India’s contribution to Homoeopathic Repertory

homeopathy- IndiaDr Jayadeep BP BHMS MD(Hom)

After the evolution of concept of repertory in Homoeopathy, we have history that Master Hahnemann himself encouraged a lot for the development of repertory to be an essential part of Homoeopathy.

Now have Dr Boenninghausen’s ‘Repertory of antipsoric remedies’ as the first authentic repertory & we consider him as the ‘Father of homoeopathic Repertory’

Repertory took root from there & now being grown as much as  with many volumes of different kinds of repertory & have seen various eminent hands nourished this branch of Homoeopathy with their literary contributions.

A note on Indian contributions 

First indian repertory- ‘Manual of Homoeopathy’

  • Deals with therapeutics & repertory
  • In 1885
  • Author- Fr. Augustus Muller, considers as ‘First Indian repertorian’ or father of Indian repertory”
  • Following his path many repertories took birth in our soil . An Interesting fact that Indian authors were interested in preparing card repertories, & they are

[1] Card index repertory

  • Author- Achyuthan K K
  • 1st edn-1940
  • 2nd edn – 1952
  • 3rd edn -1955
  • 4th edn  -1962
  • 7000 cards & 659 medicines 

[2] L D Dhawale’s card repertory

  • Author- Dr L D Dhawale
  • In 1950 

[3] Sankaran’s card repertory

  • Author- Dr Pichiah Sankaran
  • 1st edn- 1950/1955
  • 2nd-1958
  • 3rd-1961
  • 4th-1968
  •  5th– 1972
  • 420 cards & 292 remedies
  • Refinement of Boger’s card repertory 

[4] Kishore’s card repertory

  • Author- Dr.Jugal Kishore
  • Biggest card repertory
  • 1st edn- 1959
  • 2nd          -1967
  • 3rd           – 1985
  • 9192 cards & 692 /693 remedies 

[5] Sharma’s card repertory

  • Author-  Dr. Shashimohan sharma
  • Published  -1984
  • Based on Kent’s final general repertory
  • 400 remedies & 3000 cards 

[6] Hatta’s key card repertory of characteristic generals

  • Author-  Dr B S Hatta
  • Published – 1979
  • 602 cards & 3 volumes 

[7] ‘SPIRO’ Homoeopathic calculator

  • “Shanker Prasad Integrated Rotary”
  • Author- Dr. S P Roy
  • Published -1996
  • 292 cards 

[8] Homoeo card deck- card repertory

  • Author- Dr A B Pathwardhan
  • 1245 cards & 299 remedies 

[9] Synoptic card repertory

  • Author- Dr V R Khanaj & Dr Mrs A M Patil
  • Published -2007
  • ‘Synoptic key to materia medica’
  • 20 remedies & 1850 cards

Prominent personalities of Indian repertory

Dr L D Dhawale

  • Was past master in the clinical use of  card repertory
  • Was in correspondence with Dr Boger
  • Supported & Promoted the use of Pathological generals in repertorisation


  • Wrote introduction to Boger’s ‘General analysis’
  • Published – ‘L D Dhawale’s card repertory’ in 1950 

Dr M L Dhawale
Modified Dr Robertz’s method of repertorization for using Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book & named as ‘Modern method’


  • Symposium volumes
  • Principles & practice of Homoeopathy

Dr P Sankaran
He was one of the main persons responsible for the propagation of repertory during the time of dominence of Culcutta homoeopaths with an emphasis on Materia medica to the near exclusion of the repertory

His Works-

  • Card repertory ; Published it by starting a new publishing company
  • He got constant support from Dr J N Kanjilal, Dr S P Koppikar,Dr Sarabhai Kapadia, Dr Jugal Kishore,Dr L D Dhawale, & Dr S R Phatak for the development of repertory

Dr Diwan Harishchand
Succeeded in salvaging the manuscripts of stolen copy of revised version of Kent’s repertory & published as revised first edition or Final General Repertory of Kent in 1980 with Dr Pierre Schmidt

