Homoeopathy and child care by Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari

Homoeopathy and child care Principles, Therapeutics, Children’s Type, Repertory 


  • SHASHI KANT TIWARI, born at Reoti (Balia),U.P.,had an opportunity to study in two premier homoeopathic institutions of the country – Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and National Institute of Homoeopathy, Calcutta.
  • Starting his career as tutor in 1985 at Fr. Muller’s Homoeopathic Medical College, Manglore, he rose to the position of Professor, and later as Principal in 1995.Presently, he is also the President of South Canara Homoeopathic Medical As a senior consultant and Professor, he had good fortune of acquiring vast clinical and academic experience. Dr. Tiwari has successfully treated a large number of sick children and has incorporated his rich clinical experience in the book.He has presented several scientific papers at national and International seminars.His first book “ESSENTIALS OF REPERTORIZATION” has been admired and well received both by students and practitioners.


  • Published by: B. Jain Publishers New Delhi
  • First Edition : 1998
  • Reprint edition: 2001, 2002,2004,2009.
  • Forwarded by: Dr. B. Sanjeev Rai, M. D.
  • Total No: of remedies: 365
  • Total No: of pages: 318
  • Price-Rs.169/-
  • It consists of a Concise Children’s General Repertory, dealing in detail about various conditions of children’s illnesses.


  • This book is dedicated to his parents Smt. Singhasini Devi and Shri Ram Sakal Tiwari.


  • MAHENDRA SINGH, Principal, Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. Chairman, Education Committee and Member, P.G. committee, Central Council of Homoeopathy.

This book contains four parts –



  • In the preface, the importance of child care and child’s susceptibility to homoeopathic drugs and the need of a book for the parents, students, Doctors of all the school of medicine are highlighted.


  1. What is Homoeopathy ?
  2. Cardinal Principles of Homoeopathy
  3. Chronic Diseases and Homoeopathy
  4. Acute Diseases and Homoeopathy
  5. Concept of Constitution and Constitutional Treatment.
  6. Grauvogle’s three constitutions.
  7. Knowing the child.
  8. Case- Taking
  9. Cardinal Principles of Homoeopathy

1.Law of similars

  1. Single remedy
  2. Minimum dose
  3. Doctrine of Vital Force
  4. Doctrine of Drug Dynamism
  5. Doctrine of Drug Proving
  6. Doctrine of Chronic Disease
  7. Chronic Diseases and Homoeopathy
  • Chronic diseases are caused by what is known in Homoeopathy as Fundamental Causes.
  • The Fundamental Causes are also known as
  • There are four Miasms according to the stages of a disease, the nature of sickness, and the expression of the person.
  • These four Miasms are Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular and Syphilis.
  1. Acute Diseases and Homoeopathy
  • Easy to treat.
  • 1854 – Cholera, Britain- Out of 341 cases of cholera treated homeopathically, only one ended with death.
  • Rubini in the Naples epidemic of 1954 – in  Italy, treated 225 cases of cholera with CAMPHOR alone without a single death.
  1. Concept of Constitution and Constitutional Treatment.
  • Constitution is defined as a person’s physical and mental make-up which is revealed through his physical built, his characteristic desires, aversions and reactions as well as emotional and intellectual attributes.
  • Constitutional medicine should be prescribed only after the acute crisis is overcome with the help of acute medicine.
  1. Grauvogle’s three constitutions.
  2. Hydrogenoid
  3. Oxygenoid ( Kali iod. Ferrum, Carbon)
  4. Carbon – nitrogenoid. ( lyco. Phos. Sulph)
  5. Knowing the child.   The chapter – ‘ Knowing the Child’, tells about the physician’s responsibilities to understand the sick child.
  • The physician is supposed to understand the cultural background of the patient, parent’s attitude towards child’s illness and care and treatment.
  1. Case- Taking
  • A chapter on case taking includes prenatal history, birth history and history after birth, developmental history, immunization history, child as a person, life situation with usual history taking.


  • It starts with introduction to child care with a mention of miasms running in families and resultant sickness in children.
  • This part deals with common diseases of children and their treatment.
  • Children might pass motion once in three days or three motions in a day. Both these extremes are normal and should not cause concern to the parents.
  • Problems in Breast feeding
  • Ricinus Communis mother tincture given 4 times daily in 5 drops doses improves the quantity and quality of milk.
  • 11 cases treated in the op are given.


  • 21 types from Abrotanum to Tuberculinum are discussed in this part. This part helps in selecting a similimum based on constitutional and acute totality.


  • This section contains two parts –
  • Remedies and their abbreviations.
  • Repertory proper.
  • Remedies and their abbreviations.
  • Abelmoschus to Zincum metallicum.



  • 2nd Grade – Bold
  • 3rd Grade  –   Ordinary Roman
  • Total drugs included in the Repertory are 365.
  • The rubrics are arranged in alphabetical order commencing from abdomen and concluding with wounds.
  • Sub –rubrics are given below the main rubric and they are spaced in the middle of the page with the name of medicines against them.
  • There are 122 main rubrics covering almost all of the children’s ailments like general repertory.
  • Rubrics include symptoms of intellectual, emotional and physical aspect of child.
  • The rubric – ‘ailments from’ has 40 sub rubrics, arranged in alphabetical order covering almost all causations, which are very useful for the fast prescription at bedside or for traditional Repertorisation.
  • Cough rubric has two sub rubrics catarrhal and dry followed by sub rubrics under the heading characteristic features.
  • Characteristic features are not arranged in alphabetical order but on the prominence of symptoms.
  • COUGH, DRY COUGH: Acon, alum.ant-t,……
  • Characteristic features
  • emaciated boys in : Lyco.
  • only at day time : EUPHR
  • morning after rising and evening after lying down : Thuja.
  • after bath : Rhus-t
  • sneezing ends in : Agar.
  • Rubric food and drinks is given like a section having 68 sub rubric items and all of which have still more sub rubrics with aggravation, aversion and desires.
  • There is a rubric ‘frequently indicated medicines in children’ having drugs with affinity to children.
  • Problems of dentition display various conditions like constipation, cough, diarrhoea, fever, etc.
  • Problems of growth include dwarfishness, emaciation, late learning to walk, open fontanelles, and slow learning to talk.
  • Many pathological rubrics like Haemorrhoids, epistaxis, bronchitis, anemia and diagnostic rubric like AIDS, ADHD, Cholera, Mumps, etc are given.
  • This repertory includes all important mental rubrics like Abrupt, Restlessness, Activity, Capriciousness, Concentration difficult, Excitement etc.


  • One can use this book at bedside as well as for regular traditional Repertorization.
  • As it deals with various diseases and child types, it can be used as a ready reference for pediatric illnesses.
  • All the relevant information including disease diagnosis, Materia Medica, Principles and Repertory are brought together at one place to facilitate the user of the book in prompt management of cases.


  1. Respected Sir,
    The book ‘Homoeopathy and child care Principles, Therapeutics, Children’s Type, Repertory’ written by Prof. Dr. Shashi Kanta Tiwari is not available with B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd New Delhi, for many years. As such, kindly let me know from where I can purchase the same. Hope, you will help me in this respect.

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