New Delhi: The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, gave its approval for launching of the National AYUSH Mission (NAM) with its core and flexible components on 15.09.2014.
The proposed Mission will address the gaps in health services through supporting the efforts of State/UT Governments for providing AYUSH health services/education in the country, particularly in vulnerable and far-flung areas. Under NAM special focus will be given for specific needs of such areas and for allocation of higher resources in their Annual Plans. The Mission will help in:
- The improvement of AYUSH education through enhancement in the number of upgraded educational institutions;
- Better access to AYUSH services through increase in number of AYUSH hospitals and dispensaries, availability of drugs and manpower;
- Providing sustained availability of quality raw material for AYUSH systems of medicine; and
- Improving availability of quality Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy (ASU&H) drugs through increase in number of pharmacies, drug laboratories and improved enforcement mechanism of ASU&H drugs.
India possess an unmatched heritage represented by its ancient systems of medicine like ASU&H which are a treasure house of knowledge for preventive and promotive healthcare. The positive features of the Indian systems of medicine namely their diversity and flexibility; accessibility; affordability, a broad acceptance by a large section of the general public; comparatively lesser cost and growing economic value, have great potential to make them providers of healthcare that the large sections of our people need. [Source]
On the occasion of birth anniversary of Master Dr. Hahnemann
I am very little soldier of
Hahnemannian army. At the occasion of 260 birth anniversary of Master, I am
trying to follow his shown path. In the aphorism §11, he explicated his most
admired and worthwhile term ‘DYNAMIS’; however, at that time. But,
now, I am elaborating the same; however, in context of present scenario.
Dynamic influence: Looking at the
paranormal occurrences, which take place during day-to-day our life, Dr.
Hahnemann tried to elaborate power or force behind them. Remember, the
knowledge we have today in the any field was never before in history of any
faculty; including medicine. He assumed that they occur due mysterious forces.
He called this invisible power as dynamic influence. As regard this element, in the
footnote no. 7, devoted to aphorism §11 of the 6th edition of
‘Organon’, he elaborated in-depth. He
inferred about dynamic influence
in his time and described
that….“What is dynamic influence, — dynamic power?”—- He
questioned himself and then explicated the occurrences of Nature very nicely. While elaborating dynamic
power, Dr. Hahnemann very carefully selected examples and determined a
linkage between visible occurrences
and this invisible power. In all such examples, he specified an invisible element; to which
he considered as responsible for the final outcomes of the episode. He inferred
about this element as an invisible, conceptual and concealed
element (force), however, it affects
and operates all the occurrences in cosmos. He called this invisible element as
dynamic power. He understood and acknowledged that this element overwhelm and affects all the objects and
occurrences. At his time, even without advance technology and lack of
sophisticated equipments, he offered a new hypothesis — a new concept of immaterial
forces relating to disease causes and cure. He said that, it’s a conceptual and supra sensual force (energy). But, as regard causes of disease and cure, now, it is considered that the some corporeal or non-conceptual elements of life are responsible. Now, it is
considered that the genes with the help of naño energy affect all the episodes of life and/or outcome or
nature of the humankind. Although his perception as to diseases was quite
different from current understanding; however, indeed, it exhibits his genius. Even if the same power is still prevailing in the life with all its
capabilities, effectiveness and
affects in the Nature of life; yet, concept regarding
its nature, existence and the form have changed to a great extent. He
epitomized invisible dynamic power or
operative force with following examples:
(1) The forces
between the Earth and Moon. (2) Moon and Sea water (which bring tide
& ebb). (3) Magnet and Steel Needle. (4) Dynamic affect of
the sick making influences onto the healthy man. (5) Dynamic energy of
the medicine and ‘life principle’. (6) power of small pox and measles to
inflict a child without having any real touch, who may be living in the same
room. At last he added that: “to think of dynamic energy
as some thing non corporeal, since we see daily phenomena which cannot
be explained in any other manner?” For example: (7) “If one looks upon something nauseous and becomes
inclined to vomit,” and finally he questioned furthermore: “Did a material emetic come into his stomach which
compels him to this anti-peristaltic movement? Was it not solely the dynamic
effect of the nauseating aspect upon his imagination?” (8) “And if one raises his arm, does it occur through a material visible
instrument? a liver? Is it not solely the conceptual dynamic energy of his will
which raises it?”