Dr Jugal Kishore

His contriutions

  1. Kishore’s card repertory-1959
  2. Integrated repertory of Homoeopathic materia medica-Volume I-Integrated repertory of mind -2000
  3. ‘Evolution of Homoeopathic repertories & repertorisation’ 

Dr R P Patel
Eminent repertorian from Kerala, who did many literary contributions to Repertory


[1] Word index to Kent’s repertory

  • Published -1977
  • 5302 rubrics with subrubrics arranged alphabetically

[2] Kent’s Repertory -corrected, Revised & improved

  • 1st edn -1977
  • 2nd edn- 1993
  • 3rd edn-1994
  • 4th edn- 2003

[3] Repertory of miasms

  • Full name-“Chronic miasms in homoeopathy & their  cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Kent repertory”
  • Published-1996 

[4] Auto visual / audiovisual Homoeopathic repertory

  • A mechanically aided repertory
  • Published-1972
  • 2 components  -auto strip
  • autovisual apparatus
  • 435 medicines

[5] Kentian -software

  • With Dr.G I Patel
  • Developed from -Sai, Homoeo book Corporation ,Kerala
  • Based on –Kent’s Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica-corrected, revised & improved
  • Includes Dr. Patel’s expert system

Other books on repertory

  • Art of case taking & practical repertory
  • Case taking form with easy repertory
  • Analysis & evaluation of rubrics /symptoms of Kent’s repertory of homoeopathic materia medica
  • The art of case taking & practical Repertorization in Homoeopathy
  • Essentials of Homoeopathic Philosophy & pace of Repertory in Practice 

Dr Sivaraman P
Eminent repertorian from Kerala

His repertories

[1] A concise repertory of aggravations & Ameliorations

  • 1st edn- 1980
  • 2nd edn- 1985

[2] Dreams & their Homoeopathic medicines Published- 1993

[3] Your teeth problems cured by Homoeopathy Published-1993

[4] Kent’s repertory of Homoeopathic materia medica-Corrected & expanded Published- 1994

[5] Word index to Kent’s expanded Repertory Published-1994 

Dr S R Phatak

His works
A Concise repertory of Homoeopathic medicines

  • 1st edn- 1963
  • 2nd edn-1977
  • 3rd edn- 2000

Alphabetical repertory

Dr S P Roy

  • [1]SPIRO –card repertory
  • [2]Word index to Boger-Boenninghausen repertory
  • Published-1993 

Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari
His works

[1] Homoeopathy & child care

  • Published-1998
  • Consists a concise children’s general repertory

[2]Essentials of repertorization-literature work on repertory

Other Renowned Repertorians

  • Dr Shashi mohan Sharma
  • Dr Kanjilal
  • Dr Harinadham
  • Dr D P Rastogi
  • Dr Niranjan Mohanthy
  • Dr Vidyadhar Khanaj
  • Dr J P S Bakshi
  • Dr Jawahar Shah
  • Dr J Benedict Castro 

Other Indian repertories

[1] A repertory of desires & aversions

  • Author- Dr. Y R Agarwal
  • Publised -1980

[2] Repertory of Rheumatic remedies

  • Author –S L Kumar
  • 1st edn- 1981
  • 2nd edn- 1986
  • Based on Boericke’s, Kent’s & Boger’s repertories

[3] Sequelae

  • Author- G S R Sastry
  • Published-1981

[4] Desires & aversion with their effects

  • Author- Dr.Ghosh B K
  • Published- 1983

[5] A short repertory to the Indian drugs

  • Author- Dr S Ahmed
  • Published-1988
  • 58 Indian drugs
  • Based on – Drugs of Hindusthan
  • Boericke’s materia medica

[6] Applied repertory

  • Author-Dr Agarwal Devika
  • Published- 1990

[7] Alphabetical repertory of characteristics of Homoeopathic materia medica

  • Author- G D Srivasthava & J Chanda
    Alphabetical repertory
    Published – 1990
    680 drugs

[8] The phoenix repertory

  • Author-  Dr J P S Bakshi
  • Published -1999
  • 1225 remedies
  • 2 volumes -mind to abdomen,rectum to generalities

