Clinical tips for day-to-day practice in homoeopathy
Compiled by Dr Akbar KP Kannur
- Obstinate hiccough –Cuprum ars 30
- Obstinate constipation-Collinsonia can Q
- Corpulmanale –Ars iod
- Asthma aggravated by dust-Pothos foetidus Q
- Chronic rheumatism/shifting rheumatism- Stellaria medi 2x internally, Q externally
- Acute rheumatism-Sticta pulmonaria-Q to 2x
- Infantile eczema-Lycopodium, Morgan bac
- Photodermatitis-Sulphur
- Violent hysteria –a drop of Camphor with little sugar in every 5 to 10 minutes is invaluable.
- Laryngismus stridulus-Pertussin
- Asthma with tubercular history-Drosera
- Obstinate case of peptic ulcer-Pencillin with intercurrent dose of Sulphur
- Gastro enteritis after ice cream-Ars alb
- Flatulent dyspepsia-Carbo animalis at bed time
- Acid dyspepsia-Nat phos
- To cause disgust for liquor-Angelica in 15 drops with water tds.
- Ricket-Calc phos
- Retention of urine from operation-Causticum
- Pediculosis – Staphysagria Q externally( mixed with coconut oil), and internally 200
- Vomiting of pregnancy-Tabacum 1m
- Prickly heat-Syzygium jambo Q
- Psychical impotency –Onasmodium 6x
- Cicuta virosa-eating indestible things like chalk,coal,etc
- Kali iod-effective for actinomycosis-30,200
- Vesicaria c Q-5 to 10 drops for albuminuria
- Vesicaria c Q-also for chronic cystitis
- Skookum chuck 3x –urticaria
- Bovista 30-chronic urticarea
- Hepar sulph 1M+Echinacea Q-for septic fever
- Scrrhinum 1m for thread worm when cina and teucrium fails
- Tuber bov is the chronic of Rhus tox
- Psorinum 1m in pregnancy improves the general health after child birth.
- Helonias Q-for prolapsed uterus
- Calc sulph 3x –sure cure for gum boils
- Urtica urens Q-will renew the strength of old age, but will not bring back youth
- Pyrogen 6 will cure the typhoid
- Anacardium 1M-Cruel habits in children
- Erigeron Q-Prevents formation of placenta previa
- Napthalin 6x –(trituration) almost specific for whooping cough but some says Mag phos 6x will cure 9 out of 10 cases of whooping cough.
- Pneumococcin –clears up the effects of pneumonia
- Mephitis-dry, spasmodic, violent cough after influenza.
- Kali iod 6x-said to be a good prophylactic against cold and influenza
- Nux m, sep-diarrhoea after boiled milk
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