Time Allowed: Two Hours
Maximum Marks: 120
This Model UPSC Homeopathy Exam contains 120 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers). You have to select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose only one response for each item.
You have to mark all your responses on the separate Answer Sheet provided. DO NOT write anything on the Answer sheet. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet.
Candidates are requested to participate with sincerity since this question paper is compiled by eminent faculty who had cracked various exams.
1) The classical triad of post-traumatic cardiac tamponade consists of:
- (a)Low BP, low CVP, distant heart sounds
- (b)High BP, high CVP, distant heart sounds
- (c)Low BP, high CVP, distant heart sounds
- (d)High BP, low CVP, distant heart sounds
2) Match list I (diseases) and list II (operation procedure) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list:
List I List II
- A. Hirschsprung’s disease 1. Abdominal perineal resection
- B. Rectal carcinoma 2. Lumbar sympathectomy
- C. Buerger’s disease 3. Whipple’s procedure
- D. Periampullary carcino 4.Duhamel procedure
- A) A:3, B:1, C:2, D:4 B) A:3, B:2, C:1, D:4
- C) A:4, B:2, C:1, D:3 D) A:4, B:1, C:2, D:3
3) ‘Popcorn’ calcification in a lung nodule is pathognomic of:
- (a) Hamartomas
- (b) Histoplasmosis
- (c) Tuberculosis
- (d) Benign nodule
4) Match list I (disease) and list II (fungus) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list:
List I List II
- A. Tinea pedis 1.Candida albicans
- B. Moniliasis 2. Malasseziafurfur
- C. Meningitis 3. Trichophyton rubrum
- D.Tinea versicolor 4. Cryptococcus neoformans
- a) A:2, B:1, C:4, D:3 b) A:3, B:1, C:4, D:2
- c) A:2, B:4, C:1, D:3 d) A:3, B:4, C:1, D:2
5) Which among the following is not matching correctly
- (a)Schultz charltons test Scarlet fever
- (b)Freis test Lymphogranuloma venereum
- (c)Jerish Herxheimer test Chikungunya fever
- (d)Urea breath test Helico bactor pylori
6) Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
(Disorder producing (Clinical features associated with
intestinal obstruction) the given disorders)
- A. Intussusception 1. Extreme abdominal distension
- B. Sigmoid volvulus 2. Red currant jelly stool
- C. Duodenal atresia 3. Bells at the evening pealing
- D. Acute appendicitis 4. Rovsing’s sign
5.Double bubble sign
- (a) 3 4 5 1
- (b) 1 2 3 4
- (c) 2 1 5 4
- (d) 2 1 3 5
7) Consider the following antigens/ antibodies:
- 1) Antibody to surface antigen (Anti HBs Ag anti-body)
- 2) Hbe Ag (Hepatitis B envelope antigen)
- 3) HBs AG (Hepatitis B surface antigen)
The correct sequence of their appearance in Hepatitis B virus infection is
- a)3,2,1
- b)1,2,3
- c)3,1,2
- d)2,1,3
8) Match List-I (Murmurs) with List-II (Disease state) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list:
List-I List-II
( Murmurs) (Disease state)
- A. Carey-Coombs 1. Aortic incompetence
- B. Austin-Flint 2. Pulmonary hypetension
- C. Graham-Steell 3. Ruptured chorade tendinae
- D. Seagull 4. Rheumatic carditis
- (a) 4 1 2 3
- (b) 1 4 3 2
- (C) 1 4 2 3
- (d) 4 1 3 2
9) The bodies seen on microscopic examination of liver in viral hepatitis are
- a) Aschoff bodies
- b) Councilman’s bodies
- c) L. D. bodies
- d) Mallory`s bodies
10) Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(Disease) ( HLA allele)
- A. Ankylosing spondylitis 1. DR3
- B. Rheumatoid arthritis 2. B27
- C. Haemochromatosis 3. BW47
- D. Chronic active hepatitis 4. A3
- (a) 3 4 2 1
- (b) 2 5 4 1
- (C) 2 1 4 3
- (d) 3 5 2 4
11) Match the following:
List-I List-II
- A. U wave 1. Hypothermia
- B. Peaked T wave 2. Hypocalcaemia
- C. Increased QT wave 3. Hyperkalemia
- D. J wave 4. Hypokalemia
