Hair disorders and homoeopathy

Dr Ankita Upadhyay(1)

PG Scholar Department of Repertory, Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (Under Homoeopathy University), Saipura,  Sanganer , Jaipur. (Raj.)

Abstract: Hair is an outward filamentous growth made up of keratin protein. It has major cosmetic role along with sensory and homeostatic function during perspiration. Healthy human scalp contains 100,000 hair and average hair fall per day is about 100 hair. This aticle is an attempt to overview, types of alopecia its causes and homoeopathic therapeutic approach.

Keywords- alopecia, hirsutism, hypertrichosis, keratin, hairfall, scalp, dandruff, baldness, homoeopathy

Introduction: The cycle of hair growth takes place in three steps which are discussed below:

Normal hair cycle 1 :- Anagen (Growth phase: upto 85%hair this phase)       Catagen (Resting phase: upto 1% hair in this phase)  Telogen  (Falling phase: upto: 15%hair in this phase)  

Alopecia is a condition characterized by fragmantary or complete loss of hair which is clinically presented as thin, patchy partial hair loss or complete baldness.  In these cases there is permanent loss of hair follicle (irreversible condition). It may occur due to infective and inflammatory conditions with cases of physical or chemical trauma. Considering permanent loss of hair there is no effective therapeutic treatment and patient are suggested to go for hair transplantation .In non-cicatricial reversible condition hair follicles are open and visible. It is further divided into localised and generalised alopecia.

Table 1:  Showing  localised  non-cicatrical  alopecia

                              LOCALISED  NON-CICATRICAL  ALOPACIA
Alopecia areata Immunological

Genetic, Emotional

Single or multiple patches Scalp, Face
Androgenetic alopecia Hormonal

Genetic predisposition

Male &

Female pattern alopecia

Male -frontoparietal 

Female -widening of central parting

Traction alopecia Prolonged traction  Broken hair Scalp
Tinea capitis fungi- microsporum and trichophyton Broken hair  Scalp

Table 2 :   Showing  generalised non-cicatrical  alopecia

Alopacia universalis Immunological


Complete hair loss Whole body
Ectodermal dysplasia 3 Genetic-  Light colored brittle hair Whole body 
Shaft abnormalities Environmental


Hair breakage,

Increased fragility


Therapeutic indications of the homoeopathic medicines for hair disorder are discussed below

Carbo vegetabilis5  hair feel sore, falls off easily, falling of hair from a general weakened condition. 

Cantharis vesicatoria6hair fallout when combing, especially during confinement and lactation.

Graphites6falling of beard and eyebrows.

Kalium carbonicum5Great dryness of hair ;f alls out.

Lycopodium clavatum5  severe hairfall, premature baldness and gray hair.

Phosphoricum acidum5hair gray early in life, falls out, hair thins out.

Phosphorus5itching of scalp, dandruff, falling out of hair in large bunches (alopecia areata).

Natrium muraiticum5affects hair follicles, alopecia.

Selenium metallicum5hair falls out from brows, beard, and genitals. alopecia.

Sulphur5tinea capitis, dry form, scalp dry falling of hair worse washing. 

Thuja occidentalis 5white scaly dandruff , hair dry and falling out.

Vinca minor5spots on scalp, oozing moisture, matting hair together, bald spots (alopacia).

Weisbaden aqua6by the use of this remedy hair will grow rapidly and darker.

Conclusion and discussion: Hair disorders are one of the most common problem being encountered in modern days. There are numerous factors including environmental, genetic, immunological, psychogenic (stress),cosmetic, nutritional and endocrinal which acts as major causative entity  resulting  in hair disorders. Since Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which functions on holistic approach as well as principle of individualisation, there has been evident and effective results are evident in cases of hair disorders.


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1 Comment

  1. Grey hair is diminishing of natural pigment,liver chemical factory fault.Baldness atrophy subcutaneous fat thinnes.secondary sex characterstics are reflected in beard of men scalp hairs of women who rarely get bald head,advertisers show long silky hairs photo to sel lproducts,Lois Mattox Miller says no treatment is there once bald headed,forget admire it ,blessing in disguise no comb no hair oil required.many who use jaborandi q in excess what ever small hair left will be shed out.lycopodium 30 all rounder for liver arnica 30 circulation stimulator can be used.dandruff is dead skin flakes clean by some shampoo then use sweat almond oil and hand finger nails hairs are dead horns of skin.Dr Batra is concentrating on hair business,others say use fluoric acid ustilago,best get constitutional treatment.

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