The causes of all abovementioned episodes have been now scientifically
determined by the scientists. Indeed, you may be aware of them. Yet again, in
the light of most contemporary understanding and available data, I am going to
elaborate each of them specially for you. In order to make you much familiar with the
nature of energy, present in cosmos, I would like to recommend you strongly and
emphasize here that, you should also read the entire chapter ‘An
Amazing Element Of Life, THE DNA, very sensibly in the text ‘PREAMBLE’ (Ver. 2.0). Now, I am going
to offer you a realistic approach towards all abovementioned episodes. Herein
true reasoning behind all the episodes and latest ever scientific aspects have
been described. So that, you will get it much easily and the things shall
become much clearer than ever before.
(1)– The force between the earth and moon is the resultant gravitational force
of all the planets that exist in our galaxy. The gravitational force
doesn’t only exist between the earth and moon but it — this phenomenon, also applies equally well universally onto
the each and every particle that exists in our cosmos. The resultant gravitational force develops as a result of
gravitational forces between all the planets that exist in our cosmos —
interplanetary force. This force keeps all the planets at their
determined place. It desists them from displacing from their natural course of
orbit. As a result, not only earth and moon but also all other planets revolve
in a definite orbit around Sun in the space. Presently, the force of attraction
and repulsion between the any of two or more objects (planets) may be
calculated precisely by the means of certain laws. Given that, this force essentially relies onto the
masses of corresponding planets and their distances. Indian scientist have successfully launched
our own satellite on the Mars using interplanetary swing — The Mars orbiter.
It was a cheapest ever satellite sent on the Mars. The reason behind this is
that, in order to move satellite at Mars, the Indian scientists used interplanetary gravitational forces and saved the fuel cost. Methinks, someday,
in near future, for the humanitarian purposes, the super intelligent and much more superior human beings probably also become capable of converting
such forces into any other form of energy. (2)– Because of the
following reasons and fact, the tide and ebb appears during the full moon: (a)–
all the liquids have phenomenon to take shape
accordingly. (b)– The oceanic water body is covering about ¾ of the
total area of the earth; which is huge
collection of water. It means that, the oceanic water body is
absorbing ¾ x 2/1 = 1.5 times of the sum of entire gravitational force
that materializes between the earth and moon — the sum of attraction force which actually applies between the
earth and moon. Moreover that, since
more than 50% (58%+) of the whole surface of moon, at the one and same time, faces towards earth; thus, effective attraction force would be more than double to the sum
of force of attraction. Furthermore, (C)–
The presence of huge amount of minerals, heavy metals and other large amount of
impurities, which, in addition to
effects of masses of planets, boost up the moment of inertia that works on the water body, is also a great
reason behind tide and ebb. Presently, like generation of electricity
with wind and solar energy, the scientists have successfully converted the
force of water streams (tide & ebb) into electrical energy. It is known as hydroelectricity. (3)– The
force of attraction between the magnet and steel needle is essentially appears
due to induction phenomenon.
