Action of Lemna minor in human body

Dr Puneet Kumar Misra                                                                                                                                         Abstract – the lemna m relief the acute and chronic tendency of the inflammation of nasal mucosa and prevent the growth of polyps in the nose with inhibit the chronic tendency  with variability in symptoms and related to exposure .

Key words – nasal mucosa, nasal obstruction, polyps, chronic,

Introduction  the lemna m having the high  reputation  in the treatment of nasal polyps ,but it is a matter of study  that the polyps formation are  the result of the chronic and recurrent tendency of inflammation in the nasal mucosa. The  nasal polyps and inflammamed mucosa both  produce the nasal blockage, and  commonest cause of the nasal block  is allergic rhinitis.

Fact present in the materia madica

1) Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica  by W.Boericke. 

2) A Dictionary of Practical Materia  Medica Clarke vol  2nd  

The following findings are narrate 

Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica  by W.Boericke

#General A catarrhal remedy.Acts especially upon the nostrils. Nasal polypi; swollen turbinates . Atrophic rhinitis .Asthma from nasal obstruction;worse in wet weather. 

#Nose putrid smell ;loss of smell.Crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant.Post-nasal dropping.Pain like  a  string  from  nostrils  to  ear.Reduces  nasal obstruction  when  it  is  an  oedematous condition.Dryness of naso-pharynx

A Dictionary of Practical Materia  Medica Clarke J.H vol  2nd    


 Dr. Cooper. Some  tentative  clinical  experiments  proved  to  him that  *Lemna  had  a  very  definite affinity for the nose, acting beneficially in cases  of  nasal obstruction and catarrh with or without polypus. I removed with *Lemna 3 x four times a  day  a  very chronic catarrh in a lady, and at the same time made  her  tolerant of the smell of strong-scented flowers, which she  could  not  bear before. In a man I cured with *Lemna 3 x, given three times a day, an aggravated nasal catarrh.

Burnett has recorded several cases of polypus in which immense relief was give by *Lemna by shrinkage of the swelling,but  not  actual cure.

 NASAL POLYPS. Nasal polyps are common and are pedunculated  grape-like masses of tissue. They are the end result of prolonged chronic inflammation causing polypoid thickening of the mucosa. They may be allergic or inflammatory. They are frequently bilateral and the middle turbinate is the common site. Antrochoanal polyps originate from the mucosa of the maxillary sinus and appear in the nasal cavity. Morphologically, nasal and antro-choanal polyps are identical. They are gelatinous masses with smooth and Shining surface. They are composed of loose oedematous connective tissue containing some mucous glands and varying number of inflammatory cells like lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils. Allergic polyps have plenty of eosinophils and hyperplasia of mucous glands. Both inflammatory and allergic polyps are covered by respiratory epithelium which may show squamous metaplasia.

Nasal blockage

 The commonest cause of nasal blockage is allergic rhinitis.A constant blockage suggests a structural abnormality(deviated nasal septum, nasal polyposis, adenoidal hypertrophy (children). the mucosal protrusions of polyp containing edema fluid with variable numbers of eosinophils and degranulated mast cells, can increase obstructive symptoms and can concurrently arise within the nasopharynx or sinuses. the mast cells of the nasal mucosa and submucosa generate and release mediators through IgE-dependent reactions that are capable of producing tissue edema and eosinophilic infiltration. The nasal mucosa is pale and boggy and Swelling of the turbinates and mucous membranes produce the obstruction in the nasal passage.  Mast cells are present in tissues, especially in connective tissue around blood vessels and in submucosal location.  Mast cells have IgE surface receptor; thus on coming in contact with antigen binding to IgE (e.g. allergic reaction to parasites), these cells get activated and release granules i.e. they degranulate. These granules contain active substances such as histamine, platelet activating factor, heparin and certain chemical mediators (e.g. prostaglandins, leukotrienes). Mast cells are thus involved in mediating inflammation in allergic reactions and have a role in wound healing.

Allergic rhinitis

This is a disorder in which episodes of nasal congestion, Watery nasal discharge and sneezing. It may be seasonal or perennial, and is due to an immediate hypersensitivity reaction in the nasal mucosa. Episodic rhinorrhea, sneezing, obstruction of the nasal passages with lacrimation, and pruritus of the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa, and oropharynx are the hallmarks of allergic rhinitis. 1) Seasonal antigens include pollens from grasses, flowers, weeds or trees. Grass pollen is responsible for hay fever. In the seasonal type, there are frequent sudden attacks of sneezing, with profuse watery nasal discharge and nasal obstruction. These attacks last for a few hours and are often accompanied by smarting and watering of the eyes and conjunctival irritation. 2) Perennial allergic rhinitis may be a specific reaction to antigens derived from house dust, fungal spores or animal dander, but similar symptoms can be caused by physical or chemical irritants, e.g. pungent odours or fumes, including strong perfumes, cold air and dry atmospheres. In perennial rhinitis, the symptoms are similar but more continuous and usually less severe.

