Comparison of Chapter Temperature and Weather of Knerr’s Repertory with Environment Chapter In Murphy’s Repertory

Dr Rajeev.O  BHMS MD(Hom)

Knerr’s repertory

  • Full name – Repertory of Hering’s guiding symptoms of our materia medica
  • Author –Dr. Calvin B Knerr, M D
  • A concordance repertory based on Hering’s guiding symptoms of our materia medica.
  • Published in 1896. Published in India by B Jain publishers
  • Reprint edition in 2002 and Augmented & Revised edition in 2006
  • Old edition contains 408 remedies in 48 chapters. New edition contains 419 remedies in 33 chapters.

Gradation of remedies used

  • In old edition – 4 gradings which denotes as II, I, II, I in  hierarchial order
  • In new edition 5 gradings are given as

                    4 mark – ORDINARY CAPITALS
3 mark – Bold roman
                    2 mark – Roman italics
                    1 mark – ordinary roman

Murphy’s repertory

  • Full name – Homoeopathic medical repertory
  • Author – Dr. Robin murphy
  • A modern alphabetical repertory mainly based on Kent’s repertory and Knerr’s
  • First edition – 1993, 2nd edition – 1996
  • 1st Indian edition – 1994 by Indian books & periodical syndrome, New Delhi
  • 2nd Indian edition – 2002 by Jain Publishers, New Delhi
  • 3rd Indian edition – 2010 by B Jain publishers with 74 chapters with more number of medicines

Gradation of remedies  in 3rd edition

  • 4 mark – BOLD CAPITALS
  • 3 mark – BOLD CAPITAL
  • 2 mark – Italics
  • 1 mark – Roman

Comparison  of  Knerr’s repertory & Murphy’s repertory

In Knerr’s repertory

  • In old edition – –  39th chapter,TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER
  • 5 pages
  • In new revised edition – they are considered under chapter

In Murphy’s repertory

  • 13 pages
  • In new 3rd edition – environment under generalities
  • Here for further comparison, old edition of Knerr’s repertory and 3rd edition of Murphy’s repertory are used.

Knerr’s repertory  – TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER  chapter

  • Rubrics are arranged alphabetically under each sections along with symptoms in original form as sub-rubrics
  • AIR, cold( open air, out of doors),agg
  • Air, cold( open air, out of doors) , amelioration
  • Air, cold, dry, aggravation
  • Air, cold, on first entering agg
  • Air, cold, sensitiveness to
  • Air, cold, wet agg
  • Air ,damp,in vaulted places, caves, cellars agg
  • Air , draught or current of air agg
  • Air ,in doors, in a room agg
  • Air ,in doors, in a crowded room agg
  • Air , in doors( in a room) amelioration
  • Air , out of doors, agg
  • Air , out of doors, ameil
  • Air , rarefied; ill effects of aeronating or climbing mountains,

COLD, in general, agg

  • Cold in general amelioration
  • Cold , on becoming chilled agg
  • Cold on becoming chilled amelioration
  • Cold taking cold, agg
  • Cold taking cold readily( susceptibility)


  • Light amelioration
  • Light , of sun , ameli


  • Seasions, summer, agg
  • Seasions, autumn, agg
  • Seasions, winter agg


  • Sun, heat of sun , agg
  • Sun, light , agg
  • Sun , after sunrise ,agg
  • Sun , after sunset , agg
  • Sun , sun stroke agg


  • WARMTH, in general agg
  • Warmth in general amelioration
  • Warmth, hot air, agg
  • Warmth, hot air, amelioration
  • Warmth , on becoming heated agg
  • Warmth, on becoming heated , amelioration
  • Warmth, on becoming heated, out of doors agg
  • Warmth ,of bed, agg
  • Warmth, of bed ,amelioration
  • Warmth , of feather bed, agg
  • Warmth, in a room, agg
  • Warmth, of a stove, amelioration
  • Warmth, wrapping up, agg
  • Warmth, wrapping up, amelioration
  • Warmth, uncovering, agg

WATER, bathing(washing) agg

  • Water , bathing, aversion
  • Water ,bathing, face, amelioration
  • Water, getting wet, agg
  • Water, wet , application,amelioration
  • Water, bathing, washing, amelioration
  • Water, cold, wet application agg

WEATHER , change of agg

  • Weather , dry, agg
  • Weather, dry, amelioration
  • Weather, wet, agg
  • Weather, wet, damp, amel
  • Weather, stormy(snowy,rainy,windy) agg
  • Weather, thunder storm agg


  • Wind, east wind, agg
  • Wind, north wind agg
  • Wind, south wind agg
  • Wind, west wind agg