How much force of attraction will develop between the magnet and steel needle may be calculated by the coulomb’s law i.e. F = K. m1xm2
/ d2. Even if magnetic energy affects the only selected metals and
doesn’t operate on to the all metals; however, scientists have now artificially
developed a kind plastic material (non-metals), which demonstrates the same
phenomenon as magnetizable elements have. It’s a new breakthrough in the
technological development. Similarly, victim
of the disease like magnetic phenomenon, consistent with his own encoding and vulnerabilities, select his own
slaughterers (diseases). He demonstrates his own (pre) dispositions and, of
course, invite such conditions that may be appropriate to produce disease
manifestations. The emergence of all diseases requires predisposition as
stipulation of entity. The magnetic energy may also be converted into so
many other forms of energy. For example: mechanical, electrical, sound and
lastly magnetic resonance, which is successfully used currently in the medical
field. In order to scan patho-morpho changes — anatomical pathologies, status and
positioning of the internal human organs as well as to determine so many other
abnormalities within human entity, the magnetic resonance MRI is used. (4
& 6)– Although most of the sick making influences come from the adverse environmental factors; like
polluted air, contaminants like bacteria and viruses; yet, they only become
effective when they find a peculiar
disposition into the corresponding individual being. The persons who will be
liable to have peculiar infection or disease, owing to his own susceptibility
thereto pathogenic strain, he may fall off sick. Such pollutants often remain
present in the atmosphere or unnoticeably spread in the society and make the
people sick. For example: If a patient
with active tuberculosis together
with other five hundred healthy co-passengers is travelling in an
airplane; he may infect more than twenty-five of them within a very few hours
of journey. But, it only comes true owing to their own abnormal GC —
consistent with their own idiosyncratic susceptibility. Who will be susceptible
to the tuberculosis or liable to have tubercular infection. Otherwise,
there shall have no infection at all. The
same truth applies to the small pox and measles also. (5)–
In reference to effects of dynamic
energy, which is said ingrained in the Super Naño Medicines and effectively operates onto the ‘life
energy’, is naño energy. Since this topic has
already been discussed enough in-details in the text ‘PREAMBLE (Ver. 2. 0) as
well as in this text also at so many other places; thus, methinks, there is no
need to discuss it furthermore here once again. (7)– Looking at the any
nauseating object may generate a reflex action in the stomach muscles; however,
merely in those viewers who
will have enough sensitivity to such eventualities, particularly, light
stimulus (oversensitive to light). Only thereupon their viewing at
nauseating object may effectively
produce vomiting. The incidence of vomiting evidently involves following
mechanism in the concerning individual entity.
The mechanism of reflex: (a) – In the light sensitive individuals, after looking at the nauseous object, a
light stimulus is taken in the brain. This process involves excitatory sensory
stimulation, which instantaneously provokes an unconditional reflex. It carries
that stimulus either to the vomiting centre, located in medulla, closely
related to vagus nucleus, or to the spinal column for the appropriate reflex
order or impulse. Concurrently, it also reaches to the local nerve plexus,
namely, Anerbach’s plexus; which coordinates in these operations. Meanwhile a
hormone, namely, Acetylcholine and 5-hydoxyptamine, plays a substantial role in
these operations and deliver a positive order to the stomach muscles to
contract immediately. It’s an
involuntary process, by which a viewer at the nauseating object vomits instantly; even often
within a fraction of second vomiting occur. But, it merely takes place if the victim would be sensitive enough to such stimulus.
Presently this mechanism has been understood well by all the physiologists and
scientists. They did elaborated experiments on the subject in question. But
they didn’t find any dynamic power, except
for operational energy, which is concealed naño energy (imperceptible).
Therefore, they denied the explication of Hahnemann.
The GC
determines traits of entity while naño
energy, concealed therein, besides sensitivity of individual governs and
operates the whole personality. In contrast, insane, imbecile and/or complete indifferent individuals remain
unaffected during such occurrences. Because, owing to lack of high sensitivity, especially, to the light stimulus,
their viewing at any nauseous object doesn’t yield vomiting. The GC of individual doesn’t only play a substantial role here, at both of occasions, but it also
plays a decisive role everywhere equally during the course of lifespan of
entity. Similarly, like above mentioned phenomenon of vomiting, explicated by
Hahnemann, the scientists have also recently discovered the light stimulated epilepsy. The scientists have discovered
that the light beams may yield
epileptic seizures; however, in some cases only if they will be sensitive
enough to light stimulation. (8)– The rising of arm though entirely relies onto the will of entity;
yet, it essentially involves a mechanism that is known as ‘contraction mechanism’. During
the course of arm rising, the muscles of arm are indeed set in motion to
work-out or contract as per will of entity;
however, Creatine Phosphate (Cr.Po4) or Phosphogen and Adenosine
triphosphate plays a substantial
role during this process. Hereupon
following changes occur in the organism: (A)– mechanical (B)– chemical
(C)– thermal and (D)– electrical. The significant role of creatine phosphate (Cr.Po4) or
phosphogen and adenosine triphosphate has been established well presently.