- (a) A-4,B-2,C-1,D-3
- (b) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2
- (c) A-4,B-3,C-2,D-1
- (d) A-1,B-3,C-2,D-4
12) Osteochondritis of tibial tubercle is called
- a) Osgood schlatters diseases
- b) Severs diseases
- c) Kohlers diseases
- d) Kienbocks diseases
13) A child develops acute renal failure following an episode of diarrhoea. Blood examination shows thrombocytopenia. Possible diagnosis:
- a) Dengue shock syndrome
- b) I.T.P
- c) H.S.Purpura
- d) Hemolytic uraemic syndrome
14) The type of pneumonia appeared to be transmitted by water droplets in air conditioners & coolers is
- a) Klebsiella pneumonia
- b) Pneumocystic carini pneumonia
- c) Legionella pneumonia
- d) Mycoplasma pneumonia
15) Wallenberg syndrome is caused by occlusion of
- a) Middle meningeal artery
- b) I.C.artery
- c) Post inferior cerebellar artery
- d) Basillar artery
16) Chikungunya fever is transmitted by
- a) Culex vishnui
- b) Culex pseudo vishnui
- c) Aedes aegypti
- d) Sandfly
17) A boy 15 years old boy finds difficulty in rising from seat. His CPK is found to be elevated markedly that of normal . He is most likely to have
- a) Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
- b) Becker’s muscular dystrophy
- c) Myotonic dystrophy
- d) Progressive muscular atrophy
18) In reversible ischaemic neurological deficit (RIND), symptoms resolve with in
- a) 24 hours
- b) 6 months
- c) Few years
- d) 3weeks
19) Match the following:
- A. Osteoclastoma 1. Codman’s triangle
- B. Osteosarcoma 2. White line of frankel
- C. Scurvy 3. Kerly’s A line
- D. Pulmonary oedema 4. Soap bubble appearance
- a) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3
- b) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
- c) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
- d) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
Directions: The following items consists of two statements, one labeled the ‘Assertion A’ and the other labeled the ‘Reason R’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and decide if the Assertion A and the Reason R are individually true and if so, whether the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion. Select your answers to these items using the codes given below and mark your answer sheet accordingly.
- a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
- b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
- c) A is true but R is false
- d) A is false but R is true
20) Assertion (A): Relief from pain occurs following lumbar sympathectomy in Buerger’s disease
Reason (R ) : Lumbar sympathectomy increases the cutaneous circulation in ischaemic limb
21) Assertion (A): In a patient with raised intracranial tension, lumbar puncture should be avoided
Reason (R ): It may result in severe headache
22) Assertion (A): In AIDS patient tumours like kaposi’s sarcoma and primary cns lymphoma are common
Reason (R ): Depletion of helper cells result in tumour lysis syndrome
23) Lundh test meal is administered to find out abnormality of
- (a) Liver
- (b) Gall bladder
- (c) Pancreas
- (d) Gastric acid secretion
24. Karl Fisher method of moisture estimation is otherwise known as :
- (A) Gravimetric method (B) Tolune method.
- (C) Volumetric method. (D) Titrimetric method.
25. Ethanol is chemically
- (A) Monohydric. (B) Dihydric
- (C) Trihydric. (D) Tetrahydric.
26. Legally important part of the Signa is :
- (A) Signature of the physician. (B) Registration No.
- (C) Date. (D) All the three.
27. What are called ‘morbi intercurrentes’.
- (A) Intercurrent remedies (B) Antimiasmatic remedies (C) Nosodes
- (D) Intermediate diseases
28. Mullen oil is :
- (A) An oil extract. (B) Alcoholic extract,
- (C) Aqueous extract (D) Glycerin extract.
