Homoeopathy in Veterinary diseases

domestic-animalsHistory of use of  Homoeopathy for treatment of various clinical conditions in animals is as long as use of homeopathy for humans. According to recent figures about 290 studies have been conducted on animals like Pig (35), Cow (16), Chicken (30), Dog (10), Goat (02), Sheep (01), etc.

lndian veterinarian are using homeopathy for various conditions of domestic animals since a long time. Below a brief review is given regarding use of homoeopathy in various clinical conditions of domestic animals by Indian Veterinarians.

Various mammary conditions of animals like udder disease of Buffaloes (Varshney JP), clinical mastitis in dairy cows (Varshney JP), Thelitis in Cows and Buffaloes (Varshney JP), acute mastitis in bitches (Varshney JP), vesicular eruptions teats of Cows (Varshney JP) have been conducted. The results ofuse ofhomoeopathy for treating these conditions were encouraging.

A number of studies have been conducted to treat various liver related complaints in animals e.g. hepatopathy in dogs (Varshney JP), infectious hepatitis in Canine (Varshney JP et al), hepatitis associated with E canis and B. gibsoni infection (Ajay kumar et al). These studies have shown that homoeopathy has a promising role ofin such cases.

Besides this there are other studies on pyrexia, hematuria, cystitis, in dogs have been reported by Varshney JP; bovine hematuria by R Somvnshi; diarrhea in calves by Ram Naresh et al; gastroenteritis in canine and pups by Varshney JP; seborrhea in dogs by Varshney JP; post partum anestrus in dairy animals by Kumar Harendra et al; infertility cows by Rajkumar R et al; styes in dogs by Varshney JP; canine epilepsy by Varshney JP have been reported to have beneficial effect of homoeopathy in these clinical conditions in animals.

There also some studies where beneficial role of homoeopathy has been assessed for squamous metaplasis in dog (Varshney JP et al); cutaneous warts in a Heifer (Somvanshi R et al); hemorrhagic crisis in canine (Kumar Ajay et al); atrial paroxysmal tachycardia in dogs (Varshney JP et al); bradycardia in dogs (Bendagla C et al); sick sinus syndrome in dog (Bendagla C et al) and burn wounds of calves by Gopinathan A et al.

The role of homoeopathy in veterinary practice has a promising role and is evolving day by day.

It is safe, cost effective and efficacious mode of treatment for various diseases of animals.

Download the abstract of few studies on Animals

 Courtesy : Dr Shivang Swami Narayan


  1. will you please contact later. the present subject is the necessatiy of a unified homeopathy associatio
    Dr ramankutty.p

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