Question bank on pathology & microbiology
DW = Differentiate
DW: Caseation and coagulation necrosis.
DW: Coagulation and liquefaction necrosis.
DW: Metastatic and dystrophic calcification.
DW: Necrosis and autolysis.
DW: Dry and wet gangrene.
DW: Reversible and irreversible injury.
DW: Necrosis and apoptosis.
DW: Hyperplasia and neoplasia.
DW: Hyperplasia and hypertrophy.
DW: Labile cell and stable cell.
DW: Metaplasia and dysplasia.
DW: Granulation tissue and granuloma.
DW: Healing by primary and secondary intentions.
DW: Granulomatous inflammation and granulation tissue.
DW: Transudate and exudates.
DW: Healing by primary and secondary intention.
DW: Exudate and transudate.
DW: Thrombus and post mortem clot.
DW: Thrombus and pm clot.
DW: Infarction and gangrene.
DW: Renal and cardiac edema.
DW: T helper and T suppressor cells.
DW: Class I and Class II histocamptibility antigens.
DW: T and B lymphocytes.
DW: Type I and Type III hypersensitivity reactions.
DW: Primary and secondary amyloidosis.
DW: T and B cell.
DW: Type I and II hypersensitivity.
DW: Acute and chronic rejection of renal transplant.
DW: Hyaline and amyloid material.
DW: Helper and cytotoxix T cells.
DW: Ig allotype and idiotype.
DW: Benign and Malignant tumours.
DW: Carcinoma and sarcoma.
DW: Neoplasm and hamartoma.
DW: Proto-oncogene and anti-oncogene.
DW: Tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy.
DW: Primary and reinfection TB.
DW: Kwashiorkar and marasmus.
LQ: Define cell injury. Describe the brief mechanism hypoxic cell injury.
LQ: Describe the process of wound healing by primary intention. What are the factors which influence wound healing.
LQ: Define inflammation. Name and discuss the mode of action of chemical mediators in acute inflammation.
LQ: Define inflammation. Describe the cellular events an types of acute inflammation.
LQ: Define granuloma, list causes of granulomatosus inflammation, describe the dev. Of tubercular granuloma.
LQ: Discuss pathogenesis of thrombus formation. What is the fate of the thrombus?
LQ: Define and classify shock. Discuss the pathogenesis of endotoxic shock.
LQ: Discuss the etiopathogenesis of thrombosis. Describe the morphology and fate of a thrombus.
LQ: Enumerate the different types of edema. Give the pathogenesis of cardiac edema.
LQ: Define and classify shock. Discuss the pathogenesis of septic shock.
LQ: Define thrombus. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of thrombus and its fate.
LQ: Enumerate the different types of emboli. Describe the etiopathogenesis and complications of pulmonary embolism.
LQ: Classify amyloidosis. Discuss its pathogenesis and characterization.
LQ: Give immunochemical and clinical classification of amyloidosis. Describe the gross and microscopic autopsy findings in a case of reactive systemic amyloidosis.
LQ: Define hypersensitivity. Describe the mechanism of action of type II hypersensitivity.
LQ: Define hypersensitivity. Give the mech. of action of type II hypersensitivity reaction with examples.
LQ: Define neoplasia. Describe the altered growth properties of malignant cells and their mode of spread.
LQ: Enumerate the viruses implicated in human neoplasia. Discuss the mechanisms of action of RNA viruses in inducing neoplastic change.
LQ: Classify epithelial tumours and describe the gross and microscopic features of squamous cell carcinoma.
LQ: Define carcinogenesis. Describe briefly the role of various carcinogens in causation of human malignancy.
LQ: Discuss the role of viruses in carcinogenesis. Enumerate the important laboratory techniques used in diagnosis of cancer.
LQ: Classify chemical carcinogens. Discuss the sequential steps involved in chemical carcinogenesis.
LQ: Define neoplasia. Describe the mech. of DNA viral carcinogensis.
LQ: Describe briefly the MOA and biological effects of ionizing radiations.
SN: Apudoma.
SN: Hemochiomatosis.
SN: Pathogenesis of fatty liver.