29. One of the following medicines was proved by S.Lilienthal, Name the medicine?
- (a) Sticta pulmonale
- (b) Picric acid
- (c) Natrum phosphoricum
- (d) Moschus
30. Medicine for hypermetropia is
- (a) Jaborandi
- (b) Arnica
- (c) Alfalfa
- (d) Avena sativa
31. “Which medicine is known as “Carbo pyroligneus”
- (a) Bensenumh
- (b) Graphites
- (c) Kreosotum
- (d) Naphthaline
32. “Beating of pulses throughout body, especially in right thigh” is the symptom of which medicine
- (a) Muriatic acid
- (b) Thuja
- (c) Lilium tig
- (d) Verat vir
33. “Pain in left floating ribs” indicated medicine is
- (a) Ran bulbosis
- (b) Cimicifuga
- (c) Tabacum
- (d) Theridion
34. According to J.H.Clarke “Poor break-fast eaters” are persons belongs to the drug picture of
- (a) Nux vomica
- (b) Sulphur
- (c) Pulsatilla
- (d) Thuja
35. Match the following
- 1. Rattle snake bean A. Wyethia
- 2. Lung wort B. Cedron
- 3. Poison weed C. Cardus marianus
- 4. St.Mary’s thistle D. Sticta
- (a) 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C
- (b) 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B
- (c) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C
- (d) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B
36. Total number of medicines (excluding magnets) present in the original edition of Materia medica pura by Dr.S.Hahnemann
- (a) 61
- (b) 64
- (c) 66
- (d) 72
37. Total number of medicines in the present edition of Materia Medica Pura translated by Dudgeon
- (a) 66
- (b) 72
- (c) 76
- (d) 100
38) A 42 year old lady presented with severe stitching pains in the precordial region, sweating and palpitations. ECG showed ST depression in the chest leads. She could not lie on the left side and the pains were only > by drinking warm water. The remedy is
- A) Ars B) Spigelia C) Naja D) Cactus
39) Match remedies in List-I with those in List-II according to inimical relationship and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List-I List II
(Symptoms) (Medicines)
- A. Arum-t 1. Cham.
- B. Selenium 2. Caladium.
- C. Zinc 3. Cinchona.
- D. Carb-v 4. Kreosote.
- (a) A B C D
- 2 3 4 1
- (b) A B C D
- 2 3 1 4
- (c) A B C D
- 2 1 4 3
- (d) A B C D
- 4 3 2 1
40. A 20 year old patient presented with chills, fever, cough and body ache. The complaints started and worsened gradually. He said he felt the chill first in the fingers and toes, then spread all over. He had thirst for warm drinks, which ameliorated his cough. The remedy is
- A) Bryonia B) Cinchona C) Ars alb D) Eupetorium perf
41.Remedy which has the “Haste of Sulphur, Flatulence of Aloe and Oleander and difficulty to expel soft stool of Alumina” according to Dr. Kent
- A) Nux moschata B) Lycopodium C) Psorinum D) Carbo veg
42. What is the common feature of the following drugs?
• Caulophyllum
• Berb vulgaris
• Podophyllum
- (a) Proved by Dr.Jeans
- (b) Belongs to the same family
- (c) All of them antidotes the bad effects of mercury
- (d) Suitable for gall stone colic
43. Match common names of remedies List-I with their families in List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List-I List II
(Symptoms) (Medicines)
- A. Dandelion 1. Leguminosae
- B. Yellow Dock 2. Compositae
- C. Sweet Clover 3. Polygonacea.
- D. Saffron 4. Iridaceae.
- (a) A B C D
- 2 3 4 1
- (b) A B C D
- 2 3 1 4
- (c) A B C D
- 2 1 4 3
- (d) A B C D
- 4 3 2 1
44) Which among the following authors have not written a book on comparative materia medica?
