Shripad highlights measures to promote Homoeopathy & Ayush in India

parlieamentNew Delhi: The Central Government of India has laid down the national policy on Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy-2002 which inter alia envisage overall growth and development of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy. Shripad Yesso Naik, Minister of State, AYUSH(IC), yesterday informed this to Rajya Sabha.

The Govt has formulated the programmes and operational measures for promotion of AYUSH medical practices like Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy through Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) and various Central Sector Schemes as per the details furnished below:

  1. National AYUSH Mission (NAM)

The Government of India has approved and notified National AYUSH Mission (NAM) on 29.09.2014 which envisages better access to AYUSH services; strengthening of AYUSH educational institutions, facilitate the enforcement of quality control of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani& Homoeopathy (ASU &H) drugs and sustainable availability of ASU & H raw-materials in the States/UTs during 12th Plan.

The new initiatives under NAM include School Health Programme through AYUSH, Public Health outreach activity to focus on increasing awareness about AYUSH strength in managing community health problems, adoption of villages for propagating AYUSH way of life and interventions of health care through AYUSH Gram, early prevention of non-communicable diseases and promotion of health care by way of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) integrated with the principles and practices of AYUSH systems and Yoga and Naturopathy wellness centres.

  1. Central Sector Scheme for promotion of Information, Education and Communication

The Ministry of AYUSH has been implementing the Central Sector Scheme for promotion of Information, Education and Communication in AYUSH for creation of awareness amongst the masses about the efficacy of the AYUSH systems, their cost-effectiveness and dissemination of proven results or Research and Development work conducted in AYUSH systems.

The Scheme provides for organization of Arogya Fairs both at the National and State Level; participation in Health Fairs/ Melas / Exhibitions organized by Government Departments, State Governments and other reputed Organizations; preparation and distribution of authentic Publicity material on AYUSH Systems including Multi-media/print media campaigns, audio visual materials for popularization of AYUSH Systems; providing financial assistance to reputed organizations, NGOs, educational/ research institutes for organizing Seminars, Conferences, Symposiums, Workshop, meeting, etc. on AYUSH Systems and providing incentives to AYUSH Industry to participate in Arogya and other Fairs/ Melas/ Exhibitions/ Conferences/ Seminars etc.

  1. Central Sector Scheme for “Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants”:

Central Sector Scheme for “Conservation, Development, and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants” was approved by Government to provide support for Survey, Inventorization, in-situ conservation, ex-situ conservation/ herbal gardens, linkage with JFMCs, Research and Development etc. The Scheme is being implemented since 2008 and continued during the 12th Plan.

  1. Centre of Excellence Scheme:

The main aim of the scheme is to support creative and innovative proposals for upgrading both functions and facilities of reputed AYUSH institutions to levels of excellence. Both the Government as well as private organizations are eligible under this scheme. Maximum Rs.10.00 Crore is provided to the grantee organization for a period of three years for implementing the scheme.

  1. Public Health Initiatives:

Ministry of AYUSH is implementing one Central Sector Grant-in Aid Scheme for promotion of AYUSH Intervention in Public Health Initiatives. The main aim of the scheme is to promote AYUSH intervention for community health care and to encourage utilization of AYUSH practitioners in different public health programmes. Both Government as well as private organizations are eligible under this scheme. Maximum Rs.1.50 Crore are provided to the grantee organization for the period of three years for implementing the scheme.

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