SN: Coagulative and caseous necrosis.
SN: Metastatic and dystrophic calcification.
SN: Free radicals in cell injury.
SN: Mech. of fatty change in liver.
SN: Fat necrosis.
SN: Mallory’s bodies.
SN: Free radical injury.
SN: Causes and morphology of fatty liver.
SN: Fat necrosis.
SN: Free radical injury.
SN: Mech. of fatty change of liver.
SN: Fat necrosis.
SN: Free radical injury.
SN: Mech. of fatty change of liver.
SN: Fat necrosis.
SN: Dystrophic calcification.
SN: Dysplasia.
SN: Interleukin- 1.
SN: Lymphokines.
SN: Phagocytosis.
SN: Transudate and exudates.
SN: Chemotactic factors.
SN: Vascular changes in acute inflammation.
SN: Granulomatous inflammation.
SN: Phagocytosis.
SN: Brown location of lungs.
SN: Fate of thrombus.
SN: Phlebothrombosis.
SN: Classification and morphology of infarcts
SN: Fat embolism.
SN: Amniotic fluid embolism.
SN: Venous thrombosis.
SN: Paradoxical embolism.
SN: Renal oedema.
SN: Nutmeg liver.
SN: Klinefelter syndrome.
SN: Turner’s syndrome.
SN: Lyon’s hypothesis.
SN: Glycogen storage disease.
SN: Barr body.
SN: Down syndrome.
SN: Hermaphroditism.
SN: Hypercholesterolemia.
SN: Barr body.
SN: Arthus phenomenon.
SN: Acute graft rejection.
SN: Staining properties of amyloid.
SN: Sago spleen.
SN: Type IV hypersensitivity reaction.
SN: Interferon.
SN: Delayed hypersensitivity.
SN: T and B lymphocyte.
SN: Significance of HLA complex.
SN: Coomb’s test.
SN: Antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
SN: Lymphokines.
SN: Immunologic tolerance.
SN: Lab diagnosis of AIDS.
SN: Cytokines.
SN: Basis of immunodeficiency in AIDS.
SN: Interferon.
SN: Opportunistic infection in AIDS.
SN: Graft vs host disease.
SN: Alfafetoprotein.
SN: Carcinoma in site.
SN: Tumour cell markers.
SN: Role of cytology in early detection of cancer.
SN: Procarcinogens.
SN: Frozen section.
SN: Co-carcinogen.
SN: Tumour markers.
SN: Teratoma.
SN: Cytological diagnosis of cancer.
SN: Oncofoetal antigens.
SN: DNA oncogenic viruses.
SN: Oncofoetal proteins.
SN: Viral oncogenesis.
SN: Philadelphia chromosome.
SN: Alfafetoprotein.
SN: Role of cytology in tumour diagnosis.
SN: Lepromin test.
SN: Lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy.
SN: Ghoan focus.
SN: Ghon’s complex.
SN: Primary complex.
SN: Kwashiorkar.
SN: Radiation injury.
SN: Diet of cancer.
SN: Hazards of radiation.
SN: Hemolytic diseases of newborn.
SN: Neuroblastoma.
SN: Hemolytic disease of newborn.
DW: Tuberculous and pyogenic pericarditis.
DW: Rheumatic and bacterial endocarditis.
DW: Vegetations of rheumatic heart disease and bacterial endocarditis.
DW: Megaloblast and normoblast.
DW: Chronic myeloid leukemia and leukemoid reaction.
DW: Bronchopneumonis and lobar pneumonia.
DW: Centriacinar and panacinar emphysema.
DW: Features of benign and malignant gastric ulcer.
DW: Tubercular and typhoid ulcer intestine.
DW: Ulcerative and amoebic colitis.
DW: Hepatocellular and obstructive jaundice.
DW: Obstructive and hemolytic jaundice.
DW: Chronic active and chronic persistent hepatitis.
DW: Amoebic and pyogenic liver abscess.
DW: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B.
DW: Renal changes in benign and malignant nephrosclerosis.
DW: Features of chronic pyelonephritis and chronic glomerulonephritis.
