For Rajiv Bajaj, successful management tips come from homeopathy

rajiveDuring a recent event, Rajiv Bajaj explained how the principles of homeopathy aren’t too different from current management practices.

It’s no secret that Rajiv Bajaj, MD of Bajaj Auto, is a disciple of BKS Iyengar yoga. He’s also a believer of alternative medicine, especially homeopathy. But what’s interesting is how he’s combined his “two passions” to complement his business.

At the recent Nasscom India Leadership Forum, the Pune-based Bajaj shared, in an informative and humorous way, the similarities between homeopathy and management.

The most important thing in homeopathy, Bajaj pointed out, is individualisation. “In other words, what does he have uncommon with others. That’s the same thing we [managers] should ask ourselves. The purpose of every business should be to ask what’s unique about us, otherwise there is no reason for us to exist,” said Bajaj.

Bajaj then spoke of the principle of holism, where a homeopath tries to understand the patient.

“He’s not trying to solve the symptom, he’s trying to heal the patient. So, he looks at the mental and emotional conditions. We have to do that as managers,” Bajaj said, adding that often managers take a one-dimensional view by focusing only on the customer, competition or being engrossed in themselves and forgetting the marketplace.

A good homeopath, Bajaj explained, deals with a patient’s internal symptoms; just the way a manager should with failure. “As a patient or manager, we, sometimes, make the mistake of assuming the problem is because of the outside world,” he says.

For instance, a patient with swine flu doesn’t ask himself why his neighbour or colleague isn’t ill. “He doesn’t realise his immunity is weak,” said Bajaj. Hence, it’s essential to look inside before looking outwards and strengthen your immune system

During a recent event, Rajiv Bajaj explained how the principles of homeopathy aren’t too different from current management practices.

It’s no secret that Rajiv Bajaj, MD of Bajaj Auto, is a disciple of BKS Iyengar yoga. He’s also a believer of alternative medicine, especially homeopathy. But what’s interesting is how he’s combined his “two passions” to complement his business.

When it comes to implementation, Bajaj believes, it’s an ongoing process of improvement. Unlike allopathy, which believes in giving doses ‘mechanically’ over a few days, the approach in homeopathy is different. “It’s called posology. [The homeopath] says, take one dose and come back after a week. It’s the same in management. You take an initiative or start something and you review and improve it as you go along,” he said.

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