[9] Migraine repertory with other headache concomitants

  • Author- Dr Siju P V
  • Published- 2004
  • Alphabetical repertory

[10] Complete repertory of dream remedies

Author- Dr Prakash vakil

  • [11] A synopsis of Homoeopathic Philosophy & condensed Repertory- Dr.S.R.Das
  • [12]A Repertory of Toothache- Dr. S. C. Kursija
  • [13] Boral’s concentric repertory-Dr Banerjee N K
  • [14] Diarrhoea & its Homoeopathic treatment- Dr Biswas R R
  • [15] A repertory of most characteristic symptoms of materia medica- Dr George
  • [16] Appendicitis curable by Homoeopatic medicines-Dr Mazumdar
  • [17] Repertory of Batch flower remedies-Dr Vohra D S



  • Author- Dr Jawahar shah
  • Published-1986
  • From- Mumbai
  • Classic version 7.0-more then 250 books
  • Classic version 8.0- more than 300 books with 29 repertories, more then 5000 articles
  • Now Hompath Wild Fire


  • Developed by- Dolphin Cybernetic systems Pvt Ltd, Thane
  • 5 Repertories- including Kent, Boenninghausen,  Boericke & Phatak
  • 6 materia medicas 


  • Author- Dr Dixit
  • Developed by- Institute of clinical research ICR, Mumbai
  • Based on SCR system
  • Contains -repertorial programmes-Kent, Boenninghausen, Boger
  • Fast repertorizing based on repertorial syndrome, PDF method 


  • Developed by – InfoAxon Technologies Ltd,New delhi
  • Dr Takeshwar Jain, PP homoeopathic Pvt,Ltd, Jaipur India
  • Based on teachings of Hahnemann, Kent, Boenninghausen
  • Repertorization based on-repertories of Kent, Boenninghausen, Boger & Boericke 


  • Developed by- Qu-bit Homoeo Technologies, Bengaluru
  • With modifiable case sheet
  • Different repertories, Materia medica, Therapeutics, Philosophy & other medical books included


CIRH – Kerala


SIMILIMUM Ultra- Kerala by Mr. Chandran Nambiar
The most affordable software with versatile features

REMEDY 2000– Holistic ,India 

Indian Literatures on Repertory

  • Reperire -repertory simplified-Dr Vidyadhar R Khanaj
  • Introduction to repertories based on Kent Philosophy- Dr V R Khanaj
  • Evolution /unfolding of Homoeopathic repertory-Niranjan Mohanty
  • Principles & practice of repertorisation-Dr Harinadham
  • Some essential refferences in repertory- Dr.K D Kanodia
  • Text book of repertory –Dr Nianjan Mohanty
  • Repertorization -Dr Kanjilal
  • Repertory explained- Dr.D.Tarafdar
  • Introduction to the practice of repertorisation-Dr.Munir Ahmed R
  • Pathfinder -Sehgal Y
  • Mental personalities & related linking rubrics – Dr Kapil K Sharma
  • In the practice Homoeopathic applied repertory- Dr Devika Agarwal
  • Use of Boenninghausen’s Repertory –Dr.D P Rastogi
  • A refference to the repertory for Homoeopathic students – Dr Siju P V
  • Acsotrom-Comparative study of Rubrics of mind- Dr Khadekar S A & Dr.Upadhyay C R
  • Card Repertories  -Dr Sumit Goel
  • Encyclopedia of Repertory-Dr J Benedict Castro
  • Logic of repertory-Dr J Benedict Castro
  • Differentiation of Rubrics of Mind- Dr Navneet Bidani
  • A Short Study on Julian’s Repertory of Nosodes-  Dr Krishnendu Maity
  • A Brief introduction to Oscar Boericke’s Repertory-  Dr Krishnendu Maity
  • Study of Materia Medica in Relation to Repertory- Dr. Manish Bhatia
  • Repertory-  Dr.George Loukas

Adding to this, Indian repertory society was never been late to publish Indian editions of all prominent repertories whenever introduced to the Homoeopathic market.

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