DW: Benign and malignant hypertension.
DW: Chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic pyelonephritis.
DW: Minimal changes and membranous nephropathy.
DW: Nephroblastoma and renal cell carcinoma.
DW: Hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma.
DW: Mature and immature teratoma.
DW: Follicular carcinoma and papillary carcinoma thyroid.
DW: CSF findings in tuberculosis and pyogenic meningitis.
LQ: Describe the risk factors pathogenesis and complications of atherosclerosis of aorta.
LQ: Classify endocarditis. Describe the etiopathogenes pathology and complication of infective bacteria endocarditis.
LQ: Enumerate the causes of MI. Describe in brief the pathology and complications of acute MI.
LQ: Describe pathogenesis of MI. give the gross and microscopic features and complications of MI.
LQ: Discuss the etiopathogensis of rheumatic fever. Describe the autopsy findings in the case of mitral stenosis.
LQ: Discuss the etiopathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease. Describe the autopsy findings in the case mitral stenosis.
LQ: Describe the gross and microscopic features and I diagnosis of acute MI.
LQ: Classify hemolytic anemia. Describe the hematologic lab findings in beta-thalassemia.
LQ: Classify purpuras. Describe the peripheral blood and bone marrow findings in a case of idiopathic thrombus cytopenic purpura.
LQ: Classify megaloblastic anemias. Give the pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of pernicious anemia.
LQ: Enumerate the causes of iron deficiency anemia. Describe its pathogenesis and lab investigations.
LQ: Classify hemolytic anemia. Give the lab diagnosis of thalassemia.
LQ: What are the microcytic anemias. Describe the clinical features and lab diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.
LQ: Define and classify hemolytic anemia. Describe the lab diagnosis of sickle cell disease.
LQ: Outline a scheme for investigating a probable patient of hemolytic anemia. Give the pathophysiology and clinical features of beta thalassemia major.
LQ: Enumerate the causes of iron deficiency anemia. Describe the hematological findings in a case nutritional iron deficiency anemia.
LQ: Classify leukemias. Describe the clinical features and lab findings in a case of chronic myeloid leukemia.
LQ: Describe the salient clinical features, lab findings and prognostic factors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
LQ: Classify leukemia. Describe the clinical and lab findings in a case of acute myeloid leukemia.
LQ: Enumerate the causes of generalized lymphadenopathy in young adults. Describe the gross and microscopic features of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
LQ: Classify leukemias. Give the clinical and lab findings in chronic myeloid leukaemia.
LQ: Classify acute leukemias. Discuss the clinical features, peripheral blood and bone marrow findings in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
LQ: What is bronchiectasis? Describe the predisposing factors, pathogenesis morphology and sequelae of bronchiectasis.
LQ: Enumerate the causes of hemoptysis. Describe the autopsy findings in a case of fibrocaseous TB lung.
LQ: Classify pneumonias. Describe the etiopathogenesis, pathology and complications of lobar pneumonia.
LQ: Describe the primary complex in pulmonary tuberculosis and types of reactivation lesions of the lung and its complications.
LQ: What is bronchiectasis. Discuss the pathogenesis, pathological features and complications of bronchiectasis.
LQ: Name the cavitating lesions of lung. Describe the predisposing factors, pathogensis, morphology and sequelae of bronchiectasis.
LQ: Classify lung tumours. Discuss the etiological factors for lung cancer and describe the morphology of squamous cell cancer of the lung.
LQ: Classify pneumoconiosis. Describe the etiopathogenesis, pathology and complications and silicosis lung.
LQ: Classify tumours. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and pathology of squamous cell carcinoma lung.
LQ: Enumerate the ulceroinflammatory lesions of small intestine. Describe the pathology and complications intestinal tuberculosis.
LQ: Enumerate the ulceroinflammatory lesions of large intestine. Give the gross and microscopic features are complications of amoebic colitis.
LQ: Discuss the etiopathogenesis of peptic ulcer. Describe the pathology and complications of chronic gastric ulcer.
LQ: Classify the tumours of stomach. Describe the bri etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopic features gastric carcinoma.
