GHF National Homeopathy Conference at Chennai

Global Homoeopathy Foundation pleased to announce National Homeopathy Conference on 31st July 2016, in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
After immense success of World Homeopathy Summit, an international conference in Mumbai (April 2015) and National Homeopathy Conference in Calicut (Sept 2015), we could observe that there was fresh need for a series of events addressing various scientific developments in the field of homeopathy.
The homeopathic world is waking up to research and scientific approach and the time has come that we prepare for reaching out to newer heights in the medical profession.
Chennai, TN, India
Date: 31st July 2016
Dr AR Khuda-Bukhsh, PhD
He is an internationally acclaimed Molecular Biologist who has over 320 papers including 110 homeopathy research papers to his credit in the areas of Nano-science, Cellular toxicity, Epigenetic mechanism, Anti-cancer effects, and more. He will highlight especially the proposed mechanisms of action of homeopathic medicines, which will help us look at the future of the science. His presentation will be on “Nano-encapsulation of and nano-precipitation by homeopathic drugs: understanding homeopathy in a new perspective”.
Dr Ramdasan Kuttan, PhD
After working in various universities in the United States, Dr Kuttan joined Amala Cancer Research Centre in 1984; having published 280 scientific papers. His talk at the conference would be “Scientific Evidence For The Use Of Homoeopathic Drugs In Cancer.” He will be presenting on the scientific validation of homoeopathic drugs using tissue culture studies, animal experimentation and molecular biology techniques and micro array analysis.  He will be presenting data on the use of homoeopathic drugs on cancer treatment and prevention. His research has shown therapeutic as well as prophylactic effects of potentised medicines in laboratory as well as animal models. His talk will not on boost the confidence of the practitioners of homeopathy but will also encourage more researchers to pursue research in homeopathy.
Dr. Papiya Nandy, PhD .
She is one of the few Physicists in the world researching homeopathy; and retired as Director of Jagdis Chandra Bose National Science Talent Search. She is now focusing on the study of basic sciences being homeopathy. Using the potency dependent effect of homeopathic medicine on physical properties of matter, she is developing the novel idea of Techno homeopathy. She has published around 12 research papers on homoeopathy. Her research on three metals (Aurum, Cuprum, Ferrum Metallicum) is unique in terms of fundamental research; and will give a novel perspective to the homeopaths.
Dr R.K. Manchanda, MD (Hom), MBA
He is Director General of CCRH (Council for Research in Homoeopathy, AYUSH), having 35 years of professional experience as clinician, dermatologist, researcher, administrator and teacher of homeopathy. He has co-authored two books.  He will talk about various activities of CCRH towards promoting interest and aptitude for research among homoeopathic undergraduates and MD/PhD students, the council has initiated Short Term Studentship in Homoeopathy (STSH) Program and Scholarship Scheme for MD/PhD students. The objectives and provisions of these schemes and important resources for research shall be discussed along with latest research updates.
Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom)
He is a globally renowned homeopath and a researcher, who has been working on new homeopathy drug-discovery since over a decade. His innovative and pioneering research on the development of HIV nosode, Hepatitis C nosode, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis nosode, etc. has brought revolution in the area of nosodes. He has also revamped the method of nosode development. He has 11 homeopathy research papers to his credit. He has conducted several Cell-line studies, in-vitro experiments, animal trials, drug provings (Human Pathogenetic Trials) and Clinical trials with many new homeopathic drugs. He is an author of four books.  His topic would be “Reinventing Nosodes and other new drugs: Preparation, application, Challenges and Opportunities”. He will share the highlights of the journey of a homeopath on the path of research; and introduce the delegates to the five new homeopathic medicines.
Dr. S. Prakash, PhD
He has presented 11 research papers on andrology which is the area of research, examining the efficacy of alternative systems of medicines for diseases related to reproduction, diabetes, aging and neural injury. His talk will be on the study “Asserting the Anxiolytic effect of homeopathic medicines Gelsemium sempervirens 30C and Argentum nitricum 30C using Zebra fish model”. He will also talk about the effects of Ultra-high Dilutions of Lycopodium clavatum on Reproductive and Sexual Functions in aged male Wistar Albino Rats.
Dr. Ganesh Lakshmanan
He is a research scholar, a homeopath, researching since seven years. His Doctoral research is on the Anti-Ageing Mechanisms of homeopathic medicine Lycopodium clavatum on the reproductive and sexual functions of male Wistar albino rats. He will also be sharing a talk with Dr S. Prakash. His talk will certainly inspire young homeopaths to take interest in scientific research.
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Call: Dr Jayesh Sanghvi: +91-44-42137720, +91-9840033960

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