- A) Richard Hughes B) RH Gross C) EA Farrington D) HA Roberts
45) Which among the following symptoms are characteristic of Gelsemium ?
- 1) Fear of death, utter lack of courage
- 2) Sensation of band around head and eyes
- 3) Headache as if the skull would burst < sitting or lying, must stand or walk
- 4) Slow pulse of old age
- A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 1 & 2 C) 1, 2 & 3 D) 1, 2 & 4
46) Which of the following symptoms are not covered by Mag mur ?
- 1) Headache every six weeks
- 2) Toothache, unbearable when food touches teeth
- 3) Pain in vertex as if hair is pulled
- 4) Craving sweets
- A) 2, 3, 4 B) 3 only C) 3 & 4 D) None of these
47) Match symptoms in List-I with Remedies in List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List-I List II
(Symptoms) (Medicines)
- A. Cough as soon as head touches pillow 1. Graphites.
- B. Decided aversion to coition 2. Croton Tig.
- C. Fetus appears to be turning summersaults 3. Cuprum met.
- D. Mental & physical exhaustion from
- overexertion of body and loss of sleep 4. Lycopodium.
- (a) A B C D
- 1 3 4 2
- (b) A B C D
- 2 3 4 1
- (c) A B C D
- 2 1 4 3
- (d) A B C D
- 4 3 2 1
48) Which remedy is prepared from the lymph and blood of eczema capitis ?
- A) Epihysterinum B) Hippozaeninum C) Hippomanes D) Melitagrinum
49) Remedy with elective affinity on the duodenum
- A) Iris Versicolor B) Sepia C) Podophyllum D) Croton Tig
50) Which among these remedies is thirsty in acute and thirst less in chronic states according to Dr. Kent ?
- A) Ars & China B) Ars & Camphor C) China & Camphor
- D) Ars, China & Camphor
51) Match the food desires, aversions and intolerances in List-I with Remedies in List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List-I List II
(Symptoms) (Medicines)
- A. Desire bananas 1. Lac can
- B. Desire pepper 2. Natrum carb.
- C. Aversion salted fish 3. Theridion.
- D. Honey < 4. Phosphorus.
- (a) A B C D
- 3 1 4 2
- (b) A B C D
- 2 3 4 1
- (c) A B C D
- 2 1 4 3
- (d) A B C D
- 4 3 2 1
52. Mean arterial pressure refers to :
- (A) Systolic pressure + Diastolic pressure/2
- (B) Diastolic pressure/2
- (C) Systolic pressure + Pulse pressure/2
- (D) Diastolic pressure + Pulse pressure/3
53) Which vitamin prevents development of pernicious anaemia, but doesn’t protect against CNS manifestation
- a)Pyridoxine b)B12 c)Biotin d)Folic acid
54) Which of the statements about acetyt choline release & deactivation is true?
- a) ACH release is blocked by toxin associated with Clostridium tetanae
- b) Uptake of Ach into the presynaptic receptor is the most important mechanism in terminating the Ach signal
- c) Inhibitors of the enzyme MAO are important in the treatment of depression because they inhibit the
- breakdown of ach into its constituents.
- d) The influx of Ca2+ into the depolarized axon terminal is a prerequisite for the release of stored Ach
55) Plateau phase of action potential curve of cardiac tissue is due to :
- (A) Opening of sodium channels. (B) Opening of potassium channels.
- (C) Opening of calcium channels. (D) Closing of sodium channels.