LQ: Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and sequelease of acute viral hepatitis.
LQ: Classify cirrhosis. Discuss brief, the pathology, pathogenesis and complications of posthepatic of cirrhosis.
LQ: Enumerate the clinical manifestations of cirrhosis of the liver giving the pathological basis of portal hypertension.
LQ: Enumerate the viruses that causes hepatitis. Describe the pathology of acute viral hepatitis B and its sequelae.
LQ: Define cirrhosis. Describe the etiopathogenesis of pos necrotic cirrhosis and enumerate its complications.
LQ: Define and classify cirrhosis. Give the gross and microscopic features of alcoholic cirrhosis.
LQ: Define and classify cirrhosis. Describe the pathogenesis and pathology of postnecrotic cirrhosis. Enumerate the complications of postnecrotic cirrhosis.
LQ: Enumerate the ulcerative lesions of large intestine. Describe the etiopathogenesis, morphological features and complications of postnecrotic cirrhosis.
LQ: Discuss the etiopathogensis and complications of alcoholic cirrhosis.
LQ: Describe the autopsy findings in a 65 year old male who has had DM for 20 years.
LQ: Define nephritic syndrome. Enumerate the causes and discuss its pathogenic mechanism. Describe morphological features of membranous glomerulonephritis.
LQ: Classify glomerulonephritis. Describe the clinical features, etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis of poststreptococcal glomerulophritis.
LQ: Describe the pathology and the pathogenesis of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
LQ: Define nephritic syndrome. Enumerate its causes and describe the renal changes and lab diagnosis of minimal change glomerulonephritis.
LQ: Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and lab diagnosis of acute proliferative poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
LQ: Describe the etiopathogeneis, morphological features and urinary findings in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
LQ: What are the types of urinary calculi? Discuss the pathogenesis, gross features and complications of renal calculi.
LQ: Define nephritic syndrome. Enumerate its causes, and describe the etiopathogensis and pathology of membranous glomerulonephritis.
LQ: A- 55 year old man died of persistent long standing HT. Discuss autopsy findings.
LQ: Describe the etiopathogenesis, morphologic changes and lab findings of chronic pyelonephritis.
LQ: Enumerate the cause of thyroid enlargement. Describe the etiopathogenesis and pathology of multinodular goitre.
LQ: Classify malignant tumours of the bone. Describe pathology of a common primary malignant bone tumour.
LQ: Describe the etiopathogenesis and gross and microscopic features of chronic osteomyelitis. Enumerate complications.
SN: Polyarthritis nodosa.
SN: Complications of atheromatous plaque.
SN: Mycotic aneurysm.
SN: Thromboangitis obliterans.
SN: Raynaoud phenomenon.
SN: Sequelae of atherosclerosis.
SN: Aneurysms of aorta.
SN: Tubercular pericarditis.
SN: Pathology of acute MI.
SN: Complications of MI.
SN: Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis.
SN: Aschoff body.
SN: Lab diagnosis of acute MI.
SN: Aschoff nodule.
SN: Causes of left ventricular hypertrophy.
SN: Constrictive pericarditis.
SN: Lab findings in myocardial infarct.
SN: Sequelae of bacterial endocarditis.
SN: Libman-Sach’s endocarditis.
SN: Causes and morphological features of vegetations cardiac valves.
SN: Viral myocarditis.
SN: Libman-Sacks disease.
SN: Constrictive pericarditis.
SN: Lab anticoagulants.
SN: Bone marrow picture of megaloblastic anemia.
SN: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
SN: Lab diagnosis of sickle cell anemia.
SN: Pancytopenia.
SN: Hemophilia.
SN: Foetal Hb.
SN: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
SN: Hemophilia.
SN: Idiopathic thrombocytopic purpura.
SN: Rh incompatibility.
SN: Lab diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.
SN: Blood transfusion reactions.
SN: Causes of pancytopenia.
SN: G6PD deficiency.
SN: Pancytopenia.
SN: Prothrombin time.
SN: Blood transfusion.
SN: Mech. Of platelet destruction in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura lab diagnosis of hemophilia.
