Materia Medica Workshop – 1

QuestionMateria Medica Workshop – 1

 1.   First volume of “Materia medica pura”was published in the year

(a)    1805 (b) 1810 (c) 1811 (d) 1828

  1. Total number of drugs mentioned in the“Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia medica”by C.Hering

(a)    300 (b) 410 (c) 1036 (d) 1039

  1. Which among the following is not a book written by R.Hughes

(a)    A Manual of Pharmacodynamics

(b)   Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy

(c)    The Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy

(d)   A Manual of Materia medica, Therapeutics & Pharmacology

  1. Who is the author of “Diseases and Homoeopathic Therapeutics of the Skin”

(a)    J.H.Allen (b) H.C.Allen (c) W.A.Allen (d) None of the above

  1. Who is the author of “Times of the Remedies & Moon phases”

(a)    H.A.Robert’s (b) Boennighausen (c) C.M.Boger (d) C.Hering

  1. Which among the following Materia medica deals with “Minerals” only

(a)    Text book of Materia medica by Otto Leeser

(b)   A Manual of Homoeopathic Therapeutics by Edwin Neatby

(c)    Homoeopathic Vade Macum by E.Harris.Ruddock

(d)   Lotus Materia medica by Robin Murphy

  1. “Diseases of Children” was written by

(a)    C.E.Fisher (b) E.H.Ruddock (c) Rau.C.Sigmond (d) All are correct

  1. Who is the author of “Gun powder as a war remedy”

(a)    S.H.Talcott (b) H.N.Gurnsey (c) Cowperthwaite (d) J.H.Clarke

  1. Who had done the first translation of “Materia Medica Pura”

(a)    Dr.Quin (b) Dr.Hempel (c) Dr.Dudgeon (d) Dr.Hering

  1. The meaning of the sign “π” used in the “The Guiding symptoms of Our Materia medica” by C.Hering is

(a)    Approved characteristic

(b)    Stands between the cured symptom and the pathological condition or physiological general state

(c)    Symptom observed only on the sick

(d)   Observation taken from the old school

  1. Who is the prover of X-ray

(a)    Bernhardt Fincke (b) J.H.C.Clarks (c) Russel & Stokes (d) Tully

  1. Hering is not the prover of one of the following medicines; Name the medicine?

(a)    Mephites (b) Hamamelis (c) Calc sulph (d) Lac caninum

  1. Which among the following medicines was proved by H.C.Allen

(a)    Amyl nitrosum & Picric acid (b) Kali bich & Pyrogen

(b)   Kali phos & Viburnum opulus (d) Plumbum met & Bovista

  1. Who is the prover of Blatta orientalis

(a)    S.C.Ghosh (b) D.N.Ray (c) P.P.Biswas (d) P.C.Mazumbdar

  1. Medicine proved by Lux

(a)    Pyrogen (b) Anthracinum (c) Syphylinum (d) Lac defloratum

  1. Match the following 

(A) Fluoric acid                             (1) T.F.Allen

(B) Benzoic acid                            (2) Hahnemann

(C) Picric acid                                (3) Hering

(D) Phosphoric acid                       (4) Jeanes

(a)    A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1       (b) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

(c) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2       (d) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

17. According to Richard Hughes; how many medicines were proved by Dr.Hahnemann

(a)    67 (b) 99 (c) 68 (d) 100

  1. Which among the following is not a medicine proved by Dr.S.C.Ghosh

(a)    Ocimum sanctum         (b) Terminalia arjuna

(c) Justicia adathoda          (d) Nyctanthes  arbortristis

  1. Medicine proved by Dr.Burnett
    1. Bacillinum
    2. Bacillinum & Bellis perrenis
    3. Bacillinum; Bellis perrenis & Thuja
    4. Bacillinum; Bellis perrenis; Thuja & Urtica urens 
  1. “Hyganthropharmacology” is other wise known as

(a)    Accidental provings              (b) Provings on sick individuals

(c) Animal provings                    (d) Human provings

21. Common name of Arum triphyllum is

(a)    Indian pennywort (b) Indian turnip (c) Indian liquorice (d) Indian cockle

22. Match the following

A. Stone root               1. Hydrastis

B. Pink root                 2. Collinsonium

C. Orange root             3. Phytolacca

D. Poke root                4. Spigelia

(a)    A – 2, B – 4, C – 1, D – 3

(b)    A – 2, B – 4, C – 3, D – 1

(c)    A – 4, B – 2, C – 1, D – 3

(d)    A – 4, B – 3, C – 1, D – 2

23. Common name of Actaea spicata is

(a)    Barberry (b) Bayberry (c) Baneberry (d) Bearberry

24. Choose the common names of medicines, Taraxacum, Senega and Ratanhia

(a)    Wild yam, Virgin’s bower, Celandine

(b)    Saw bread, Golden seal, Spurge olive

(c)    Parsley, Lung wort, Mug wort

(d)    Dandelion, Snake wort, Mapato

25. “Purple cone-flower” and “Black Sampson” are the common names of

(a)    Melilotus alba (b) Echinacea (c) Eupatorium per (d) Cina

26.  “Blazing star” and “Unicorn plant” are the common names of

(a)    Hamamelis virg (b) Helleborus niger (c) Helonias dioica (d) Hyoscyamus niger

