Economic Survey 2018-19 Special mention to Homoeopathic Infertility Programme of Kerala

Economic Survey 2018-19  by the Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs Economic Division congratulated the Janani – Homoeopathic Infertility treatment programme by the Department of Homoeopathy, Govt of Kerala

The role of AYUSH in preventive and promotive healthcare has not received the attention which is due to it, owing to the market driven supply systems that have emerged in health sector. As per NSSO, 71st round, only 5 to 7 per cent usage of ‘other’ including AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga or Naturopathy Unani, Siddha and homoeopathy) has been reported both in rural and urban areas. In terms of costs, the average out of pocket expenditure on AYUSH medicines per treated person is lower compared to non-AYUSH medicine as can be seen below 

Further, there are scalable projects which can be replicated in other States depending on the local traditional preference/acceptability for the systems, like Unani in Uttar Pradesh, Sidhha in Tamil Nadu and Ayurveda across India, since it is India’s own system of medicine. 

‘JANANI’ scheme of Government of Kerala is an exemplar which has popularised the system of homeopathy treatment for infertility in public health facilities6. In July to December 2012, the launch year of the pilot project JANANI, the number of cases at Kannur district was less than 100. However, over time there has been exponential growth in the number of infertility cases being registered and treated at Kannur District Homeopathy Hospital. 

There is immense scope and potential in expanding the AYUSH systems of treatment for attaining the universal healthcare goals set by India. Recognising the significance of alternative systems, government has approved the continuation of National Ayush Mission (NAM) from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020 with an outlay of `2400 crore over the 3 year period. 


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