Sign this petition – Homoeopathic Graduates in Public Health System in India

PeoplePetitioning Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Government of India

“Induction of Homoeopathic Graduates in Public Health System/Departments in India”

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In Public Health System the RMA – Rural Medical Assistants is not a solution, to make over the shortage of allopathic physicians. Adopting of RMA in public health system is a mean to fixing different standard of medical care provider for rural public; which in fact is not quite good; but may be a better bets, to keep away other system of medicines, what for the sake?

The alternate should be equal and not less than graduate physician, hence the adequate alternate may be in the next worldwide followed Health System of Medicine i.e. Homoeopathy Health System of Medicine; as this has been adopted by the Kerala State, in India.

a) RMA – Rural Medical Assistant
The person with qualification plus-two with Biology along with Diploma of “Practitioners in Modern and Holistic Medicine”, delegate all power as doctor at respective Health Center and may be posted in district Hospitals.

b)BRMS – Bachelor of Rural Medicine and Surgery new name B Sc. in Community Health (Modern and Holistic Medicine) a 3 years coarse, is not a doctor but he/she delegate all power as doctor at respective Health Centre  and may be posted in district Hospitals. 

Masters in Public Health (MPH) and MD (Social and Preventive Medicine) courses
There are number of Government Homeopathic Medical Colleges in India, despite of that the Homeopathic practitioners are not treated at par as Administrative functionary and even not admitted in the health courses like Masters in Public Health (MPH) and MD (Social and Preventive Medicine) thus Homeopathic practitioners are also not deployed on the Administrative Functionary of the Public Health System in India, while in adoption by public there is a massive jump in the demand for the 250-year-old system of medicine.

Hence please sign this online petition “Induction of Homoeopathic Graduates in Public Health System/Departments in India” as well to make them eligible for Masters in Public Health (MPH) of various institutes including institute like Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), and MD (Social and Preventive Medicine) courses prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI)

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