Homoeopathic treatment of acne : a case report

Dr. Yashasvi nagar1 , Dr. Chirag Mishra2 , Dr. Shipra Singh2,  Dr. Juhee Jain3.

1   Assitant Professor, Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (Under Homoeopathy University), Saipura,  Sanganer , Jaipur. (Raj.)         

 2 PG Scholar Department of Repertory, Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (Under Homoeopathy University), Saipura,  Sanganer , Jaipur. (Raj.)

3 PG Scholar Department of Materia Medica, Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (Under Homoeopathy University), Saipura,  Sanganer , Jaipur. (Raj.)

Abstract: One of the commonest skin disorders – Acne which is estimated about in 70% of population during adolescence. Acne  vulgaris is a type of acne which is a disorder occurs due to hair follicles obstruction, known as comedones. Later, these comedones leads to inflammation around this which leads to tissue destruction and different kind of eruption and scar formation1.

Key words: Acne vulgaris, comedones, Homoeopathy.


Patient information: A 22 years old male patient came to the outpatient department (OPD) in july 2018 presented with pustular eruptions over face since 12 months. Eruptions are very painful on touch. There is itching with oozing of yellowish discharge. Itching <  in warm and  > after scratching.

History of present complaint:
Patient was apparently well 12 months back, when he suffered from pustular eruptions on face on/off worse from last 12 months. He took Allopathic medicines and applied external application for acne without any relief.

Past history: Pulmonary Tuberculosis 4 years back and no other history of past illness.

Family history: Nothing specific

Physical Generals:

  • Aversion: Rich foods
  • Desire: for sweets
  • Perspiration: Profuse, on face, non offensive, non staining
  • Thermal Reaction: Hot

Mental Generals

  • Desire to be alone
  • Reserved 


  • Pustular eruptions on face with yellowish discharge
  • Eruptions are painful when touch
  • Itching < warm 
  • Itching > after scratching

General Physical Examinations

  • He was wheatish complexioned and moderately built. Weight 70 kgs and height 170 cm; blood pressure maintained at 122/80 mm of Hg, pulse rate of 74 beats per minute and  respiratory rate 16/minute.
  • Local Examinations

Face- pustular eruptions on face with yellowish discharge.

Analysis and evaluation of symptoms

  • Desire to be alone
  • Reserved
  • Aversion to rich food
  • Desire for sweets
  • Pustular eruption on face with yellowish discharge
  • Profuse perspiration on face
  • Eruptions are painful when touch
  • Itching < warm 
  • Itching > after scratching

Case analysis:

Repertorial totality:

 Symptoms Rubrics
Desire to be alone MIND- COMPANY- aversion to –desire for solitude
Aversion to rich food GENERALS-FOOD and DRINKS- rich food- aversion
Desire for sweets GENERALS- FOOD and DRINKS-sweets- desire
Pustular eruption on face with yellowish discharge FACE- ERUPTION- acne

FACE- ERUPTION- pustules

Profuse perspiration on face FACE- PERSPIRATION- only face
Eruptions are painful when touch FACE- ERUPTION- painful- touched, when
Itching < warm  FACE- ERUPTION- itching- warmth agg.
Itching > after scratching FACE- ITCHING- scratching amel.


Figure 1 : Showing repertorization sheet

Repertorial result:

  1. Sulphur        12/7
  2. Natrum carb  8/7
  3. Hepar sulph  11/6
  4. Belladonna    8/6
  5. Conium         8/6


Sulphur 30/ 2doses followed by placebo 30/ TDS for 7 days was prescribed on first visit (20/07/2018) considering the repertorial totality and miasmatic background. The patient improved symptomatically. The detailed follow up is in Table 1.

Table 1: Showing follow ups

20.07.18 Slight aggravation of eruptions on both cheeks with mild pain

>+ in itching

Rx: Rubrum 30/3 for 14 days

Amelioration; to wait & watch

10.08.18 >++ in eruptions on both cheeks 

No new eruption

>+ in itching

Rx: Rubrum 30/3 for 14 days

Amelioration; to wait & watch

24.08.18 New eruptions appeared on both cheeks

<+ in itching

Rx: Sulphur 200/ 1 dose

 Rubrum 30/3 for 14 days

Next higher potency as the symptoms aggravated.

07.09.18 Marked improvement on left cheek and front of face, moderate improvement on right cheek

>++ in itching

Rx: Rubrum 30/3 for 14 days

Discussion and conclusion
According to The Chronic disease by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann” showed the predominance of psoric miasm. Considering the above symptomatology, Synthesis Repertory was preferred and using RADAR software, systemic repertorization was done. The Repertorization chart is given in Table 1. 

Sulphur was selected on the basis of totality.  In reportorial totality sulphur scored the highest marks which means hows the most similimum with the patients complaint. And also suited for the patient have popular pustular eruption on face. As the Sulphur is a deep acting remedy so high potency was not prescribed and not repeated frequently and gave relief to the patient in short duration. 


(1)  Marks R, Roxburgh A. Roxburgh’s common skin diseases. 17th ed. London: Arnold; 2003.


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