Surrogating in Homoeopathy

Dr Sharath Mandicha

This article is based on the aphorism 119 and footnote 98 from Organon of medicine 6th edition. It says about surrogates, and also proves that there is no surrogating in homoeopathy. In addition I have proved it with my own clinical experiences.

Word meaning
Surrogate means a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office.

Substitute, proxy, replacement

Dr Samuel Hahnemann has explained about surrogates in aphorism 119 and footnote 98.

Each and every medicine has its own peculiar action on human frame. But the action produced by one medicine will differ in kind with another medicine. No two medicines have same actions, even though they seem to be alike. 

So, Dr Hahnemann has preached that, in each and every individual case, only one similimum can be arrived. This similimum should give the permanent cure to the patient. Such a similimum will never have any substitutes. Thus Hahnemann claims that, there is no substitute for a similimum.

Dr Hahnemann in aphorism 119 says that, “as every species of plant differs in its external form, mode of life and growth, in its taste and smell from every other species and genus of plant, as every mineral and salt differs from all other in its external as well as its internal physical and chemical properties. So certainly medicines also differ among themselves in their pathogenetic also in their therapeutic effects”.

So there can be no questions of equivalent remedies which can be used when some other medicine is indicated. Only one medicine can be the similimum at a time. No other remedy can act equally well. Hence the desired effect cannot be obtained by employing any other medicine instead of a homeopathically indicated one.

The most striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms should be used in selecting the Homeopathic similimum. Obtaining these characteristic signs and symptoms from the patient is an art of a physician.  The physician should have the knowledge of what is altered in the individual and what is to be cured in the individual (disease), which is knowledge of disease.

So, now the physician should know what is curative in medicine, according to clearly defined principles, to the suitability of medicine most appropriate according to its mode of action of the medicines, which is knowledge of medicines.

The exact mode of preparation and quantity of the medicine required, that is knowledge of pharmacy, should be known by the physician. In addition to this the proper period for repeating the doses should be known, which is known as repetition of doses. It would be better if the physician knows to detect the obstacles to recovery and cure, and also how to remove them. Hence the physician should have the knowledge of organon, materia medica and art of case taking. These are the things that play a major role in selecting the similimum. This is how permanent restoration can be brought by the physician.

Footnote 98 says that, two medicines cannot cure the same case at a particular moment, because there is no surrogate in homeopathy.

Example I
A 62year old male was suffering from a stitching pain in both knee joints since 5years. The pain worsens on walking. He also feels dryness of mouth with excessive thirst. Every day he has difficulty in passing stool and the consistency of stool is hard and also he has burning sensation while passing.

This man shows the similimum of Bryonia Alba. So this man gets cure only if we give Bryonia Alba. So many medicines can be thought of in order to relieve his knee joint pain. But those won’t be curative for him, because it is not the similimum. If the medicine is selected as per the exact similimum of this suffering humanity, he will be cured.

Whereas other medicines may relieve his pain may not be curative for him. This is where we prove that Homeopathy has no surrogates. 

Example II
Another man who is 45yrs old was suffering from repeated attacks of convulsions since 35years. These attacks of convulsions were brought on by fright. His convulsions usually begin from knees. He turns unconscious. That unconsciousness lasts for a few minutes. Before each and every convulsive attack, he experiences bouts of hiccups.

Now let us see how Cuprum metallicum proves a similimum on this patient. Because cuprum metallicum is having the characteristic symptom that is attack of convulsions begins from knees and hiccough preceding the attack of convulsions. But these symptoms are not present in other medicines and others may relieve his symptoms but will not give the permanent cure. Hence no surrogates can be thought for cuprum metallicum.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann around 200 years back he advised us not to use surrogates in Homeopathic prescription. Each individual case will be having its own Similimum, hence this Similimum cannot be replaced by other medicines. If the similimum is replaced by other medicines there will be no any permanent cure. The sole aim of the physician is to give the permanent cure to the patient. 


  1. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of medicine, B. Jain Publishers, 6th edition, Pg no 196.
  2. Dr B.K. Sarkar, Hahnemann’s Organon of medicine, Birla Publishers, 10th edition, Pg no 185.
  3. Dr William Boericke, Boericke’s New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain Publishers, 3rd revised and Augmented edition based on 9th edition. 

Dr Sharath Mandicha
PGT  Organon of Medicine
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College,Deralakatte, Mangalore.

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