Why homoeopaths using medicines prepared years ago, sign this petition

rajesh sha ayushThe challenge is that currently we are using nosodes (Tub, Medo, Syph, Carc, etc.), which were prepared in 1880-90 from ill-defined tissues or discharges of which no scientific information is available. Hence, they are not ‘reproducible’. We are still using the nosodes from the presumed back potencies of 130 years old source materials! There is profound uncertainty, un-scientificity and vagueness about the current nosodes.

Also, currently, in Indian pharmacopeia, there is no mechanism defined as to how to introduce any new homeopathic medicine (esp. nosode). There is no body to give permission for any new drug. (Not CCRH, HPL or CCH). It is supposed to be under AYUSH, but a roadmap is not in place. Indian FDA and DCGI do not have expertise for homeopathy.

We are simply sensitizing the profession for this gap and suggesting to the minister to make rules for new drug discovery for new drugs as well as revamping old obscure drugs. This is a step towards reforms.

Please sign the petition online at http://chn.ge/2cy7asI

There are several videos explaining more about the need for new drug discovery mechanism.

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_15eIBJ-4c
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5l2-5nANSM
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X62C8RW-c6c

Please share this post to benefit you and your patients.

Dr Rajesh Shah
Org Secretary: Global Homeopathy Foundation

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