Indian Journal of Applied Homoeopathy- Review

Name of the journal :Indian journal of applied homoeopathy

  • Volume and issue number – Vol. iv, Issue i
  • Nature of magazine – quarterly
  • Month of publication – Jan. – March
  • Editor-in-chief – Dr. Kishore Mehta
  • Editor – Dr. Arvind Khote
  • Published by – Dr. Arvind Khote on behalf of Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Shiv Shail, Karai, Shiroda, Goa.
  • Printed at – Shree Brahmadurga printers, Shiroda, Goa.

Quarterly Journal of – Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,(Affiliated to Goa University), “Shiv-Shail”, Shiroda-Goa. 403103

Website –


FIRST PAGE – Mission of the college –

  • Excellence in Homoeopathic Education and Research
  • To prepare responsible professionals to reach the heights and to serve the humanity.


THIRD PAGE – Advertisement of Goa State Workshop on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child Care, which was held on 17 and 18th November, 2008.

FOURTH PAGE – Editorial Board.


  1. Editorial – Dr. Arvind Kothe
  2. Abstract of the Papers
  3. Panel discussion
  4. Resolutions

EDITORIAL –   Main Features –

  • Apart from treatment, we should educate people about Nutrition, Hygiene, Disinfection etc.
  • Development of Villages.
  • Expressing gratitude to Faculties of Goa State Seminar.
  • Congratulating the new Secretary, AYUSH Govt. of India Smt. S. Jailaja and Joint Secretaries AYUSH Shri. B. Anand and Dr. S. K. Panda.


HOMOEOPATHY IN MOTHER AND CHILD CARE – A CONCEPT                Presented by  Dr. Arvind Kothe, M.D.(Hom), Principal, Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda, Goa – 403103.

  • Mother and child comprise of 59 % of population and hence a major consumer of health services and therefore the need to address this group for better health care.
  • In Goa, problems like late marriages causing high risk pregnancies, food habits and lifestyle related problems resulting in Hypertension, DM as contributory risk factors in pregnancy. So lot can be achieved through awareness and holistic approach.
  • Homoeopathic physicians can take care of major health problems in mother and child care like Malnutrition and Infections. Recent studies reveal wider scope in anaemia under Homoeopathic therapeutics.
  • Health care of a girl must begin in childhood. Homoeopathic system of medicine aims at improving the immunity of the individual and can successfully treat various minor ailments of pregnancy.
  • Infections of the genital tract, Anemia, Hyper emesis gravid arum etc. can be tackled at the PHC level whereas, threatened abortions, ante partum Hemorrhages etc may have to be referred to the CHC for further care.

MAINSTREAMING OF HOMOEOPATHY IN MOTHER AND CHILD CARE – Dr. Eswara Das, MD (hom),MBA, Director – National Institute of Homoeopathy, (Govt. of India), Kolkata (W. B.)

  • Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR) is 301/100,000 births in India, one of the highest in the world. Women and children constitute about 66.6% of the population.
  • Homoeopathy is recognized as one of the National Systems of medicine in India and is soon gaining popularity in the Middle East and Western countries and has received acceptance in about 81 countries due to its efficacy, safety, easy availability and cost effectiveness.
  • The National Campaign on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child Care was flagged of in Nov’ 07 and 22 states have been selected to organize state workshops to be followed later by District Level Campaigns.
  • Facilities for Homoeopathic treatment will be made available at PHCs, CHCs and District Hospitals under the NRHM to make it accessible to the community.


ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHY DURING PREGNANCY AND SCOPE OF HOMOEOPATHY IN HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM – Dr. Shaila Udchankar, M. D. (Hom), Prof. and HOD Dept. of Repertory, A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College, Belgaum.

  • Vomiting is a symptom that may be related to pregnancy. It may be a manifestation of some medical, surgical, gynecological complications that can occur during any stage of pregnancy.
  • Understanding the causes of vomiting during pregnancy, assessing the line of management of hyperemesis gravidarum, the miasmatic presentation and knowledge of the common drugs indicated in treating this condition is essential for every homoeopath to deal with this condition successfully and the clinical features, investigations needed, dietary advice and other auxiliary modes of treatment to be adopted.

URINARY TRACT INFECTION DURING ANTENATAL PERIOD AND ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHY – Dr. Shekar vaze, M. D. (Hom),Visiting Professor, Dept. of Repertory, Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical college and  Hospital, Shiroda.

  • Homoeopathy can contribute by extending its help for the common problems during antenatal care at large and UTI in particular.
  • Along with other causes of UTI, the socioeconomic status and awareness of personal hygiene plays an important role.
  • In present days the antibiotics and other modes offeredfor the treatment of UTI are found to be costly affair. In such situations Homoeopathic remedies are found to be cost effective and easily dispensable.


SCOPE, LIMITATIONS AND INTEGRATION OF HOMOEOPATHY AND INTEGRATION OF HOMOEOPATHY WITH MODERN OBSTETRICS – Dr. Y. Dinesh Rao, M. D. ( Hom), Reader, Department of Medicine, Dr. M. L. Dhawle Memorial Homoeopathic Institute, Palghar, Dist. Thane (Mah.)

