Study of various constitutions in females from Murphy’s repertory

Dr Sharmila Ashim Roy 

ABSTRACT: The goal of every homoeopathic physician is the find appropriate constitution of that individual, which is  based upon physical and mental behaviour. So to come to an conclusion I repertorised the cases using constitution chapter from Murphy repertory and  repertorial totality is formed which helps us to get few similar medicines. My intention to select this topic was to see practical utility of Murphy repertory for prescribing homoeopathic medicine based on the constitution chapter and to considered the  altered state of mind & body of human sufferings in clinical practice.

In ORGANON OF MEDICINE, we frequently use the word constitution and constitutional prescribing, but to understand the constitution of an individual we have to understand that person as a whole. Every individual is born with a definite genes patterns which is formed by uniting the ovum from mother having the mother characters and sperm from father which are having characters of father, all these are the endogenous factors and from this new born baby forms which are influenced by different environmental factors and a individual person is formed having its own character [1] . All the diseases originate in his constitution hence it is necessary to known once constitution if he want to know his diseases to cure it. Dr. Hahnemann has given more importance to Individualization , this individualization is nothing but the picture of the patient i.e constitution of that person.

In §5, Hahnemann has first used the term CONSTITUTION in 6th edition of orgaqnon of medicine.

In these investigations, to ascertain the  physical CONSTITUTION of the patient (esp. when the disease is chronic) his following points should be consider [1] .Moral and Intellectual character,  his occupation, Mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, Sexual function care to be taken into consideration”. ACCORDING TO DR. BOENNINGHAUSEN:

In his writing he gave importance to physical constitution, mental temperament and predisposition during his case taking. In his lesser writing ‘Characteristic Value of Symptoms’ wrote the following under the title ‘Quis’ which means ‘who’ [2] .Quis is personality, it include the sex and age and then bodily constitution and temperament.

Physiognomy is an art of judging character from the appearance esp. from the face; general appearance of anything; character person. Hence a homoeopathic physiognomist is an interpreter of natural temperament, heredity, predisposition, miasm, constitutional diathesis, as well as present state of spirit, mind and body. Hence the individual characteristic is the sum total of emotional, intellectual and physical depicts the constitution. These sum is formed by early environmental factors i.e at the time of conception, acting on hereditary plane by the genes, during the gestational and through infancy and childhood helps in contribution of constitution [3]

Constitutional prescribing does not simply mean the present disturbances, but also the past and future condition of that individual. It is nothing but treating the patient susceptibility by treating the inner disturbance which gives rise to outwardly reflected signs and symptoms. The constitution of an individual have a vital role in the drug proving and as well as in natural diseases. Constitutional diagnosis means the assessment of peculiarities of an individual during his or her apparently healthy state. Thus there is an immense role of constitution in treatment and management of a disease.

Dr. J.H. Clarke who has separated chapter for constitution and temperament in his repertory and Dr. Robin Murphy in his repertory i.e Homeopathic Medical Repertory, in which he has given separate chapter on Constitution so we can study constitution of different drugs in details [4] .


STUDY SETUP:-The study is carried out in Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Foundation’s Homoeopathic Hospital, OPD, Peripheral OPD, Camps.


  1. Minimum 30 cases is been studied. The case is taken by standard case taking pro forma as per homoeopathic principles.
  2. CASE DEFINITION: All cases have been repertorised using Murphy’s repertory (using RADAR 10 software) and especial importance has been given to the Constitution chapter from Murphy repertory while prescribing in female cases.

KEYWORDS: constitution, Homoeopathy, Murphy repertory.

INCLUSION CRITERIA: Cases of females presenting with symptoms. Patients who are willing to take treatment and will cooperate with regular follow ups. Case irrespective of socio-economic status.

EXCLUSION CRITERIA:  Patients who requires emergency medical treatment. Systemic disease with its complication.

Patient not taking medicine as per direction or not co-operating for follow up.

STUDY DESIGN:  Minimum of 30 cases satisfying the case definition, inclusion and exclusion criteria will be studied. Cases has been observed for a period of one and half years with  minimum  5 follow ups.

CRITERIA FOR ASSESMENT: – It has been done on the basis of following criteria –

Good – more than 70% relief of symptoms

Moderate – 50 – 70% relief of symptoms

Poor – less than 50% relief of symptoms


As my topic is “Study of various Constitutions in females from Murphy’s repertory”, my major intention was to understand the study of various constitution rubrics given in Murphy repertory and application of direct rubrics of various constitution for the treating the cases. So in all patient included in my study, I had tried to understand the constitution of patient and prescribed the remedy only by perceiving the reaction of patients about their diseases and Constitutional remedy was given keeping in mind all the aspects such as, mind, Miasm, physical general, family history, past history, medical history, characteristics symptoms along with it.

