Andhra Pradesh AYUSH doctors seek jobs in national health mission

The unemployed AYUSH graduates from the State have requested the Centre to take up recruitment of medical officers to be posted under the National AYUSH Mission (NAM).

In a representation to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Andhra Pradesh AYUSH Doctors Association has requested him to direct the state government to utilise the funds earmarked for AYUSH department for the purpose only, without any diversion. He faulted the state Government for putting a halt on recruitment of AYUSH doctors under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) project.

Alleging ‘step-motherly treatment’, the body pointed to the state government’s failure to launch the central scheme Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK). “The scheme was launched in all states except Andhra Pradesh. Even Telangana started it recently”, said its general secretary S. Kedarnath, in the representation.


  1. Sir I’m an unani medical holder from andhra pradesh… when will NRHM will be implemented in Andhra Pradesh.. I have completed my medicine but unemployed

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