Case of infertility treated with homeopathy

Dr. Prajakta Vaidya and Dr. Preety Shah-Chauhan 

The below case is rare case of a 32 yrs old female with premature menopause leading to infertility. The patient and the husband were treated with homeopathy. The patient started having regular menses immediately after starting treatment. She conceived twice with the treatment, the 2nd pregnancy was successful and mother delivered a healthy baby girl.

 A 32 years old female came to us on 21-Feb-13 with the chief complaint of premature menopause leading to infertility. She started having irregular menses followed by amenorrhea over last 6 months. She is a mother of 4.5 yrs male child and has medically terminated 2 pregnancies in the past. She wishes to conceive again since the last 1 year. Her treating Gynaecologist had suggested trying In-vitro fertilization (IVF) immediately as she would attain menopause within 6 months.

Along with the chief complaint, she also suffered from:

  • Frequent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)
  • Frequent headaches
  • Inadequate sleep
  • A detailed homeopathic consultation was done which involved an in-depth history taking of patient’s presenting complaints, her mental and physical constitution.

Download full case report with investigations

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