  1. Age group ratio: Age wise incidence was high between the age group of 0-20 years followed by 20-40 years, 40-60 years and last 60-80 years. Each accounted for 6, 14, 5, 5 cases out of 30 respectively (Bar diagram-1).
  2. Remedies prescribed: During the study of 30 cases, it was found that Arsenic Album, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla  was most commonly prescribed in 3cases each respectively .Nux Vomica , Sepia, Calcarea Carb was prescribed in 2 cases each respectively was second common (pie diagram- 2)
  3. Response to the treatment: On analyzing 30 cases, it was found that 7 cases i.e. 23% showed marked improvement; 19 cases i.e. 63 % showed moderate improvement; and 4cases i.e. 13% showed poor improvement( Bar diagram-3).
  4. Potency Selection: Potency was selected according to the response given by the patient to the first prescription and follow-ups, according to the constitution, and susceptibility of the patient.

Homeopathy is a branch of science as well as an art hence it is a great system of medicine where the similimum is based upon Homeopathy Philosophy, Homeopathic Materia Medica and finally Homeopathic Repertory. Repertory it is an aid or a tool which take you to the similar group of medicines which is similimum to the disease picture but the final prescription is based upon Homeopathic Materia Medica.

While working on my dessertations I have noticed that repertory and Homeopathic Materia Medica goes hand in hand and the process of repertorization is not only evaluating a group of medicine but also the evidence based prescription and it has a high authenticated value.

According to study on 30 patients and while evaluating the results obtained after statistical analysis of pre and post treatment I came to an conclusion that when remedy selected on basis of constitution chapter and prescription was made the outcome of result was good and the improvement was seen.

It was observed that the remedy selected on the bases of constitutional rubrics showed moderately improvement in 26 patients. Were as 4 patients showed poor response and need to repertories again and forming the totality and on bases of this similimum is selected.

In most of the cases when reportorial sheet of constitution rubrics and reportorial sheet of totality of symptoms was compared it was seen that the medicines which was selected on the bases of similimum are covering all symptoms.

In study 30 cases, I observed that in group of similar remedies received after process of repertorization has some relation with in themselves of complementary, follow well.

While doing practical part of this dissertation I realized that along with presenting symptom of the disease it is necessary to consider the constitution of that individual, which include both physical and mental general. In  4 cases which has poor result was due to inappropriate selection of constitution and it symptoms totality.


  1. Organon of medicine–by Dr. S. Hahnemann, total pages-314, edition- 6th  reprint edition 2000, Publisher- B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi
  2. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy- by J.T. Kent (Chapter-5, page no- 39, 40), Total pages-232, Edition-Reprint edition July 2004, Publisher- Indian Book and Periodical Publisher, Karol Bagh, New Delhi..
  3. The Genius of Homeopathy – by Dr. Stuart Close ( Chapter- 2, page no- 11, 12), (Chapter – 5, pg- 52), Editions – Reprint edition August 2008,  Publisher- Indian Book and Periodical Publisher, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
  4. A Treatise on Organon of Medicine by- Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, Part 1, ( Chapter- 4, pg- 45), Edition 2nd – 2007, Souvik Kumar Das publisher.
  5. Chamber English Dictionary.
  6. Essentials of Repertorization- By Dr. Shashi Kant Tiwari, (page no. 446, 665), total pages- 631, Edition-5th–  2012, Published by-B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
  7. Constitution and Temprerament – by R.K.Mukherji. Edition – Reprint edition 2002, Publisher- B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
  8. Constitutional Medicines by John. Henry Clarke M.D, Pratap Medical Publishers 944-A:NehruRoad, Kotlamubarakpur New Delhi-110003 (India).
  9. The Lesser Writing -Characteristic Value Of Symptoms by- Dr.C.M.F. Boenninghausen, Translated from the Original german by Prof. L.H.Tafel, Reprint edition 2005, Publisher- B. Jain Publisher, new Delhi.
  10. Principles and Practice of homeopathy- by Dr. M. L. Dhawale , Edition- Revised edition 2014, ( Chapter 1st , Pg- 27, 33), Publisher- B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
  11. Homeopathic Medical Repertory – A Modern Alphabetical and Practical Repertory by Robin Murphy, edition- 3rd revised edition.
  12. Homeopathic Psychology personalities profiles of the major constitutional remedies by Philip M. Bailey, Edition- 2002,11th impression- 2015, Appendix pg- 402.
  13. The Chronic Disease by – S. Hahnemann, Volume 1, pg- 17.
  14. Constitutional Medicine with special reference to the three Constitutions of  Dr.Von Grauvogl, By John H. Clarke.
  15. Constitution & Chronic disease, the value of constitutional symptoms as seen by Jahr.
  16. The Prescriber, 3rd Edition. John Henry Clarke – 2006. 346 Pages. B. Jain Publisher (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
  17. Ancient Science of life, Vol 29, No.3 (2010), page- 6-18.
  18. Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research (IJIR) volume – 2 , Issue 11,2016.


OBSERVATION AND RESULTS: Observation of all 30 cases which were studied in the period of one and a half year are explained with the help of tablets, Pie diagrams and graphs as per the requirement. Statistical analysis has been done by using student’s t test for finding results and objectives of the study before treatment and after treatment.

Dr Sharmila Ashim Roy
Department of Homoeopathic Repertory.
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital Pune.
Under The Guidance Of Prof. Dr. Anita Patil, Ph.D(Hom.)

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