XXIII National Homeopathic Congress of the IIHP at Hyderabad

XXIII National Homeopathic Congress of the I.I.H.P (Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians)
On 23-24,February 2014
At I.I.C.T.Auditorium.Tarnaka, Hyderabad. AP
1. Clinical Practice – successful cases

  • Auto Immune disorders
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Critical & emergency cases
  • Endocrinal disorders
  • OBG
  • Utility of indigenous medicinal plants 

Medical Education Technology

  • Advances in teaching methodology
  • Computer assisted teaching and learning
  • CME for GPs
  • PBL
  • Capacity building of faculty
  • Digital technology applications in teaching and practice 

Homoeopathic Research

  • Nano Medicine
  • Molecular mechanism of JE
  • Activities and achievements of CCRH
  • Recent research advancement in Homoeopathy
  • Clinical research in General practice 


  • Dr R K Manchanda
  • Prof. Shantaram Kane
  • Dr Ramjee Singh
  • Dr Arvin Kothe
  • Dr VK Gupta
  • Dr Neeraj Raj
  • Dr MA Rao
  • Dr LK Nanda
  • Dr Niranjan Mohanty
  • Dr S Praveenkumar
  • Dr G Chandra Sekhar Rao
  • DR Sayed Tanvir Hussain
  • Dr Sudha
  • Dr Ajay Dahad
  • Dr Muneer Ahammed 

Reg. fee

  • Delegate : Rs.1500
  • Student : Rs.1000/- 

Send scientific papers to
Dr.N.Srinivasa Rao,Chairman,Organizing Committee
Email : srinivasdoctor@gmail.com
Send articles for souvenir : Dr Vishwanadh Rao mail: vishwanadh1234@rediffmail.com
Secretary, Organizing Committee
Dr.G.Narayan Reddy,Treasurer,
More at : www.iihpcongress2014.wordpress.com

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