National Digital Library – an initiative by HRD ministry

digital libraryNational Digital Library. It is an initiative by HRD ministry. It is a huge collection of learning resources from primary to PG level. Students  can use it free of charge.

Educational materials are available for users ranging from primary to post-graduate levels – items available in more than 70 languages

The National Digital Library (NDL) is an all-digital library that will integrate all existing digitized and digital contents across Institutions of the nation to provide a single-window access with e-learning facility to different groups of users ranging from primary level to higher education level and even life-long learners of our country. It will provide educational materials in various languages, in all disciplines, in different forms of access devices and will cater to differently-abled learners as well.

Who all can be benefited by NDL?
NDL has been designed to benefit all kinds of users like students (of all levels), teachers, researchers, librarians, library users, professionals, differently abled users and all other lifelong learners.

There are so many Digital Libraries. How is NDL different from them?
NDL will provide a single window search facility to act as a one-stop shop for all digital resources. Information can be personalized based on the education level, choice of language, difficulty level, media of content and such other factors while other Digital libraries may not include all these choices. This is thus like a ‘customised service’ provided in a 24×7 integrated environment where learners can find out the right resource with least effort and in minimum time.

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