Shripad Naik calls upon scientists and researchers to evaluate AYUSH remedies in cancer care

cancerThe Minister of State for AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik called upon the scientists and researchers to indulge in systematic evaluation of AYUSH remedies and practices in cancer care.

He stated that the traditional systems of medicine are based on strong fundamental principles, time-tested experiences and holistic concepts of application, and not only advise the treatment of patients with drugs, but also have the concept of modulating the life-style, dietary regimen, seasonal regimen and behavior to prevent and cure the diseases.

He added that integration of AYUSH with conventional healthcare system is another important area to be explored to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and to prevent the recurrence and metastasis and improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Shri Naik stated that looking at the global scenario of cancer management, it must be understood that stand alone modern medicine may not be sufficient to meet health needs of the society ailing with this dreaded disease. [Source]


  1. I on behalf of NWC Of IHMA, appreciate the gesture of our AYUSH minister. His interest to integrate AYUSH in Cancer care is laudable. Let us take it as a golden opportunity and approach the Minster with a concrete plans.
    Dr.Ravindran, National President, IHMA.

  2. Shri Shripad Yesso Naik ,

    The Minister of State for AYUSH,


    this is for your kind information,
    in homoeopathy system of medicine – there are many remedies which are very good for cancer, the remedies and the formulations have been submitted to ayush ( homoeopathy directorate) for approval. this is 12 years back , requested many times but no encuragements are availed , not approved till today.
    trend is suffering with cancer and its default treaters . your vision is searching for some other sources today i feel .
    many patients are happy by homoeopathic medicines . this is my request there are govt homoeopathic medical officers , principals, teachers , practitioners, contributed for cancer by homoeopathy they are to be invited , other wise after the ten years we can see through our natural eyes threre will be full of cancer patients in many of hospitals , is stated by drj h allen many decades back

    dr. u.s vanahalli

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