56) Darup in Westphalia deserves special mention because
- (a)Hahnemann was born here
- (b)Hering`s body was laid to rest at Darup
- (c)Hahnemann translated Cullens materia medica from here
- (d) Orginal manuscript of Hahnemann was kept here
57) “The decisive amount is always a minimum,an infinitesimal” – is stated by
- (a)Fincke (b)Maupertuis (c)Hahnemann (d)Hippocrates
58) Samuel Hahnemann his life & work by R.Haehl is translated to English by
- (a)Dudgeon (b)Hempel (c)Marie wheeler&W.H.R.Grundy (d)C.E.Wheeler
59) The Term 50 milliesimal was coined by
- (a)Dudgeon (b)Roberts (c)Lux (d)P.Schimdt
60) The original word used by Hahnemann in german language for mission is
- (a)Dauerhafte (b)Beruf (c) Einzuschenden (d)Dies
61)The second journal of homoeopathy in India “Indian homoeopathic review” was edited by
- (a)B.K.Sarcar (b)P.C.Majumdar (c)D.N.Ray (d)Diwan Jaichand
62) “The same substance in in large dose will prove lethal and in small inhibitive in minimal dose will stimulate”-this law is enunciated by
- (a)Fincke (b)Arnd-Schultz (c)Maupertius (d)Lux
63) Drug disease can be treated by
- (a)Homoeopathic drugs in low potency
- (b)Homoeoptahic drugs in high potency
- (c)Vitalforce itself
- (d)Dietary management
64. Of the below periods in which period the manuscript of the sixth edition of organon was in danger of being lost?
- (A) Year 1870 to 1871 and years 1914 to 1918
- (B) Year 1872 to 1873 and years 1919 to 1923
- (C) Year 1874 to 1875 and years 1924 to 1928
- (D) Year 1876 to 1877 and years 1929 to 1933
65) In cases where symptoms of patient are indistinct what should be done to remove internal Sensibility
- (a) Give a dose of sulphur
- (b) Give indicated medicine in high potency
- (c) Give opium
- (d) Give indicated medicine in low potency
66. In which aphorism Hahnemann’s definition of true materia medica was given in the Organone of medicine
- (a) 142
- (b) 143
- (c) 144
- (d) 145
67) “Reine Arzeneimittellehre” was translated to English by
- A) Richard Hughes B) Dudgeon C) Dunham D) Boericke
68) In which aphorism of the below Hahnemann has said that he opened the path of great truth homoeopathy for the blessings of humanity?
- (A) Aphorism 109 (B) Aphorism 110
- (C) Aphorism 111 (D) Aphorism 112
69) “Scurvy is produced by a system of diet opposite to this, therefore it may be cured by ‘ a dietetic course. The reverse of that which produced it” is said by:
- (A) Dunham
- (B) Close
- (C) Hahnemann
- (D) Kent
70) In which condition of the below several anti psoric remedies are given in succession?
- (A) Diseases of varying nature due to congenital corporeal constitution
- (B) Indisposition
- (C) Syphilitic miasm
- (D) Sycotic miasm
71)The following is written by one of the below Doctors :
Biological development: Function creates and develops the organs
Of disease development: Functional symptoms are produced by the vital force in exact proportion to the profundity of the disturbance.
Functional symptoms precede structural change.
- (A) Dr. Kent (B) Dr. H.A. Roberts
- (C) Dr. Stuart Close (D) Dr. Hahnemann
72) Originator of materia medica ?
- (A) Hahnemann (B) Pedacis Discordies
- (C) Sydenham (D) Cullen
73) Title “Organon of medicine” was introduced in
- (A) 3rd Edition (B) 4th Edition
- (C) 5th Edition (D) 6th Edition
74) At the present day advanced thinkers are speaking of the fault state of matter which is immaterial substance coined by
- (A) Boger
- (B) Robert
- (C) Dunham
- (D) J.T.Kent
75) “Physicians are my brethren;I have nothing against them personally. The medical art is my subject”-Hahnemann made this statement in
- (a) Preface to second edition f Organon of medicine
- (b) Footnote to 5th aphorism
- (c) Aphorism 233
- (d) Preface to 6th edition
76)All the following are the differential diagnosis of Battered Baby Syndrome except:
- (A) Scurvy. (B) Osteomyelitis.
- (C) Congenital syphilis. (D) Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
77) One of the following statements regarding MTP Act, 1971 is NOT true :
- (A) Consent of the husband is necessary.