The Continues observation of drug action on the chief complaint nasal congestion with or without nasal obstruction   during the course of one year in all weather condition on the 98 case mention below in table.

Total Case  Age Group Male Female
098 07y to 75y 66 32


  1. The nasal congestion are most common disorder of upper respiratory tract found occasional or recurrence tendency in the all age group suffer , and there may be variability in symptoms that can be related to exposure.
  2. The patient are unable to describe the conditions and cause of  nasal congestion  when  occasionally suffer.
  3. Few patient unable to describe the conditions and cause of the disorder while   having the seasonal or perennial tendency.
  4. The frequently suffering patient provides the details of the seasonal or perennial cause and condition in the good manner.
  5. The patients comes with the chief complained in the acute stage of nasal congestion with sneezing, recurrent cough. And on physical examination the nasal mucosa shows  redness  with edema and in many cases nasal congestion along with throat congestion are also seen.
  6. when acute or chronic state of nasal congestion only treated by  the lemna m the obstruction is reduce but rest symptoms like burning , irritation or sneezing  persist .   
  7. the acute or acute on chronic  state of nasal congestion treated by  the lemna   with the association of other medicine like belladonna /hepar sul /aconitum nap facilitated its activity and reduce the burning and Irritation  of  mucus membrane rapidly with obstruction .  
  8. Belladonna is needed when patient is febrile,when marked burning or irritation in the mucus membrane are need of hepar or aconitum ,and arnica is useful when body ache   is the associated symptoms. 
  9. The potency 30th and 200th show the good response in the all age groups.  but the starting of treatment with 200th provide better and fast response  instead of the 30th in all age group, and manner  of the dose in the two time a day(pervious views 3 or 4 time a day)  for two to three weeks shows sufficient amelioration and reduce the frequency of recurrence.
  10. The observation of effect shows that medicine reduces the mucosal protrusions when containing edema while asymptomatic polyp is unaffected. So the medicine reduce  edema  and created non obstructed  atmosphere   in the nasal mucosa and make easy breathe .
  11. When treatment start with lemna in the every episode it inhibit the further growth of polyp in the nasal mucosa . 
  12. The many patient give the history of the previous raised eosinophils  count in the CBC/PBS/GBP/FBS During the period of observation.  it found normal after the 3 or 4 week treatment, therefore here I give the detail of one case of  24 year male  which suffering nasal congestion recurrently treated by the leman 200th  TDS only   having the 22% eosinophilia at starting of the treartment after one week 11% and end of  third  week 06%
  13. for  further information   it  is necessary needs  to  all patient treated in future on the above mentioned complain and rest totality of medicine is investigated in the following way i.e. CBC, IgE test , X-ray PNS view along the pulse and temperature monitoring .
  14. The lemna m may also support the mast cell activity when see the entire symptomatology of the medicine because the nasal mucosa richer for mast cell.

Conclusion  The above discussion and all observation shows that the lemna proved  the effective medicine for assistance in the treatment of  nasal obstruction or respiratory discomfort  produce due the nasal congestion, but ineffective in the case of  asymptomatic  polyps, and inhibition for  polyps development every episode of congestion needs  the treatment from the medicine  in standard manner .


  1. Davidson Sir Stanley. Davidson Principal & Practice of medicine. 23nd Edition. Elsevier Ltd; 2018. Page 622
  2. Harrison T. R. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 19 Editions.  By McGraw-Hill Education; 2015. page 2121
  3. Dr Robert Hutchison .Hutchison’s Clinical Methods. 24th editions . Elsevier Ltd; 2018.Page 453 
  4. Dr Harsh Mohan.Text Book of Pathology.7TH Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2015 Page no 47, 497
  5. W Boericke. Pocket manual of Homoeopathic meteria medica and repertory. Reprint edition 1997 .B Jain publishers Pvt.Ltd.1997. Page 399
  6. Dr John Henry Clarke. A Dictionary of Practical materia medica vol 2nd. Reprint edition 1999 .B Jain publishers Pvt.Ltd.1999. Page 267,268  

Dr Puneet Kumar MisraB.Sc, BHMS
Lecturer, Practice of Medicine
Govt Pt J LN H M C  Kanpur

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