A Practical Handbook of Homoeopathy Immunisation by Isaac Golden

Published by Bjain Publishers New Delhi


Pages : 290

Price : 399

Issac Golden has been in clinical practice since 1984.He soon saw a need to develop and research the effectiveness and sefety of a laong term homoeoprophylaxis (HP) program.His data collection from 1986 to 2004 led to him being awarded the first PhD in a homoeopathic research topic from a mainstream Australian university.

This book aims to provide homeopaths, as well as practitioners of any modality and students with a complete grounding in the topic.

It contains comprehensive instructions how to implement both short-term and long-term HP programs, a thorough presentation of the evidentiary base of HP as well as an in-depth discussion of its philosophical underpinnings.

This is the most comprehensive resource currently available on the challenging topic of homeopathic immunisation. This is THE reference book outlining how to implement both long-term and short-term homeopathic immunisation programs (or Homœoprophylaxis – HP).

All the information practitioners of any modality will need to know is provided, as well as the latest international research showing the safety and the effectiveness of the method, plus the philosophical basis of HP, and possible mechanism of action. Isaac has been using and researching HP for nearly 30 years, and this Manual is a culmination of this wealth of experience and data collection. May be of interest to parents who wish to find out all possible details about homeopathic immunisation.

Isaac explains the theoretical and conceptual framework of the homœoprophylactic approach. He provides the historical context. He discusses the observable data. The conclusion is clear – based upon this body of work, more research into the long-term effects of conventional vaccines and the effectiveness of potential homeopathic alternatives is essential – Alastair Gray

Main chapters 

1.What is Homœoprophylaxis?

2.Do We Really Need Homœoprophylaxis?

3.Short Term Homœoprophylaxis in Practice

3.1.The Historical Use of Short-Term Homœoprophylaxis

3.2.Remedies Commonly Used for Short-Term Homœoprophylaxis

3.3.HP Remedies for Common Acute Conditions

3.4.HP Remedies for Overseas Travel

3.5.Instructions for Short-Term HP and Travel Protection Remedies

3.6.The Nosode vs. the Genus Epidemicus Remedy in Short-Term Prevention

3.7.The Potency and Frequency for Short-Term Prevention

3.8.Practical Problems with Short-Term Prevention

3.9.The Comparative Advantage of HP in Changing Epidemic Conditions

4.Long Term Homœoprophylaxis in Practice

4.1.Long-Term HP in Practice

4.2.Not all HP Programs are the Same

4.3.Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Long-Term HP

4.4.The HP Consultation: Patient Education

Contents note continued: 4.5.The Selection of Remedies in a Long-Term HP Program

4.6.Antibodies and Homœoprophylaxis

pt. 2 THE EVIDENTIARY BASIS OF Homœoprophylaxis

5.The Effectiveness of Homœoprophylaxis

5.1.Four Types of Evidence Supporting Homœoprophylaxis

5.2.The Historical Effectiveness of Homœoprophylaxis

5.3.The Effectiveness of Epidemic or Short-Term Homœoprophylaxis

5.4.The Effectiveness of My Long-Term Homœoprophylaxis Program

5.5.Effectiveness of Massive Regional and National Homœoprophylaxis Interventions

5.6.A Summary of the Effectiveness of Homœoprophylaxis

5.7.RCTs v’s Comprehensive Data Analysis

6.The Safety of Homœoprophylaxis

6.1.The Safety of Homeopathic Medicines in General

6.2.The Safety of Golden’s Long-Term HP Program

6.3.Short-Term Reactions to Golden’s HP Program

6.4.The Long-Term Safety of Golden’s HP Program

6.5.Final Conclusions Regarding the Effectiveness and Safety of Golden’s Long-Term HP Program


7.Philosophical and Practical Concerns Regarding Homœoprophylaxis

7.1.Treatment, Not Prevention

7.2.Epidemics Only

7.3.The Genus Epidemicus Only

7.4.Nosodes and Isodes

7.5.The Risks of Homœoprophylaxis; Potency and Frequency

7.6.Prevention or Treatment

7.7.Prevention or Palliation

7.8.The Length of Prevention

7.9.Conclusions Regarding Philosophical Aspects of HP

8.An Explanation of How Homœoprophylaxis May Work

8.1.The Proving Model of Protection

8.2.The Energetic Model of Homœoprophylaxis

8.3.Concluding Comments on the Mechanism of Action of HP

8.4.Concluding Comments on the Conceptual Basis of HP



10.1.Appendix 1: A Brief Comparison of HP and Vaccination

10.2.Appendix 2: 2012 Kit Instructions

10.3.Appendix 3: Some Characteristics of Targeted Infectious Diseases

10.3.1.Chicken Pox (Varicella-Zoster)

Contents note continued: 10.3.2.Cholera

10.3.3.Dengue Fever


10.3.5.Haemophilis influenzae type b (Hib)

10.3.6.Hepatitis A

10.3.7.Hepatitis B

10.3.8.Hepatitis C

10.3.9.Human Papiloma Virus


10.3.11.Japanese encephalitis



10.3.14.Meningococcal disease


10.3.16.Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

10.3.17.Pneumococcal disease



10.3.20.Swine Flu



10.3.23.Swine Flu




10.4.Appendix 4: Reactions to HP Remedies

10.5.Appendix 5: General Comments by Responding Parents.

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