- (B) Termination may be carried out in any maternity hospital.
- (C) Pregnancy may be terminated on grounds of contraceptive failure.
- (D) Above 12 weeks of pregnancy, two doctors have to opine jointly regarding applicability of an indication
78) The clinical picture of lucid interval is commonly seen in one of the following types of intracranial haemorrhage :
- (A) Subdural. (B) Extradural.
- (C) Intracerebral. (D) Subarachnoid.
79) Author of thematic repertory ?
- (A) J.P.S.Bakshi (B) Jahr
- © Mirilli (D) Wieselhof
80) The remedy for coryza after getting wet Kent’s repertory?
- (A) Dulc (B) Sep
- (C) Rhus.t (D) Hep.s
81) Cross references in Therapeutic Pocket Book is available at
- (A) At the end of chapter (B) After the remedies
- © Last part of the book (D) No cross references
82) The only 3 mark remedy for hyperkeratosis in eczema in Kent’s repertory
- (A) Sulphur (B) Rhus.t
- (C) Hydrocotyl (D) Sepia
83) The rubric ‘red hair ‘ is available in Synthesis Repertory in
- (A) Generalities (B) Hair
- (C) Skin (D) Head
84) Who wrote the preface to the repertory (3 Vol) of Jahr
- (A) Hering (B) Hahnemann
- (C) Dudgeon (D) Boenninghausen
85) Magnum Opus in Card Repertory ?
- (A) Dr.Jugal Kishore’s (B) Dr.Field’s
- (C) Margraet Tyler’s (D) Marcos Jeminis’s
86) How many grades are in the Repertory of Nosodes by Berkely Square?
- (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) None of the above
87)Only antisyhilitic medicine represented in the Repertory of antipsorics by Boenninghausen ?
- (A) Phytolacca (B)Syphillinum
- (C) Kali.I (D) Merc
88) Which gradation is not represented in Synthetic Repertory ?
- (A) Italics (B) Ordinary roman (C) Capital underlined (D) Bold
89) In this repertory only one grade and that is italics ?
- (A) Sensation as if (B) Symptom Codex
- (C) Phonix Repertory (D) Repertory of antipsorics
90) Only medicine indicated for diabetes associated with impotency in Synthesis repertory ?
- (A) Acid.phos (B) Syzigium
- (C) Agnus (D) Helon
91) Integrated approach for repertory section was put forward by.
- (A) MLDhawale (B) HA Robert (C) Boger (D) Boeiming Hausen
92) Boenninghausen makes four divisions of the back. In this TPB – Steiss means.
- (A) Sacral region (B) Region of coccyx (C) Lumbar region (D) Back in general
93) ‘Suppression of urine’ in Kent’s Repertory is placed under:
- (A) Bladder. (B) Ureter.
- (C) Urethra. (D) Kidney.
94) Pisiform bone gives attachment to:
- (A) Pisohamate ligament.
- (B) Abductor pollicus.
- (C) Extensor carpi ulnaris.
- (D) Flexor pollicus
95) Demarcation of duodenum from jejunum is shown by:
- a) Ligament of Treitz b) Superior mesenteric artery
- c) Falciform ligament d) Tail of pancreas
96) The clinical features of Rokitansky syndrome are the following except:
- (A) Primary amenorrhoea. (B) Well developed Secondary Sexual Characters.
- (C) Absent vagina and uterus. (D) Present vagina and uterus.
97) Foetal sleep is associated with what change in foetal heart rate.
- (A) Increased (B) Unchanged.
- (C) Decreased. (D) Both A and C
98) The level of the alpha foeta protein is normal in amniotic fluid in which of the following condition:
- (A) Spina bifida. (B) Anencephaly.
- (C) Oesophagal atresia. (D) Post Maturity.
99) Who is the author of following books?