SN: Blood and bone marrow findings in folate deficiency anemia.
SN: Lab diagnosis of thalassemia.
SN: Peripheral smear changes in megaloblastic anemia.
SN: Hemoglobin estimation.
SN: Bleeding time.
SN: Significance of ESR estimation.
SN: Bombay blood group.
SN: Hodgkin’s disease.
SN: Fibrocongestive spleen
SN: Agranulocytosis.
SN: Lab investigation of multiple myeloma.
SN: Nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s disease.
SN: Histological features of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
SN: Peripheral smear and bone marrow findings in chronic myeloid leukaemia.
SN: Lab diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
SN: Burkitts lymphoma.
SN: Multiple myeloma.
SN: Hodgkin’s lymphoma –mixed cellularity.
SN: Cytochemical differentiation of acute leukaemias.
SN: Emphysema lung.
SN: Oat cell carcinoma of lung.
SN: Viral pneumonia.
SN: Role of alpha-1 antitrypsin in emphysema.
SN: Lab diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma.
SN: Complications of bronchietasis.
SN: Asbestosis.
SN: Lab diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma.
SN: Oat cell carcinoma lung.
SN: Pathogenesis of bronchial asthma.
SN: Viral pneumonia.
SN: Complications of lung abscess.
SN: Lung abscess.
SN: Primary atypical pneumonias.
SN: Utility of broncho-alveolar levage.
SN: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
SN: Complications of bronchiectasis.
SN: Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland.
SN: Pleomorphic adenoma.
SN: Carcinoid tumour.
SN: Coeliac disease.
SN: Carcinoid syndrome.
SN: Gross and microscopic appearance of amoebic coli.
SN: Hirschprung’s disease.
SN: Typhoid ulcer of intestine.
SN: Complications of ulcerative colitis.
SN: Complications of amoebic colitis.
SN: Malabsorption syndrome.
SN: Crohn’s disease.
SN: Carcinoid tumour of intestine.
SN: Precancerous lesions of git.
SN: Acute appendicitis.
SN: Benign gastric ulcer.
SN: Typhoid ulcer.
SN: Complications of peptic ulcer.
SN: Villous adenoma of colon.
SN: Typhoid and tuberculous ulcer of small intestine.
SN: Morphological features and complications of ulcerative colitis.
SN: Acute appendicitis.
SN: Chronic active hepatitis.
SN: Indian Childhood cirrhosis.
SN: Hepatitis B virus.
SN: Amoebic liver abscess.
SN: Gallstones.
SN: Obs and hepatic jaundice.
SN: Complications of gallstones.
SN: Delta hepatitis.
SN: Portal hypertension.
SN: Non-A Non-B hepatitis.
SN: Alfatoxin.
SN: Lab findings in obstructive jaundice.
SN: Mech. of ascites of cirrhosis of liver.
SN: Amoebic abscess of liver.
SN: Morphologic features of alcoholic cirrhosis.
SN: Chronic active hepatitis.
SN: Hepatocellular carcinoma.
SN: Cholelithiasis.
SN: Dubin-Johnson’s syndrome.
SN: Hereditary hyperbilirubinemia.
SN: Acute pancreatitis.
SN: Zollinger-Ellison’s syndrome.
SN: Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas.
SN: Diabetic neuropathy.
SN: Glucose tolerance tests.
SN: Ketoacidosis.
SN: Diagnostic significance of urinary casts.
SN: Renal infarct.
SN: Renal lesions.
SN: Benign nephrosclerosis.
SN: Urinary casts.
SN: Acute tubular necrosis.
SN: Rapidly progressive glomerulobnephritis.
SN: Urinary findings in chronic glomerulonephritis.
SN: Wilms tumour.
SN: Kidney in hypertension.
SN: Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
SN: Renal changes in DM.
SN: Acute lobar necrosis.
SN: Urinary casts.
SN: Morphologic lesions of diabetic nephropathy.
SN: Malignant nephrosclerosis.
SN: Renal infarct.
SN: Benign and malignant hypertension.
SN: End stage kidney.