During such events they play substantial role. The Cr.Po4 reacts with ADP and loses phosphate radicals,
with the materialization of ATP; whilst, it
breaks down by the adenosine triphosphate
and forms inorganic phosphate along with ADP. The ATP contains Adenine + d-ribose + 3 molecules of
orthophosphate; whereas, CrPo4 and ATP has energy rich phosphate bonds (~). The Crpo4 gets re-synthesized
with the help of phosphate, released from ATP; whereas, ATP gets converted back into the ADP. There are two
types of bonds. (a) High-energy bonds (~) and (b) Low energy
bonds. The high-energy bonds when split release 10000—12000 cal/gm/mole energy;
whereas a low energy bond gives off only 2000 cal/gm/mole. The ATP has two high energy bonds and one low energy bond; whereas
Crpo4 has only one high-energy
bond. During the each and every
activity and operations, in the cellular processes, this energy is liberated
and utilized; however, only with the help of operational naño energy together
with involvement of aforesaid mechanisms. Whenever we lift our arm, of course,
at our own will; the aforesaid body’s energy is utilized however with the help
of various mechanisms. Therefore,
the statement of Hahnemann that “Dynamic energy is some thing non corporeal” might
be true; however, merely for his time.
For his world view, presently,
because of latest ever scientific developments — researches and
experiments, it itself has proved conceptual. Now,
there is no need to prove that genes are ‘corporeal element of life and not
conceptual’. So that, unlike world
view of Hahnemann, this understanding has acquired a global recognition.
Therefore, looking at the present scenario, I sincerely feel
that an upgraded version of our earlier wisdom is required. For the up gradation of our knowledge as
well as development in our understanding, it is urgently required today. But care should be taken that, whenever correlating
our earlier wisdom with the latest ever scientific understanding, it must be in harmony with our science
and art. One more thing is to be noteworthy here that, whichever examples were
given by Hahnemann in that era, in order to support
his world view on dynamis; we may also redefine them exactly and
spell out now; however, in the
light of latest ever most advanced knowledgeable data. Then I don’t know why we are creeping behind old inferences given
out by Hahnemann. And why we are
hesitating in accepting the realistic view on dynamis, like ‘Life energy’; and
why we
should not incorporate such a most advanced and world recognized explanations
in our own literature? In this context, we should have to simply
overwrite world recognized knowledgeable
data over our earlier belief system. Of course, it would be very
different from our earlier belief system. But indeed it shall offer you a great
enthusiasm to workout things in a better way; which is urgently required at
Although he did
his job very nicely at that time; which actually signifies his genius; yet, as
such they do not find any harmony with the current scientific understanding and
norms, they are hard to digest by current scientific community. They devoid of
common scientific explanations. Actually, the explanations he offered have lost
their relevancy now. So that, they cannot be continued furthermore. Methinks,
when most of things have come to our knowledge as well as science has opened
our eyes; would it not be a harmful practice for all of us to creep along the
same inferential backdated ideas blindly
(?)– the ideas that are
not consistent with the current scientific understanding. Therefore, looking at the present phase of
extreme evolution as well as futurities, now, in order to enhance our own compatibility with surrounding scientific world as well as
capability with knowledge, we should
have to open our eyes widely and should
have to expand our boundaries of conception. Actually, this text is
intended to provide you a latest ever insight as to inferences and vision given out by Dr.
Hahnemann. In the light of most contemporary understanding, it provides you a
latest ever version of ‘Organon’ — the most knowledgeable data. You shall find
the most established facts and findings scattered here and there in my writings. For an average student of Homoeopathy, the
description of Hahnemann is hard to understand. But, the same is made so easy
that you may grasp the fundamental and specifics very easily. My text clears
all the doubts and uncertainties regarding subject in questions.
Every year noble prize are awarded in different field including medicine i.e allopathic system of medicine ,for new research in allopathic system of medicine .how many many person of homeopathic field got noble prize in the history? is any person have any courage and gut to got noble prize in homeopathic system of medicine if yes tell the name of the person who got noble prize in homeopathy in past and in future.
dr harimann…..,you are introducing yourself as a scientist ,
if u can not invent any thing dont destroy anything..
you have no knowledge about nano particle.which has been explined by dr kent 200 yrs back, as simple substance. The medicinal ,and disease dynamics is hidden within it.
i think the same petition should start about yous education level , how you can claim yourself as scientist.