AIR, general

  • Environment – AIR, general – seashore, air. – amel. Agar. ant-c. ant-t. Borx. brom. camph. Carc. eucal. Hyos. Iris lyc. lyss. MED. Nat-m. Op. Ox-ac. plat. Stram. Sul-ac. Tub. verat.
  • Environment – AIR, general – seashore, air, agg – Aq-mar. brom. Carc. iod. kali-i. Mag-m. mag-s. med. morb. Nat-m. nat-s. rhus-t. SEP. syph. Tub.
  • Environment – AIR, general – pollution, ailments, from air – am-c. carb-v. sil. Sul-ac.
  • Environment – AIR, general – night, air, agg- am-c. Carb-v. MERC. nat-s. nit-ac. Sulph.
  • Environment – AIR, general – mountain air, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – indoor, air, amel.
  • Environment – AIR, general – indoor, air, agg. – crowded room, in a, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – indoor, air, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – hot, air, amel.
  • Environment – AIR, general – hot, air, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – frosty air, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – evening, air, agg. am-c. carb-v. nit-ac. sulph.
  • Environment – AIR, general – draft of air – cold agg., when perspiring
  • Environment – AIR, general – draft of air, agg. – amel.
  • Environment – AIR, general – draft of air, agg. – ailments, from
  • Environment – AIR, general – draft of air, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – damp air, in cellars, churches, caves, vaulted places, etc., agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – cold, air – desire, for cold air
  • Environment – AIR, general – cold, air
  • Environment – AIR, general – cold, air, agg. –
  • Environment – AIR, general – cold, air, agg. – agg., inspiring
  • Environment – AIR, general – cold, air, agg
  • Environment – AUTUMN, agg. In
  • Environment – AUTUMN, agg. in – ailments since kali-bi.
  • Environment – BAROMETER, sensitive to changes of Dulc. MERC. nat-c. Phos. Rhod. rhus-t.
  • Environment – CLEAR, weather, agg.
  • Environment – CLOUDY, weather, agg.
  • Environment – COLD, temperature, agg.
  • Environment – COLD, temperature, agg. – cold, ailments from – cold drinks, when overheated –Bell-p. rhus-t.
  • Environment – COLD, temperature, agg. – cold, hot days with cold nights
  • Environment – COLD, temperature, agg. – cold, lying in bed  Ign. 
  • Environment – COLD, temperature, agg. – cold, one part cold, with heat of another apis cham. lyc.
  • Environment – DARKNESS, agg.
  • Environment – FIRE, near the fire, agg
  • Environment – FOGGY, weather
  • Environment – FROSTY, weather agg.
  • Environment – HEATED, becoming agg.
  • Environment – HEATED, becoming agg. – headache, from
  • Environment – HOT, weather, agg.
  • Environment – LIGHT, daylight, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – agg., and amel.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – decreasing moon, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – full moon, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight – amel.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – new moon, agg.
  • Environment – MOUNTAINS, in agg.
  • Environment – MOUNTAINS, in agg. – ascending high mountains, agg.
  • Environment – MOUNTAINS, in agg. – air of mountains, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight – amel.
  • Environment – RAIN, agg.
  • Environment – SEASHORE, general, air, agg.
  • Environment – SNOW-air, agg.
  • Environment – SNOW-air, agg. – ailments, from
  • Environment – SNOW-air, agg. – ailments, from sep.
  • Environment – SNOW-air, agg. – snowglare
  • Env Environment – SPRING, agg. –
  • Environment – STORMS, during, agg.
  • Environment – STORMY, and windy weather agg.
  • Environment – SUMMER, agg.
  • Environment – SUMMER, agg. – ailments since
  • Environment – SUMMER, agg. – amel.
  • Environment – SUMMER, agg. – children, in
  • Environment – SUMMER, agg. – cool days in summer, after
  • Environment – SUMMER, agg. – overcoat, wearing in
  • Environment – SUMMER, solstice agg.
  • Environment – SUN, sunlight, agg.
  • E Environment – SUN, sunlight, agg. – amel.
  • environment – SUN, sunlight, agg. – ailments, chronic
  • Environment – SUNBURN
  • Environment – SUNRISE, agg.
  • Environment – TEMPERATURE, general
  • Environment – THUNDERSTORMS, during agg.
  • Environment – VAULTS, cellars, agg.
  • Environment – WATER, affects of
  • Environment – WATER, affects of – seeing or hearing of running water agg.
  • Environment – WATER, affects of – working, in water, agg.
  • Environment – WEATHER, change of, agg.
  • Environment – WIND, general, agg.
  • Environment – WINDY, and stormy weather, agg.
  • Environment – WINTER, agg.
  • Environment – WINTER, solstice, agg

Rubrics in Knerr but not seen in Murphy

  • WATER, bathing(washing) agg
  • Water , bathing, aversion
  • Water ,bathing, face, amelioration
  • Water, bathing, washing, amelioration
  • Water, getting wet, agg
  • Water, wet , application,amelioration
  • Water, cold, wet application agg

Rubrics  seen in Murphy’s repertory

  • Environment – AIR, general – mountain air, agg
  • Environment – AIR, general – night, air, agg.
  • Environment – AIR, general – pollution, ailments, from air
  • Environment – AIR, general – seashore, air, agg
  • Environment – AIR, general – seashore, air. – amel.
  • Environment – BAROMETER, sensitive to changes of
  • Environment – FOGGY, weather
  • Environment – FROSTY, weather agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – agg., and amel.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – decreasing moon, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – full moon, agg.
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight
  • Environment – MOON, moonlight, general, agg. – mental symptoms from moonlight – amel. 
  • Environment – SNOW-air, agg

Knerr’s repertory is a concordant repertory in which rubrics are direct expressions of symptoms without much change, which gives unique expressions of patients or provings as it is, which can be able to see as reproduced more systematically in Murphy’s repertory.  Majority of the symptoms or rubrics of Knerr’s repertory are adapted for the making of Murphy’s repertory by giving them proper rubric language. And thus aptly added Knerr’s repertory as one of the major source of Murphy’s repertory and substantiated it by deducting many unwanted rubrics and adding more number of medicines .

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