27.  “Asgarea officinalis” is otherwise known as

(a)    Sabadilla (b) Sabina (c) Sambucus nigra (d) Sang can

28. “Lesser periwinkle” is the common name of

(a)    Ustilago (b) Xanthoxylum (c) Uva ursi (d) Vinca minor

29. Common name of “Symphytum”

(a)    Parsley (b) Comphrey (c) Smilax (d) Quebracho

30.  “American white hellebore” is

(a)    Veratrum alb (b) Veratrum vir (c) Helleborus niger (d) None of the above

31. Nux moschata belongs to the family

(a)    Melanthaceae (b) Myristicaceae (c) Loganiaceae (d) Leguminosae

32. Which of the following medicine does not belong to the “Ranunculaceae” family

(a)    Clematis erecta (b) Adonis vernalis (c) Physostigma (d) Hydrastis can

33. What is the property common to the medicines “Rheum” and “Rumex”?

(a)    Complimentary medicines (b) Inimical medicines

(c) Proved by Hahnemann       (d) Both belong to the same family

34. “Kalmia”, “Ledum pal” and “Rhododendron” belongs to the family

(a)    Ericaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Labiatae (d) Melanthaceae

35. Name the medicines belonging to the family “Lichens”

(a)    Secale cor (b) Ustilago (c) Lycopodium (d) Sticta

36. “Mercurialis perennis” belongs to

(a)    Mineral kingdom (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Rubiaceae (d) Lichens

37. Name one medicine belonging to “Algae”family.

(a)    Ustilago (b) Sticta (c) Usnea barbata (d) Fucus vesiculosis

38. “Ginseng” belongs to the family

(a)    Araliaceae (b) Aristolochiaceae (c) Araceae (d) Apocyanaceae

39. “Coca” belongs to the family

(a)    Graminae (b) Linaenae (c) Smilaceae (d) Thymelaceae

40. Name the medicine coming under “Polygalaceae”

(a)    Rheum (b) Rumex (c) Senega (d) All of the above

41.Coccus cacti belongs to the class

(a)    Reptilia (b) Insecta (c) Asteroidea (d) Pisces

42. Theridion curassavicum is otherwise known as

(a)    Gray spider (b) Black widow spider (c) Orange spider (d) Hairy Cuban spider

43. Common name of Vipera torva is

(a)    German viper (b) Cuban viper (c) Yellow viper (d) Pit viper

44. Serum anguillar ichthyotoxin is otherwise known as

(a)    Eel serum (b) Angustra vera (c) Ichthyolum (d) Toxicophis

45. Mephites is the poisonous secretion of the anal gland of which animal

(a)    Toad (b) Wild lizard (c) Wild cat (d) Wild deer

46. Medicine prepared from Cow’s milk is

(a)    Lac felinum (b) Lac vaccinum (c) Lac defloratum (d) Lac vaccinifloc

47. Name the medicine prepared from Papal cross spider

(a)    Aranea diadema (b) Latrodectus hasselti (c) Latrodectus katipo (d) Mygale lasiodora

48. Lachesis lanceolatus is otherwise known as

(a)    Crot hor (b) Elaps (c) Toxicophis (d) Bothrops

49. Medicine prepared from Indian bed bug

(a)    Cimex acanthia (b) Doryphora decemlineata (c) Pulex irritans (d) Vespa crabro

50. Moccassin snake is otherwise known as

(a)    Toxicophis (b) Bangarus (c) Cenchris contortrix

(b)    Clotho arictans

ANSWERS: (Workshop – 1)

1(c) 2(b), 3(d), 4(a), 5(c), 6(a), 7(d), 8(d), 9(b), 10(c), 11(a), 12(d), 13(c), 14(b), 15(b), 16(c), 17(b), 18(a), 19(b), 20(d), 21(b), 22(a), 23(c), 24(d), 25(b), 26(c), 27(a), 28(d), 29(b), 30(b) 31(b), 32(c), 33(d), 34(a), 35(d), 36(b), 37(d), 38(a), 39(b), 40(c), 41(b), 42(c), 43(a), 44(a), 45(c), 46(b), 47(a), 48(d), 49(a), 50(a)

Dr.Jithesh.T.K, B.H.M.S, M.D (Hom)
Medical Officer, Directorate of I.S.M & H, Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi
Email: Mobile: 09868246213


  1. ques 40 ans is wrong it should be all three rheum, rumex and senega belongs to polygalaceae.

  2. question no.7.diseases of children was written by charles e.fisher,md. i,e.(a) but your ans is (d)

  3. Dear sir, It is very helpful to me for prepared myself.If such type of question paper are given I will be thankful to you…..

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