  • Causes of mortality and morbidity in obstetrics.
  • Form and function as a team.
  • A 3 day symposium was held by the Institute of clinical Research (ICR), in the month of October, where about 160 Homoeopaths attended which provided an ideal platform where many interesting cases touching on the topic of Integration of both sciences were presented and discussed.
  • Homoeopathic science being a PROMOTIVE, PREVENTIVE as well as a THERAPEUTIC mode of treatment can be complemented and integrated to the current system of Modern Obstetrics.

LIMITATION OF HOMOEOPATHY IN MOTHER AND CHILD CARE – Dr. Malini Vijay Desai, M. D. (Hom), Lecturer, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda, Goa – 403103.

  • Homoeopathy is effective in antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period effectively.
  • Medicines are safe for consumption during pregnancy.
  • Homoeopathy improves the natural immune responses rendering a healthier status in children.
  • Limitations of the system may be encountered at any stage of the antenatal, intranatal or postnatal care and in case of the neonates immediately after birth i.e. severe asphyxia or congenital malformations.


  • WHO’s Annual report of 2005 was entitled “Making every mother and child count”.
  • Roles of NRHM and AYUSH.
  • Mother and Child Care in the Urban Community.
  • Mother and Child Care in Rural Gujrat.

NATINAL RURAL HEALTH MISSION (NRHM) AT GOA – Dr. Deepak Kabadi, Dy. Director NVBDCP, Nodal Officer, NRHM, DHS, Govt. of GOA.

  • NRHM was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on 12th April 2005.
  • To provide effective healthcare to the rural population throughout the country especially women and children.

UPGRADATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE TO MEET THE NEEDS – Dr. Anjali V Prabhu Chodnekar, M. D. (Hom), Lecturer, Dept. of Organon and Homoeopathic Philosophy, Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda, Goa – 403103.

  • Interaction with Anganwadi workers and educating them will promote the services to the masses.
  • To create more awareness regarding AYUSH.


HOLISTIC, PROMOTIVE AND PREVENTIVE CARE AND NEONATAL PROBLEMS FROM BLUE TO BLOOM – Dr. N. C. Chatterjee, DMS(Cal), Professor, Homoeopathic Medical College, Ganganagar, Abhor, Punjab.

  • Puerperal depression and behavioral problems are often seen in women after child birth.
  • Homoeopathic Materia Medica is rich with a number of drugs that may be used in such conditions successfully transforming the mother’s state from BLUE to BLOOM.

CLINICAL RESEARCH ON THYROID DYSFUNCTION – Dr. Debnarayan Kalyani, M.D.(Hom), Asst. Research Officer, NIH, Kolkatta.

  • This was a clinical study conducted with the objective to study the effect of Homoeopathic medicines in Thyroid Disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism and Thyrotoxicosis under the presenter.
  • Total 179 cases were studied. 98 cases showed Goiter of which 41 showed reduction in size. Serological improvement in many proved the efficacy of homoeopathy in treating thyroid diseases.

EDUCATION AND NUTRITION IN MOTHER – Dr. Leena R. Naik, M. D. (Hom), Lecturer, Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda, Goa – 403103.

  • Education and nutrition form an integral part of a healthy life.
  • The mothers need to be made aware of proper antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care, nourishment of self, proper breastfeeding techniques, hygiene, proper sanitation and the national health programme.

IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATIONALIZATION: NATIONAL CAMPAIGN ON HOMOEOPATHY AND MATERNAL AND CHILD CARE – Dr. Dyson Peter Misquita, B. H. M. S., M. H. A. (Health),(TISS), Public Health Professional, Epidemologist, DHS, Govt. of Goa.

  • Approaches discussed in other state workshops as well as previously existing initiatives in the domain of public health in India.
  • An Implementation and Operationalization framework for the initiative.


  1. The state workshop has unanimously resolved to congratulate the Govt of India ministry of health & family welfare dept of Ayush for their guidance and financial support rendered to organize the workshop on homoeopathy for the welfare of mother and child in the state of Goa.
  2. It is resolved that the institution of Panchayat raj in the sate of Goa be involved in homoeopathy for mother and child care services.
  3. The state workshop on homoeopathy for mother and child care has approved the guidelines formulated for demarcation of clinical conditions to be treated in the sub centre level or to be referred to the PHC.
  4. In view of the expertise available at Shrikamaxi Devi homoeopathic medical college and hospital and it being the only institution in state of Goa, it is resolved that MOU be signed between state NRHM cell and the college for extension services and technical support.


  • The whole seminar is presented before us in a nutshell.
  • Arrangement of the contents is good.
  • The quality of the paper is good.
  • Colored pictures of the faculties are given.
  • Complete addresses of the faculties are given.


  • Magazine is published quarterly.
  • References are not mentioned.
  • Price is not mentioned
  • Only seminars are published.

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