• Therapeutics of serpent poison
• Gun powder as a war remedy
• Radium as an internal remedy
• Therapeutics of cancer
- (a) J.H.Clarke
- (b) J.C.Burnett
- (c) C.Hering
- (d) W.H.Burt
100. “The burning feet of Sulphur and restless fidgety legs and feet of Zinc met are both found at the same time in this medicine”– indicated medicine is
- (a) Kali brom
- (b) Phosphorus
- (c) Manganum aceticum
- (d) Medorhinum
101. While doing cesarean section, the lower segment of the uterus is physically identified by
- (a) Dilated venous sinuses (b) Loose attachment of visceral peritoneum
- © Defelection of uterine artery towards upper segment
- (d)Thinness of the wall compared to upper segment
102. Typical feature in cancer of fallopian tube
- (a) Sepsis (b) Watery discharge P/V (c) Pain (d) Haemorrhage
103. The most malignant endometrial carcinoma
- (a) Clear cell carcinoma (b) Adenocarcinoma
- (c) Adeno acanthoma (d) Mixed adeno squamous
104. Earliest USG finding in pregnancy
- (a) Visible gestational sac (b) Cardiac movements
- (C) Apparent embryonic structure (d) Fundal endometrial thickening
105. Asthenospermia means
- (a) No spermatozoa in sperm (b) failure of formation of sperm
- (C) Reduction in motility (d) Sperm count less than 10 million
106. The most common complication of measles
- (a) Boonchopneumonia (b) Diarrhoea
- (C) Enchepailitis (d) Cough
107. Brugian filariasis occurs mainly in
- (a) Kerala (b) Tamilnadu
- (C) Karnataka (d) Maharastra
108. The world’s largest ever epidemic
- (a) Plauge (b) AIDS
- (C) Common cold (d) Hypertension
109. In children head of femur is supplied by all the following except
- (a) Obturartor artery (b) Nutrient artery
- (C) Mdial circumflex artery (d) Artery of the ligamentum teres
110. The correct sequence of cell cycle
- (a) GO-G1-G2-S-M (b) GO-G1-S-M-G2
- (C) GO-M-G2-S-G1 (d) GO-G1-S-G2-M
111.In leucocyte adhesion deficiency Type-1, the defect is in the synthesis of
- (a) Aplha interferons (b) Beta 2 integrins
- (c) Gama integrins (d) Cationic protiens
112. Lazarine leprosy is a variant of
- (a) Tuberculoid leprosy (b) Lepromatous leprosy
- (c) Indeterminate leprosy (d) Dimorphic leprosy
113. Semen analysis of a young man with primary infertility with low volume, fructose negative ejaculate with azospermia. The most suitable imaging modality
- (a) Color Dopler (b) Trans rectal USG
- (c) Retrograde urethra graphy (d) Spermatic venography
114. Dactylitis is not seen in
- (a) Tuberculosis (b) Sickle cell anemia
- (c) Congenital syphilis (d) Beta thalsemia
115. The most common indication for operation in tuberculosis of abdomen
- (a) Perforation (b) Obstruction
- (c) Mass (d) GI symptoms
116.The following are seen in acute appendicitis
- (a) Rovsing’s (b) Boa’s (c) Murphy’s (d) Mack wen’s
117. The correct line of management in a child who has swallowed a coin
- (a) Wait and watch (b) Fibro optic endoscopy
- (C) Rigid endoscopy (d) Laparotomy
118.A patient undergoing TURP under bupivacane anesthesia suddenly developed pain after 30 minutes of surgery. May be due to
- (a) Mesentric ischemia (b) DIC
- (C) Anaphylaxis of anasthesia (d) Bladder rupture
119.Inguinal & femoral hernia are differentiated by the relation with
- (a) Femoral artey (b) Pubic tubercle
- (C) Inferior epigastric artery (d) Pectineal line
120.Primary feature of small intestinal obstruction
- (a) Abdominal distention (b) Fever
- (C) High peristalisis with colic (d) Vomiting
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