Two day workshop on language of repertory at Bangalore

Venue: The Enigmatic Fireflies Ashram in the Garden city of Bangalore.
Date: 6th and 7th (Sat & Sun) June 2015.
Event hosted by MLDMHI – Bangalore
Faculty and topics

  • Dr CH Asrani: Clinical Examination: an Art
  • Dr Ajit Kulkarni: Perceiving Disposition thru Repertorial Rubrics
  • Dr Anoop Nigwekar (MLDMHI Pgl): Application of Kent/Boger/Boenninghausen in Clinical Practice
  • Dr Abdequaem MH Chimthanawala: Interpretation of Language of Repertory to find Similimum
  • Dr Parinaz Humranawala: Tempraz expert system: a Quantum leap in Prescribing.
  • Dr Praveen Kumar (Global Homoeopathic Foundation): Importance of Single Drug Rubrics
  • Dr Pravin Jain(ISIS Software): Impact of Emotions on Constitution converting to Rubrics
  • Dr Ramdas & Team MLDMHI Bangalore: Identifying Characteristics in Pathological Cases
  • Dr Rudresh(President, Karnataka Homoeopathic Board): Repertory A Means to Identify Similimum in Chronic Diseases.
  • Dr Sanjay Sehgal (Sehgal’s School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy): Understanding Rubrics Differently
  • Dr Vishpala Parthasarathy(Editora NJH): Living Repertory – A Guide to Solving Cases

Team The Other Song

  • Dr Paresh Vasani (Vital Quest): Reliability of Repertory combined with Synergy Approach
  • Dr Gaurang Gaikwad: When to use Which repertory
  • Dr Alpesh Oza (Synergy Software): ARTISTIC use of Repertory and Reference Works

Contact for Fees
Ms Munira Balasinorwala, Manager, National Journal of Homoeopathy, C/o Milan Clinic, 71B, Saraswati Rd, Santacruz (W), Mumbai – 54.
Tel 2649 2762, +919594005709 Email:
Send a cheque on Mumbai Bank or DD favouring ‘National Journal of Homoeopathy’. * Syndicate Bank A/c No.- 50601010003475
Contact For Scientific Papers
Dr Sunita Nikumbh – 7738088704 /
For details regarding seminar and registrations, stay etc
Contact Organizing Secretaries :
Dr Savitha – 9901460878/
Dr Swetha – 9972940452
Come, Experience, Share and Learn.

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