several international experts in the field of journal editing have kindly agreed to participate in the meeting and share their experience and skill.
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