Dr Goutam Das
Today we would like to discuss our so called boring but most essential subject about Organon of Medicine. Before starting our topic, I would like to question all of you, do you know who are eligible to read the Sacred book, “Organon of Medicine”?
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann clearly mention in the preface of the first edition of his, “Organon of Medicine” that the reader of this book must overcome three negative qualities and possess two positive qualities in their character
NEGATIVE qualities are:
- Indolence; that mean lazy in nature.
- Love of ease; that means like to enjoy easy going life, try to attained-acquired or earned easily.
- Obstinacy; that means prejudice for fixed ideas.
POSITIVE qualities are:
- Freedom from prejudice; means liberal, free from obstinacy.
- Untiring zeal; that the endless enthuse.
According to Dr. Herbert Roberts
- If he is lazy and … an easy way to earn a living?
- Does he look … its honorable place in the community or as a position to be … secure … in society?
- Has he an ambition to be … a great surgeon or bacteriologist?
- Is he thinking first of the possible financial returns?
Sorry homoeopathy offers them little.
- Unselfish desire to serve for sick humanity.
- Stability of character, that homoeopathy is founded upon natural laws, it is as basic and eternal as the hill … he must be able to follow those laws … hold close to them regardless of the pressure of influence.
- Quality of patience, in homoeopathy, “when in doubt, don’t” and, “everything possible has been done for the patient”.
- He must be a student of people.
- He must be willing to become a student of philosophy.
- The Independent Mind.
- A life of service to Humanity.
- Knowledge of Individualization.
- Knowledge of Holistic approach.
- Knowledge of difference between Medicine & Public Health Service.
- Knowledge of Drug Proving
Dr. J. T. Kent says –
If a doctor has not overcome;
- The cries of the family.
- The criticisms of the friends.
- The threatening of his pocketbook.
- Of his bread and butter.
He will not practice Homoeopathy very long. An honest man does not fear these things. The doctor who violates the law also violates his conscience, and his death is worse than the death of the patient.
According to Dr. H. Roberts:
- If he has at heart the desire to serve, he may find fame and riches at his door as well as that keen satisfaction of knowing that he has brought to his clientele the gift of healing in the safest, gentlest and most rapid manner.
- The community will return a comfortable livelihood, not the spectacular fortune offered in some lines of endeavor, but a competence which will enable him to keep his family in a well-earned place in the community.
- Homoeopathy as a profession carries a challenge. The possibilities of its art are infinite.
- What future has homoeopathy to offer to you? Young man, what have you to offer homoeopathy?
Master S. Hahnemann says:
- In aph. 9 Hahnemann mention in healthy condition of man that’s the higher purposes of our existence.
- The physician who enters on his work in this spirit becomes directly assimilated to the Divine Creator of the world, whose human creatures he helps to preserve, and whose approval renders him thrice blessed.
Dr. J.T. Kent says:
- Hahnemann’s Organon is a strong, rich source of knowledge, but it is in long sentence, and very condensed, and difficult for many to understand.
- When one has fully comprehended the principles, he then read Hahnemann’s Organon with the deepest satisfaction. The subject is so deep, so difficult to comprehend.
- A most scholarly, deep-thinking man said to me (Kent), “I have read your (Kent’s) Philosophy five times and am still reading it, and now I begin to understand Hahnemann’s Organon.”
- Homoeopathic practice is a spiritual practice; “NO MAN KNOWS. GOD only knows the length and breadth of the intricate and unfathomable mystery”…….of HOMOEOPATHY.
Dr. Ishwardas Tarkas and Dr. Ajit Kulkarni quotes in, “A select in homoeopathic materia medica”:
“Homoeopathy is a mission, not a career. It calls for a commitment, not a mere acquaintance. It lends a finger to the forlom, forsaken, frustrated.
Dr. Hahnemann says:
“When we have to do with an art whose end is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves thoroughly masters of it becomes a crime”.
Dr. Stuart Close says:
“This is homoeopathy in a nutshell. It is a shell which some find hard to crack, but when cracked it is found to be packed full of sweet and wholesome meat with no worms in it.”
- Organon of Medicine; S.Hahnemann, translated by R.E.Dudgen, W.Boericke; Indian edition, Calcutta, Roy Publishing House, 1961
- Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy; J.T.Kent; Memorial edition, B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1990
- New remedies, clinical cases, lesser writings, Aphorisms & Precepts; J.T.Kent; Indian Edition, Sett Dey & Co. Calcutta, 1973
- The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy; H.A.Roberts; B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1992
- The Genius of Homoeopathy; Stuart Close; B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, August 2002
- A comparison of the Chronic Miasms; Phyllis Speight; Noel Puddepatt
- Oushadh pariyachay; N.Bandhyapadhya; HPCO, Calcutta, 12th edition
Dr Goutam DasM.D. (Homoeopathy)
Academic In-charg
Professor, Department of Organon of medicine.
Naiminath Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Nawalpur, Etmadpur, Agra (U.P.).
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