SN: Renal changes in DM.
SN: Renal changes in malignant hypertension.
SN: Urothelial tumours of urinary bladder.
SN: Seminoma.
SN: Nodular hyperplasia prostate.
SN: Seminoma testis.
SN: Carcinoma prostate.
SN: Hydatiditiform mole.
SN: Choriocarcinoma.
SN: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
SN: Teratoma ovary.
SN: Vesicular mole.
SN: Krukenberg tumour.
SN: Choriocaricnoma.
SN: Leiomyoma uterus.
SN: Benign cystic teratoma, ovary.
SN: Endometrial carcinoma.
SN: Uterine cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
SN: Yolk sac tumour.
SN: Hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma.
SN: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
SN: Dermoid cyst ovary.
SN: Yolk sac tumour of ovary.
SN: Fibrocystic disease of breast.
SN: Paget’s disease of the breast.
SN: Fibrocystic disease of the breast.
SN : Cystosarcoma phylloides.
SN: Fibroadenoma breast.
SN: Fibroadenoma.
SN: Cushing’s syndrome.
SN: Pheochromocytoma.
SN: Thyroiditis.
SN: Multinodular goitre.
SN: Pheochromocytoma.
SN: Hastimoto’s thyroiditis.
SN: Grave’s disease.
SN: Medullary carcinoma thyroid.
SN: Papillary carcinoma thyroid.
SN: Craniopharyngioma.
SN: Adenomatous goitre.
SN: Adenoma thyroid.
SN: Craniopharyngioma.
SN: Pheochromocytoma.
SN: Malignant melanoma.
SN: Basal cell carcinoma.
SN: Rodent cancer.
SN: Sequestrum.
SN: Tuberculous osteomyelitis.
SN: Osteoclastoma.
SN: Osteomalacia.
SN: Ewing’s sarcoma of bone.
SN: Bone changes in rickets.
SN: Fibrous dysplasia of the bone.
SN: Osteogenic sarcoma.
SN: Gross and microscopic features of giant cell tumour bone.
SN: Pathogenesis of tuberculosis osteomyelitis.
SN: Osteogenic sarcoma – newer concepts.
SN: Pathogenesis of pyogenic osteomyelitis.
SN: Etiopathogenesis of acute pyogenic osteomyelitis.
SN: Giant cell tumour of bone.
SN: Tubercular osteomyelitis.
SN: Rickets.
SN: Osteosarcoma.
SN: Pathology and clinical features of chondrosarcoma.
SN: CSF findings in acute pyogenic meningitis.
SN: CSF in viral meningitis.
SN: Astrocytoma.
SN: CSF findings in tubercular meningitis.
SN: Hydrocephalous.
LQ: Long question
SN: Short Note
DW: Difference between
- Bone marrow aspiration needle.
- Lumbar puncture needle.
- Specimen of kidney (amyloidosis).
- Ileocecal tuberculosis (specimens).
- Matted lymph nodes.
- Seminoma testis.
- Clinical case (history and questions).
- Cirrhosis of liver.
- Sago spleen.
- Typhoid ulcer.
- Fatty liver.
- Amyloidosis kidney.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- CVC liver.
- Tuberculosis lung.
- Tuberculosis of intestine.
- Thrombus artery.
- Squamous cell papilloma.
- Squamous cell carcinoma skin.
- Lobar pneumonia.
- Brochopneumonia.
- Fibrocystic disease of breast (FNAC).
- Duct carcinoma of breast (FNAC).
- Calloid goitre thyroid (FNAC)
- Seminoma testis.
- Glomerulonephritis (Acute).
- Peptic ulcer.
- Lymphadenitis.
- Atheromatous plaque.
- Arteriosclerosis.
- Cavernous hemangioma.
- Lipoma.
- Breast carcinoma.
- Toxic nodular goitre of thyroid.
- Bone tumors.
Hematology Practicals
- Hemoglobin estimation.
- Total leucocyte count calculation methods.
- Differential leucocyte counting method.
- Provisional diagnosis on the basis of :
- Hb estimation
- History and results of other investigations provided with blood samples.
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