All India Institute of Medical Sciences is honoring 12 homeopaths

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences is honoring 12 homeopaths during their “International Conference on Multidiscplinary Healthcare,  – ICMHAIIMS 2014

Institutional Award

  • Dr. P N Varma, Former Director ,C.C.R.H. & presently, Advisor, Wilmar Shwabe India
  • Dr.Alok Kumar, Deputy Advisor (Homeopathy) ,Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of India
  • Dr.S.K. Verma, Deputy Director (Homeopathy), Govt. of Delhi 

Individual Award

  • Dr. V.K. Gupta, Former Principal ,Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi
  • Dr. S.P. Singh , Forme Advisor (Homeopathy), Govt. of India
  • Dr.Eswara Das, Former Director, National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkatata
  • Dr.Latlit Verma, Secretary,Central Council of Homeopathy, Delhi
  • Dr.Anil Khurana, Scientist 4, C.C.R.H. 

Life Time Achievement

  • Dr.Ramjee Singh, President, Central Council of Homeopathy
  • Dr.C.Nayak, Director-Professor,, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Formerly, Director General, CCRH
  • Dr.R.K.Manchanda, Director General, CCRH 

The Organizing Committee of ICMHAIIMS-2014, announces and honour 12 homoeopaths with an award for your extraordinary contribution to the field of Homeopathy, during the valediction ceremony of ‘International Conference on Multidisciplinary Healthcare, AIIMS-2014’

On 12th  Jan. 2014 from 04.00 – 06.00 PM(Tentative Time)

At J.N.L Auditorium, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

ICMHAIIMS 2014 is a multidisciplinary conference which is providing a common platform to all the healthcare fraternities to share skills and knowledge between diverse groups of healthcare professionals and their respective Associations / Councils to come to the common goal of providing most effective and affordable healthcare services to the Patient.

Individuals with life-limiting illnesses often have complex and multifaceted needs.

In most cases, these needs are best managed using a multidisciplinary approach to care that includes opportunities for multidisciplinary discussions and care planning.

Effective multidisciplinary care embeds collaborative and patient-centred approaches to care planning and provision, and leads to the achievement of care goals that are unlikely to be achieved by health professionals acting in isolation.

This Mega event is designed to promote multidisciplinary healthcare practice and to strengthen the referral system in health and wellness field. 

More details :


  1. I wish to congratulate all doctors whose works have been acknowledged by AIIMS, though I believe that there are more across India.

  2. Its really good news for Homoeopathy and Homoeopaths that the are honoring in new era by whom who always oppose us. Thanks to all doctor who create such hard and noble works for homoeopathy and its followers.

  3. It is really good news AIIMS is honouring few outstanding Homoeopaths…….this should we consider as new era/thinking by Allopathic mindset or any hidden agenda in this act???? only time will answer this question. As on now let us enjoy & celebrate this occation

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