Delhi Govt to open 100 Homoeopathic Mohalla Clinics- Health Minister Satayender Jain

doctor patientTo mark the 262nd  Birth Anniversary of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the Founder of Homoeopathy on 23rd April 2017 Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Delhi  & Delhi Homoeopathic Federation  had organised a Panel discussion on Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic Disorders at Pearey Lal Bhawan Gandhi Memorial Hall.

Hon’ble  Minister of Health & Family Welfare ,Govt. of NCT Delhi Sh. Satyendra Kumar Jain was the Chief Guest , Sh. Rajesh Gupta Hon’ble MLA was the Guest of Honour and Dr.SPS Bakshi former President Central Council of Homoeopathy Presided over.

It was notified that cases of Psychosomatic disorders are increasing rampantly now a days in the society  where Homoeopathy has a very effective role to play in such kind of problems said Dr. Anil Khurna of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy as a moderator of the discussion

Expert Panellists were

  • Dr. S. M. Singh  Director Sri Sai Nath Post Graduate Institute Of Homoepathy , Allahbad
  • Dr. J.D. Daryani Ex Principal MPK Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital , Jaipur
  • Dr. V.K. Chauhan Ex Principal Dr.BR Sur Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Delhi
  • Kaartik Gupta M.Sc,M.Phil Clinical Psychologist AKGsOVIHAMS Homoeo Clinics & IIMC
  • Dr. Parveen Oberoi Scientist IV C.C.R.H. Govt. of India
  • Dr. Mini Mehta Homoeopathic Practioner
  • Dr.Deepak Sharma  Homoeopathic Practioner

Panel discussion was initiated by Dr. Anil Khurna with Dr. R.C.Aggarwal & Dr. Pritam Singh as Chairman & Advisor Scientific Committee.

Dr.K.K.Juneja Chairman Delhi Homoeopath Board & President Delhi Homoeopathic Federation said that the grand  Annual Dr. Hahnemann Birth Anniversary Celebration is done with the collaboration of  Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Delhi Branch ; D.H.S.Association, Delhi, Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians, Delhi Branch; Delhi Homoeopathic Medical Association; South Delhi Homoeopathic Doctors Association; Homoeopathic Study Circle,Delhi ; Dr. Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medical Research Association; Liga Medicorum Homoeopathic Internationalis, Indian Chapter; Asian Homoeopathic League; Homoeopathic Cardiologists of India; Homoeopathic Education & research Foundation.

Reported by Dr.A.K.Gupta,MD(Hom.)

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