Docplexus is India’s largest online community of doctors,

Docplexus is India’s largest online community of doctors, with 3,80,000+ users. It empowers doctors to make better clinical decisions, leading to improved healthcare outcomes by facilitating the exchange of patient cases and scientific dialogue through webinars and CMEs, as well as the latest clinical articles, guidelines, news and more. Doctors can view, ask, learn, contribute, and interact as a safe and secure community on Docplexus.

At Docplexus, Doctors get to:

  • Discuss patient cases to get expert advice and second opinions.
  • Read and share Medical Articles and stay updated with the latest Healthcare News.
  • Know your peers better by visiting their profiles and get acquainted with their Education and Experience.

Docplexus Android Mobile app is freely available for Doctors across India.

(One time login required for the first time using the app, New users can register for a free account).

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