Seminar on Heptobiliary diseases at GHMC Calicut

Hepato 2K18 – Intern doctors association Govt Homoeopathy Medical College Calicut presents 
National Seminar on Hepatobiliary diseases and its management 
Inauguration by Sri TP Ramakrishnan  MLA 
On 1st July 2018 
At GHMC Calicut 
Dr Sandeep Kunhikannan – Hepatobiliray system – diseaes and diagnosis  
Dr Vinu Krishnan – Malignancies of hepatobiliary system 
Dr Saji K – Homoeopathic management of hepatobiliary diseases 
Reg fee

  • Rs.400
  • Intens & PGs : 400
  • Students : 300
  • Spot : 750

Dr Muhammed Rashid 9539185184
Dr Soniya 9656207241
Accomodation Dr Ajesh 9645618365

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